Abstract is missing.
- The world of autonomous distributed systemsFrances M. T. Brazier. 3-7 [doi]
- Time and Space Coordination of Mobile AgentsGabriel Ciobanu. 9-23 [doi]
- The Difficulty of Search and an Interesting SolutionPeter Noerr. 25-34 [doi]
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- On the Distributed Water Pollution Control Solving with an Agent-Based ApproachMihaela Oprea, Constantin Nichita. 289-294 [doi]
- Learn Reversi using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsDaniel Paraschiv, Laurentiu Vasiliu. 295-301 [doi]
- Graph-based semantic description and information extraction in analysis of 3D coronary vessels visualizationsMarek R. Ogiela, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Miroslaw Trzupek. 303-309 [doi]