Abstract is missing.
- Automatic Generation of UTP Models from Requirements in Natural LanguageSatoshi Masuda, Tohru Matsuodani, Kazuhiko Tsuda. 1-6 [doi]
- A Study on the Effectiveness of Test-Categories Based Test AnalysisTsuyoshi Yumoto, Tohru Matsuodani, Kazuhiko Tsuda. 7-13 [doi]
- Difference in Quality of Test Architecture between Service Providers and SubcontractorsYasuharu Nishi. 14-16 [doi]
- Combinatorial Testing: From Algorithms to ApplicationsAngelo Gargantini, Rachel Tzoref-Brill. 17-18 [doi]
- Coverage, Location, Detection, and MeasurementCharles J. Colbourn, Violet R. Syrotiuk. 19-25 [doi]
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of BEN in Localizing Different Types of Software FaultJaganmohan Chandrasekaran, Laleh S. Ghandehari, Yu Lei, Raghu Kacker, D. Richard Kuhn. 26-34 [doi]
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- Combinatorial Testing: Implementations in Solutions TestingAnwar Sherif. 59-64 [doi]
- Embedded Functions for Constraints and Variable Strength in Combinatorial TestingGeorge B. Sherwood. 65-74 [doi]
- Test Oracles and Test Script Generation in Combinatorial TestingPeter M. Kruse. 75-82 [doi]
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- On Strong Mutation and Subsuming MutantsBirgitta Lindström, Andras Marki. 112-121 [doi]
- Diversity-Aware Mutation Adequacy Criterion for Improving Fault Detection CapabilityDonghwan Shin, Shin Yoo, Doo-Hwan Bae. 122-131 [doi]
- Measuring Effectiveness of Mutant SetsRahul Gopinath, Amin Alipour, Iftekhar Ahmed, Carlos Jensen, Alex Groce. 132-141 [doi]
- Are We There Yet? How Redundant and Equivalent Mutants Affect Determination of Test CompletenessBob Kurtz, Paul Ammann, Jeff Offutt, Mariet Kurtz. 142-151 [doi]
- Nequivack: Assessing Mutation Score ConfidenceDominik Holling, Sebastian Banescu, Marco Probst, Ana Petrovska, Alexander Pretschner. 152-161 [doi]
- Code Defenders: A Mutation Testing GameJosé Miguel Rojas, Gordon Fraser. 162-167 [doi]
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- Relating Code Coverage, Mutation Score and Test Suite Reducibility to Defect DensityDavid Tengeri, László Vidács, Árpád Beszédes, Judit Jász, Gergo Balogh, Bela Vancsics, Tibor Gyimóthy. 174-179 [doi]
- Effective Fault Localization Using Dynamic Slicing and an SMT SolverYoshinao Ishii, Takuro Kutsuna. 180-188 [doi]
- Using Petri Nets to Test Concurrent Behavior of Web ApplicationsSunitha Thummala, Jeff Offutt. 189-198 [doi]
- A Model-Based Approach for Product Testing and Certification in Digital EcosystemsBruno Lima, João Pascoal Faria. 199-208 [doi]
- Industrial Evaluation of Test Suite Generation Strategies for Model-Based TestingJohan Blom, Bengt Jonsson, Sven-Olof Nyström. 209-218 [doi]
- Property-Based Testing with FsCheck by Deriving Properties from Business Rule ModelsBernhard K. Aichernig, Richard Schumi. 219-228 [doi]
- Checking Experiments for Symbolic Input/Output Finite State MachinesAlexandre Petrenko. 229-237 [doi]
- Industry-Academia Collaboration in Software Testing: An Overview of TAIC PART 2016Rudolf Ramler, Michael Felderer, Takashi Kitamura, Darko Marinov. 238-239 [doi]
- Academic and Industrial Software Testing Conferences: Survey and SynergiesÁrpád Beszédes, László Vidács. 240-249 [doi]
- Systematic Analysis of Practical Issues in Test Automation for Communication Based SystemsNikolay Tcholtchev, Martin A. Schneider, Ina Schieferdecker. 250-256 [doi]
- Exploring the Presence of Technical Debt in Industrial GUI-Based Testware: A Case StudyEmil Alégroth, Marcello Steiner, Antonio Martini. 257-262 [doi]
- Successive Refinement of Models for Model-Based Testing to Increase System Test EffectivenessCeren Sahin Gebizli, Hasan Sözer, Ali Özer Ercan. 263-268 [doi]
- Experience Report: White Box Test Case Generation for Automotive Embedded SoftwareAndreas Hoffmann, Jochen Quante, Matthias Woehrle. 269-274 [doi]
- Automated Fault-Tolerance TestingAdithya Nagarajan, Ajay Vaddadi. 275-276 [doi]
- Dynamic Integration Test Selection Based on Test Case DependenciesSahar Tahvili, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Stig Larsson, Wasif Afzal, Markus Bohlin, Daniel Sundmark. 277-286 [doi]
- A Tool for Automated Inspection of Software Design Documents and Its Empirical Evaluation in an Aviation Industry SettingM. Evren Coskun, M. Melta Ceylan, Kadir Yigitozu, Vahid Garousi. 287-294 [doi]
- The Effect of Team Exploratory Testing - Experience Report from F-SecurePaula Raappana, Soili Saukkoriipi, Ilkka Tervonen, Mika V. Mäntylä. 295-304 [doi]
- Do Exploratory Testers Need Formal Training? An Investigation Using HCI TechniquesMark Micallef, Chris Porter, Andrea Borg. 305-314 [doi]