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- A Systematic Review of Cost Reduction Techniques for Mutation Testing: Preliminary ResultsFabiano Cutigi Ferrari, Alessandro Viola Pizzoleto, Jeff Offutt. 1-10 [doi]
- To Detect Abnormal Program Behaviours via Mutation DeductionJie Zhang 0050, Dan Hao, Lingming Zhang, Lu Zhang 0023. 11-17 [doi]
- If You Can't Kill a Supermutant, You Have a ProblemRahul Gopinath, Björn Mathis, Andreas Zeller. 18-24 [doi]
- Mull It Over: Mutation Testing Based on LLVMAlex Denisov, Stanislav Pankevich. 25-31 [doi]
- Mutant Quality IndicatorsMike Papadakis, Thierry Titcheu Chekam, Yves Le Traon. 32-39 [doi]
- MUSIC: Mutation Analysis Tool with High Configurability and ExtensibilityDuy Loc Phan, Yunho Kim, Moonzoo Kim. 40-46 [doi]
- An Industrial Application of Mutation Testing: Lessons, Challenges, and Research DirectionsGoran Petrovic, Marko Ivankovic, Bob Kurtz, Paul Ammann, René Just. 47-53 [doi]
- A Testability Analysis Framework for Non-functional PropertiesMichael Felderer, Bogdan Marculescu, Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar. 54-58 [doi]
- Model-Based Mutation Testing of Real-Time Systems via Model CheckingFlorian Lorber, Kim G. Larsen, Brian Nielsen. 59-68 [doi]
- Identifying Useful Mutants to Test Time PropertiesBirgitta Lindström, Jeff Offutt, Loreto Gonzalez-Hernandez, Sten F. Andler. 69-76 [doi]
- Learning-Based Self-Adaptive Assurance of Timing Properties in a Real-Time Embedded SystemMahshid Helali Moghadam, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Borg, Markus Bohlin, Björn Lisper. 77-80 [doi]
- Scan Code Injection Flaws in HTML5-Based Mobile ApplicationsPhi Tuong Lau. 81-88 [doi]
- A Framework for Threat-Driven Cyber Security Verification of IoT SystemsTomas Kulik, Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen, Jalil Boudjadar, Carl Schultz. 89-97 [doi]
- Architectures and Experiences in Testing IoT CommunicationsTeemu Kanstrén, Jukka Mäkelä, Pekka Karhula. 98-103 [doi]
- A Brief Overview of Existing Tools for Testing the Internet-of-ThingsJoão Pedro Dias, Flavio Couto, Ana C. R. Paiva, Hugo Sereno Ferreira. 104-109 [doi]
- Requirements for Testing and Validating the Industrial Internet of ThingsLiliana Antao, Rui Pinto, João Reis, Gil Gonçalves. 110-115 [doi]
- Test Automation - Automation of What?Yvan Labiche. 116-117 [doi]
- Challenges in Automated Testing Through Graphical User InterfacePekka Aho, Tanja E. J. Vos. 118-121 [doi]
- Assessing Technical Debt in Automated Tests with CodeSceneAdam Tornhill. 122-125 [doi]
- Evaluating Test Data Generation for Untyped Data Structures Using Genetic AlgorithmsRalf Gerlich, Christian R. Prause. 126-129 [doi]
- Feature-Based Testing by Using Model Synthesis, Test Generation and Parameterizable Test PrioritizationMartin Reider, Stephan Magnus, Jan Krause. 130-137 [doi]
- Introducing Automated GUI Testing and Observing Its Benefits: An Industrial Case Study in the Context of Law-Practice Management SoftwareVahid Garousi, Erdem Yildirim. 138-145 [doi]
- Automatically Generating Test Scripts for GUI TestingMuneyoshi Iyama, Hiroyuki Kirinuki, Haruto Tanno, Toshiyuki Kurabayashi. 146-150 [doi]
- Maintenance of Android Widget-Based GUI Testing: A Taxonomy of Test Case Modification CausesRiccardo Coppola, Maurizio Morisio, Marco Torchiano. 151-158 [doi]
- The Next Level of Test Automation: What About the Users?Kristian Wiklund, Monika Wiklund. 159-162 [doi]
- Design of High Confidence Embedded Software Hardware-in-Loop Simulation Test Platform Based on Hierarchical ModelFei Deng, Feng Gao. 163-168 [doi]
- Software Metrics for Policy-Driven Software Development Life Cycle AutomationLeonid Borodaev, Alexandru Telea, Rix Groenboom, Rein Smedinga. 169-174 [doi]
- A Model-Based Test Case Management Approach for Integrated Sets of Domain-Specific ModelsReinhard Pröll, Bernhard Bauer. 175-184 [doi]
- Generation of C++ Unit Tests from Abstract State Machines SpecificationsSilvia Bonfanti, Angelo Gargantini, Atif Mashkoor. 185-193 [doi]
- SPYH-Method: An Improvement in Testing of Finite-State MachinesMichal Soucha, Kirill Bogdanov. 194-203 [doi]
- Modelling Hand Gestures to Test Leap Motion Controlled ApplicationsThomas D. White, Gordon Fraser, Guy J. Brown. 204-213 [doi]
