Abstract is missing.
- Supporting the Maintenance of legacy COBOL Applications with Tools for Repository Management and ViewingErika Nyáry, Gáspár Pap, Miklós Herczegh, Zoltán Kolonits. 5-10
- Continuous Refactoring of a Java Server ApplicationSiegfried Göschl. 11-15
- Using AOP to Ease EvolutionDavid Shepherd, Thomas Roper, Lori L. Pollock. 16-25
- Fit for Change: Steps towards Effective Software MaintenanceRoland Weber, Theo Helfenberger, Rudolf K. Keller. 26-33
- A Case Study of the Release Management of a Health-care Information SystemGerco Ballintijn. 34-43
- RENATO, a Tool to Support Software ReuseFabienne Delhaise, Brendan Harnett, Rachel Majchrzak, Mariella Spada. 44-51
- A Configuration and Change Management System for Ground Segment Operation SoftwareFrancisco C. Cuadrado. 52-60
- A collection of C, C++ and Java code understanding and refactoring pluginsMarian Vittek, Peter Borovanský, Pierre-Etienne Moreau. 61-64
- XDRE: A Reverse Engineering Tool of Object-Oriented SoftwareQingshan Li, Shengming Hu, Hua Chu, Ping Chen. 65-68
- IRiSS - A Source Code Exploration ToolDenys Poshyvanyk, Andrian Marcus, Yubo Dong, Andrey Sergeyev. 69-72
- ReleasePlanner - Planning new Releases for Software Maintenance and EvolutionPankaj Bhawnani, Günther Ruhe. 73-76
- iPlasma: An Integrated Platform for Quality Assessment of Object-Oriented DesignCristina Marinescu, Radu Marinescu, Petru Florin Mihancea, Daniel Ratiu, Richard Wettel. 77-80
- The Intensional View EnvironmentKim Mens, Andy Kellens, Frédéric Pluquet, Roel Wuyts. 81-84
- VANESSA: Visualisation Abstraction NEtwork for Software Systems AnalysisMichael J. Pacione. 85-88
- Co-Change VisualizationDirk Beyer. 89-92