Abstract is missing.
- ProvAbs: Model, Policy, and Tooling for Abstracting PROV GraphsPaolo Missier, Jeremy Bryans, Carl Gamble, Vasa Curcin, Roxana Dánger. 3-15 [doi]
- ProvGen: Generating Synthetic PROV Graphs with Predictable StructureHugo Firth, Paolo Missier. 16-27 [doi]
- Walking into the Future with PROV Pingback: An Application to OPeNDAP Using PrizmsTimothy Lebo, Patrick West, Deborah L. McGuinness. 31-43 [doi]
- Provenance for Online Decision MakingAmir Sezavar Keshavarz, Trung Dong Huynh, Luc Moreau. 44-55 [doi]
- Regenerating and Quantifying Quality of Benchmarking Data Using Static and Dynamic ProvenanceDevarshi Ghoshal, Arun Chauhan, Beth Plale. 56-67 [doi]
- noWorkflow: Capturing and Analyzing Provenance of ScriptsLeonardo Murta, Vanessa Braganholo, Fernando Chirigati, David Koop, Juliana Freire. 71-83 [doi]
- LabelFlow: Exploiting Workflow Provenance to Surface Scientific Data ProvenancePinar Alper, Khalid Belhajjame, Carole A. Goble, Pinar Karagoz. 84-96 [doi]
- Auditing and Maintaining Provenance in Software PackagesQuan Pham, Tanu Malik, Ian T. Foster. 97-109 [doi]
- An Analytical Survey of Provenance SanitizationJames Cheney, Roly Perera. 113-126 [doi]
- A Provenance-Based Policy Control Framework for Cloud ServicesMufajjul Ali, Luc Moreau. 127-138 [doi]
- Applying Provenance to Protect Attribution in Distributed Computational Scientific ExperimentsLuiz M. R. Gadelha Jr., Marta Mattoso. 139-151 [doi]
- Looking Inside the Black-Box: Capturing Data Provenance Using Dynamic InstrumentationManolis Stamatogiannakis, Paul T. Groth, Herbert Bos. 155-167 [doi]
- Generating Scientific Documentation for Computational Experiments Using ProvenanceAdianto Wibisono, Peter Bloem, Gerben Klaas Dirk de Vries, Paul T. Groth, Adam Belloum, Marian Bubak. 168-179 [doi]
- Computing Location-Based Lineage from Workflow Specifications to Optimize Provenance QueriesSaumen C. Dey, Sven Köhler 0003, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludäscher. 180-193 [doi]
- Interrogating Capabilities of IoT DevicesStanislav Beran, Edoardo Pignotti, Peter Edwards. 197-202 [doi]
- A Lightweight Provenance Pingback and Query Service for Web PublicationsTom De Nies, Robert Meusel, Dominique Ritze, Kai Eckert 0001, Anastasia Dimou, Laurens De Vocht, Ruben Verborgh, Erik Mannens, Rik Van de Walle. 203-208 [doi]
- Provenance-Based Searching and Ranking for Scientific WorkflowsVíctor Cuevas-Vicenttín, Bertram Ludäscher, Paolo Missier. 209-214 [doi]
- PROV-O-Viz - Understanding the Role of Activities in ProvenanceRinke Hoekstra, Paul T. Groth. 215-220 [doi]
- The Aspect-Oriented Architecture of the CAPS Framework for Capturing, Analyzing and Archiving Provenance DataPeer C. Brauer, Florian Fittkau, Wilhelm Hasselbring. 223-225 [doi]
- Improving Workflow Design Using Abstract Provenance GraphsTianhong Song, Saumen C. Dey, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludäscher. 226-228 [doi]
- Early Discovery of Tomato Foliage Diseases Based on Data Provenance and Pattern RecognitionDiogo Nunes, Carlos Werly, Gizelle Kupac Vianna, Sérgio Manuel Serra da Cruz. 229-231 [doi]
- Provenance in Open Data Entity-Centric AggregationFausto Giunghiglia, Moaz Reyad. 232-234 [doi]
- Enhancing Provenance Representation with Knowledge Based on NFR Conceptual Modeling: A Softgoal Catalog ApproachSérgio Manuel Serra da Cruz, André Luiz de Castro Leal. 235-238 [doi]
- Provenance Storage, Querying, and Visualization in PBaseVíctor Cuevas-Vicenttín, Parisa Kianmajd, Bertram Ludäscher, Paolo Missier, Fernando Seabra Chirigati, Yaxing Wei, David Koop, Saumen C. Dey. 239-241 [doi]
- Engineering Choices for Open World ProvenanceM. David Allen, Adriane Chapman, Barbara T. Blaustein. 242-253 [doi]
- Towards Supporting Provenance Gathering and Querying in Different Database ApproachesFlavio Costa, Vítor Silva, Daniel de Oliveira, Kary A. C. S. Ocaña, Marta Mattoso. 254-257 [doi]
- Provenance for Explaining Taxonomy AlignmentsMingmin Chen, Shizhuo Yu, Parisa Kianmajd, Nico Franz, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludäscher. 258-260 [doi]
- Challenges for Provenance Analytics Over Geospatial DataDaniel Garijo, Yolanda Gil, Andreas Harth. 261-263 [doi]
- Adaptive RDF Query Processing Based on ProvenanceMarcin Wylot, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Paul T. Groth. 264-266 [doi]
- Using Well-Founded Provenance Ontologies to Query Meteorological DataThiago Silva Barbosa, Ednaldo O. Santos, Gustavo B. Lyra, Sérgio Manuel Serra da Cruz. 267-270 [doi]
- Applying W3C PROV to Express Geospatial Provenance at Feature and Attribute LevelJoan Masó, Guillem Closa, Yolanda Gil. 271-274 [doi]
- ProvStore: A Public Provenance RepositoryTrung Dong Huynh, Luc Moreau. 275-277 [doi]
- Sentence Templating for Explaining ProvenanceHeather S. Packer, Luc Moreau. 278-280 [doi]
- Extending PROV Data Model for Provenance-Aware Sensor WebPeng Yue, Xia Guo, Mingda Zhang, Liangcun Jiang. 281-284 [doi]
- SC-PROV: A Provenance Vocabulary for Social ComputationMilan Markovic, Peter Edwards, David Corsar. 285-287 [doi]
- RDataTracker and DDG Explorer - Capture, Visualization and Querying of Provenance from R ScriptsBarbara Staudt Lerner, Emery R. Boose. 288-290 [doi]
- Provenance Support for Medical ResearchRichard McClatchey, Jetendr Shamdasani, Andrew Branson, Kamran Munir. 291-293 [doi]
- Experiencing PROV-Wf for Provenance Interoperability in SWfMSsWellington Oliveira, Daniel de Oliveira, Vanessa Braganholo. 294-296 [doi]