- Temporal Logic Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems: An Input-Signal-Space Optimization ApproachArend Aerts, Bryan Tong Minh, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel A. Reniers. 214-223 [doi]
- Lightweight Model-Based Testing for Enterprise ITBernard Elodie, Fabrice Ambert, Bruno Legeard, Arnaud Bouzy. 224-230 [doi]
- Testing of Big Data Analytics Systems by BenchmarkMingang Chen, Wenjie Chen, Lizhi Cai. 231-238 [doi]
- Test Case Reduction Based on the Join Condition in Pairwise Coverage-Based Database TestingYuper Lay Myint, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Hiroki Ohbayashi. 239-243 [doi]
- Model-Based Security Testing - Deriving Test Models from Artefacts of Security EngineeringArmin Lunkeit, Ina Schieferdecker. 244-251 [doi]
- Software Test Architectures and Advanced Support Environments for IoTJon D. Hagar. 252-256 [doi]
- Extending the UML Testing Profile with a Fine-Grained Test Logging ModelMarc-Florian Wendland, Niels Hoppe, Martin A. Schneider, Steven Ulrich. 257-266 [doi]
- Proposal for Enhancing UTP2 with Test AspectsMakoto Nakakuki, Koki Abe, Hitoshi Ando, Shizuka Ban, Hiroki Iseri, Kumiko Iseri, Noriyuki Mizuno, Tomohiro Odan, Akiharu Satoh. 267-272 [doi]
- A Test Architecture for Machine Learning ProductYasuharu Nishi, Satoshi Masuda, Hideto Ogawa, Keiji Uetsuki. 273-278 [doi]
- A Survey of Software Quality for Machine Learning ApplicationsSatoshi Masuda, Kohichi Ono, Toshiaki Yasue, Nobuhiro Hosokawa. 279-284 [doi]
- A Satisfiability-Based Approach to Generation of Constrained Locating ArraysHao Jin, Takashi Kitamura, Eun-Hye Choi, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya. 285-294 [doi]
- Optimal Scheduling for Combinatorial Software Testing and Design of ExperimentsRobert V. Binder. 295-301 [doi]
- Enumerator: An Efficient Approach for Enumerating all Valid t-tuplesHanefi Mercan, Kamer Kaya, Cemal Yilmaz. 302-305 [doi]
- Combinatorial Test Design - A Smarter Way to Connect with the BusinessSaritha Route, Sudheer Pendela. 306-307 [doi]
- Migrating Combinatorial Interaction Test Modeling and Generation to the WebAngelo Gargantini, Marco Radavelli. 308-317 [doi]
- CAMETRICS: A Tool for Advanced Combinatorial Analysis and Measurement of Test SetsManuel Leithner, Kristoffer Kleine, Dimitris E. Simos. 318-327 [doi]
- Combinatorial Testing with Constraints for Negative Test CasesKonrad Fögen, Horst Lichter. 328-331 [doi]
- The Effect of Time-Between-Events for Sequence Interaction Testing of a Real-Time SystemChek Pin Yang, Gunwant Dhadyalla, James Marco, Paul Jennings. 332-340 [doi]
- Practical Amplification of Condition/Decision Test Coverage by Combinatorial TestingArtur Andrzejak, Thomas Bach. 341-347 [doi]
- Combining Combinatorial Testing and Metamorphic Testing for Testing a Logic-Based Non-monotonic Reasoning SystemFranz Wotawa. 348-351 [doi]
- Adapting Unit Tests by Generating Combinatorial Test DataHermann Felbinger, Franz Wotawa, Mihai Nica. 352-355 [doi]
- Support for Finding Presentation Failures by Using Computer Vision TechniquesHaruto Tanno, Yuu Adachi. 356-363 [doi]
- Applying Automated Test Case Generation in Industry: A RetrospectiveRudolf Ramler, Claus Klammer, Georg Buchgeher. 364-369 [doi]
- On the Automation of Testing a Logic-Based Diagnosis SystemFranz Wotawa. 370-373 [doi]
- Effects of an Economic Approach for Test Case Selection and Reduction for a Large Industrial ProjectThomas Bach, Ralf Pannemans, Sascha Schwedes. 374-379 [doi]
- Tailoring ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3 Standard for Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesPaulo Eira, Pedro Guimaraes, Monica Melo, Miguel A. Brito, António Silva, Ricardo J. Machado. 380-389 [doi]
- Verification of Cyber-Physical Automotive Systems-of-Systems: Test Environment AssignmentHermann Kaindl, Franz Lukasch, Matthias Heigl, Sevan Kavaldjian, Christoph Luckeneder, Sebastian Rausch. 390-391 [doi]
- A Topic Model and Test History-Based Test Case Recommendation Method for Regression TestingHirohisa Aman, Takashi Nakano, Hideto Ogasawara, Minoru Kawahara. 392-397 [doi]
- Risk-Driven Model-Based Testing of Washing Machine Software: An Industrial Case StudyAbdulhadi Kirkici, Ceren Sahin Gebizli, Hasan Sözer. 398-403 [doi]