Abstract is missing.
- Cyber Security as an Emergent InfrastructureDorothy E. Denning. 1-2
- Teaching Network Security Through Live ExercisesGiovanni Vigna. 3-18
- Information Warfare in the TrenchesScott D. Lathrop, Gregory J. Conti, Daniel Ragsdale. 19-39
- Changes in the Profile of Security ManagersTeemupekka Virtanen. 41-49
- A Tutoring System for IT SecurityJi Hu, Michael Schmitt II, Christian Willems, Christoph Meinel. 51-60
- Design of a Laboratory for Information Security EducationVikram Anantapadmanabhan, Phyllis G. Frankl, Nasir D. Memon, Gleb Naumovich. 61-73
- Integrating Information Security and Intelligence CoursesWilliam Hutchinson. 75-83
- Internet Security ManagementHelen L. Armstrong. 85-94
- Information Security FundamentalsPer Oscarson. 95-108
- Australia s Agenda for E-Security Education and ResearchMatthew J. Warren. 109-114
- Is Security a Great Principle of Computing?Peter J. Denning. 115-116
- IT Security Readiness in Developing CountriesRespickius Casmir, Louise Yngström. 117-129
- A Program for Education in Certification and AccreditationCraig W. Rasmussen, Cynthia E. Irvine, George W. Dinolt, Timothy E. Levin, Karen L. Burke. 131-149
- Mastering Computer ForensicsColin J. Armstrong. 151-158
- Assembling Competitive Intelligence Using Classroom ScenariosHelen L. Armstrong, John Davey. 159-168
- Panel: Teaching Undergraduate Information AssuranceMatt Bishop. 169-171
- Panel: Teaching Undergraduate Information AssuranceRayford B. Vaughn. 173-174
- Panel: Teaching Undergraduate Information Assurance in RussiaAnatoli Maljuk, Natalia Miloslavskaia, Alexander Tolstoi. 175-177
- Outcomes-based Assessment as an Assurance Education ToolSusan Older, Shiu-Kai Chin. 179-196
- Evaluation Theory and Practice as Applied to Security EducationMelissa Jane Dark. 197-214
- Ten Years of Information Security Masters ProgrammesChez Ciechanowicz, Keith M. Martin, Fred Piper, Matthew J. B. Robshaw. 215-230
- Network Security Scientific and Research LaboratoryNatalia Miloslavskaia, Alexander Tolstoi. 231-241
- A Comprehensive Undergraduate Information Assurance ProgramGregory J. Conti, John M. D. Hill, Scott Lathrop, Kenneth L. Alford, Daniel Ragsdale. 243-260
- Training the Cyber WarriorJ. D. Fulp. 261-274
- Security Education for Times of Netwar and PeaceJaroslav Dockal. 275-286
- Improving Security Awareness Through Computer-based TrainingSteven Furnell, Alastair G. Warren, Paul Dowland. 287-301
- Identification and Integration of Information Security TopicsJustin Brown. 303-317
- A Dedicated Undergraduate Track in Computer Security EducationShiva Azadegan, M. Lavine, Michael O Leary, Alexander L. Wijesinha, Marius Zimand. 319-332