Abstract is missing.
- Socio-Technical Studies of Mobility and UbiquityCarsten Sørensen, Youngjin Yoo. 1-14 [doi]
- The Future of WorkThomas W. Malone. 17-20 [doi]
- Its the Experience, Not the PriceLee Green. 21-22 [doi]
- The Culture of Information: Ubiquitous Computing and Representations of RealityPaul Dourish. 23-26 [doi]
- Friend or Foe? The Ambivalent Relationship between Mobile Technology and its UsersSirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Karl Reiner Lang, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. 29-42 [doi]
- The Role of Ubiquitous Computing in Maintaining Work-Life Balance: Perspectives from Women in the Information Technology WorkforceJeria L. Quesenberry, Eileen M. Trauth. 43-55 [doi]
- Reflexivity, the Social Actor, and M-Service Domestication: Linking the Human, Technological, and ContextualJennifer Blechar, Lars Andreas Knutsen, Jan Damsgaard. 57-70 [doi]
- Privacy Considerations in Location-Based AdvertisingHeng Xu, Hock-Hai Teo. 71-90 [doi]
- Mobility in the Round: Use of Wireless Laptop PCs in Clinical Ward RoundsHenrique M. G. Martins, Matthew R. Jones. 93-108 [doi]
- Beliefs about Computing: Contrary Evidence from a Study of Mobile Computing Use among Criminal Justice PersonnelAndrea Tapia, Steve Sawyer. 109-122 [doi]
- Assessing the Mobile-Stationary Divide in Ubiquitous Transport SystemsMagnus Andersson, Rikard Lindgren, Ola Henfridsson. 123-137 [doi]
- The Impact of Ubiquitous Computing Technologies on Business Process Change and Management: The Case of Singapore's National Library BoardAnand Ramchand, Paul Raj Devadoss, Shan Ling Pan. 139-152 [doi]
- Ubiquitous Computing and the Double Immutability of Remote Diagnostics Technology: An Exploration into Six Cases of Remote Diagnostics Technology UseKatrin Jonsson, Jonny Holmström. 153-167 [doi]
- Wireless Grids: Assessing a New Technology from a User PerspectiveLee W. McKnight, Raed M. Sharif, Lidwien van de Wijngaert. 169-181 [doi]
- Fluid Organizing of Work in the Ubiquitous Information EnvironmentMasao Kakihara. 183-196 [doi]
- The Reconstruction of Portable Computers: On the Flexibility of Mobile Computing in Mobile ActivitiesGamel O. Wiredu. 197-212 [doi]
- Mobile Systems Development: A Literature ReviewJens Henrik Hosbond, Peter Axel Nielsen. 215-232 [doi]
- Designing Context-Aware Interaction: An Action Research StudyCarl Magnus Olsson, Ola Henfridsson. 233-247 [doi]
- Approaching Information Infrastructure as an Ecology of Ubiquitous Sociotechnical RelationsPanos Constantinides, Michael Barrett. 249-260 [doi]
- The Slight Surprise of IntegrationGunnar Ellingsen, Eric Monteiro. 261-274 [doi]
- Scaling the Wall: Factors Influencing the Conditions for Market Entry in the Mobile Data MarketAnnemijn F. van Gorp, Carleen F. Maitland, Brian H. Cameron. 277-291 [doi]
- An International Mobile Security Standard Dispute: From the Actor - Network PerspectiveShirley Chan, Heejin Lee, Sangjo Oh. 293-304 [doi]
- Ordinary Innovation of Mobile ServicesSteinar Kristoffersen, Petter Nielsen, Jennifer Blechar, Ole Hanseth. 305-319 [doi]
- The Ubiquity and Utility of Resistance: Codesign and Personalization of Information SystemsMelanie Wilson. 321-334 [doi]
- CrackBerries: The Social Implications of Ubiquitous Wireless E-Mail DevicesMelissa Mazmanian, Wanda J. Orlikowski, JoAnne Yates. 337-343 [doi]
- Building a Ubiquitous Artifact That Integrates Problem-Solving and Learning Processes to Support CreativityMikko Ahonen. 345-348 [doi]
- Effects of Wireless Mobile Technology on Employee Work Behavior and Productivity: An Intel Case StudyMajorkumar Govindaraju, David Sward. 349-351 [doi]
- Ubiquitous Computing for Health and MedicineChris Atkinson, Bonnie Kaplan, Kent Larson, Henrique M. G. Martins, Jay Lundell, Martin-Harris. 355-358 [doi]
- Socio-Technical Research Challenges in Ubiquitous Computing: The Case of TelematicsOla Henfridsson, John King, Glenn Mercer, Dave Pavlich, Walt Scacchi. 359-362 [doi]
- Community-Based Wireless Initiatives: The Cooperation ChallengeScott A. Shamp, Lev Gonick, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Pouline Middleton. 363-364 [doi]
- Ubiquitous Computing in PracticeDick Braley, Andy Fano, Ora Lassila, John Light, Matt Germonprez. 365-367 [doi]