Abstract is missing.
- Algorithm Engineering for Route Planning - An Update -Dorothea Wagner. 1-5 [doi]
- Semidefinite Programming and Approximation Algorithms: A SurveySanjeev Arora. 6-9 [doi]
- The School Bus Problem on TreesAdrian Bock, Elyot Grant, Jochen Könemann, Laura Sanità. 10-19 [doi]
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- Fast Fréchet QueriesMark de Berg, Atlas F. Cook IV, Joachim Gudmundsson. 240-249 [doi]
- Angle-Restricted Steiner Arborescences for Flow Map LayoutKevin Buchin, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek. 250-259 [doi]
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- Parameterized Algorithms for Inclusion of Linear MatchingsSylvain Guillemot. 354-363 [doi]
- Computational Study on Bidimensionality Theory Based Algorithm for Longest Path ProblemChunhao Wang, Qian-Ping Gu. 364-373 [doi]
- Sorting, Searching, and Simulation in the MapReduce FrameworkMichael T. Goodrich, Nodari Sitchinava, Qin Zhang. 374-383 [doi]
- External-Memory MultimapsElaine Angelino, Michael T. Goodrich, Michael Mitzenmacher, Justin Thaler. 384-394 [doi]
- External Memory Orthogonal Range Reporting with Fast UpdatesYakov Nekrich. 395-404 [doi]
- Analysis of Speedups in Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization - (Extended Abstract)Jörg Lässig, Dirk Sudholt. 405-414 [doi]
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- Outlier Respecting Points ApproximationDanny Z. Chen, Haitao Wang. 594-603 [doi]
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- Adaptive Phenotype Testing for AND/OR ItemsFrancis Y. L. Chin, Henry C. M. Leung, Siu-Ming Yiu. 754-763 [doi]
- An Index Structure for Spaced Seed SearchTaku Onodera, Tetsuo Shibuya. 764-772 [doi]