Abstract is missing.
- Exploring the prescriptive modeling of fire situation assessmentYixing Shan, Lili Yang, Roy Kalawsky. [doi]
- Taxonomy of IT support for training emergency response & managementJens Pottebaum, Robin Marterer, Steffen Schneider. [doi]
- AGORA-GeoDash: A geosensor dashboard for real-time flood risk monitoringFlávio E. A. Horita, Maria Clara Fava, Eduardo M. Mendiondo, Jairo Rotava, Vladimir C. B. de Souza, Jo Ueyama, João Porto de Albuquerque. [doi]
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- Designing for the user: Tailoring a simulation software interface to the needs of crisis managersSigmund Kluckner, Katrin Ellice Heintze, Willi Wendt. [doi]
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- Visual design recommendations for situation awareness in social mediaVitaveska Lanfranchi, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Fabio Ciravegna. [doi]
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- Fusing non-authoritative data to improve situational awareness in emergenciesChristopher E. Oxendine, Emily Schnebele, Guido Cervone, Nigel Waters. [doi]
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- Run amok: Group crowd participation in identifying the bomb and bomber from the Boston marathon bombingAndrea H. Tapia, Nicolas LaLone, Hyun Woo Kim. [doi]
- Dynamic data sharing for facilitating communication during emergency responsesFiona McNeill, Andriana Gkaniatsou, Alan Bundy. [doi]
- Towards a theoretical framework of acceptance for surveillance systems at airportsGabriel Bartl, Lars Gerhold, Matthias Wählisch. [doi]
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- How do i get this app? A discourse on distributing mobile applications despite disrupted infrastructureAmro Al-Akkad, Christian Raffelsberger. [doi]
- Nuclear emergency management: Driven by precedent or international guidance?Simon French, Nikolaos Agryris. [doi]
- Web-based community disaster management and awareness system (CEMAS) in MalaysiaMurali Raman, Magiswary Dorasamy, Saravanan Muthaiyah, Maniam Kaliannan. [doi]
- A tool for the simulation of alert message propagation in the general populationJanine Hellriegel, Michael Klafft. [doi]
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- Agility of crisis response: Gathering and analyzing data through an event-driven platformAnne-Marie Barthe-Delanoë, Sébastien Truptil, Frédérick Bénaben. [doi]
- Development of a dynamic scenario model for the interaction of critical infrastructuresMurray Turoff, Victor A. Bañuls, Linda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz. [doi]
- Emergency management education and ISCRAMMurray Turoff. [doi]
- A portable base station optimization model for wireless infrastructure deployment in disaster planning and managementMichael R. Bartolacci, Christoph Aubrecht, Dilek Ozceylan Aubrecht. [doi]
- Improving emergency response: Citizens performing actionsMarco Romano, Teresa Onorati, Paloma Díaz, Ignacio Aedo. [doi]
- Integration of volunteer and technical communities into the humanitarian aid sector: Barriers to collaborationAnnemijn F. van Gorp. [doi]
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- Evaluating CEMAS in simulated environment to support disaster management challengesMagiswary Dorasamy, Murali Raman, Maniam Kaliannan. [doi]
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- Towards a general system design for community-centered crisis and emergency warning systemsUlrich Meissen, Markus Hardt, Agnès Voisard. [doi]
- Social media for the emergency manager in disaster planning and responseNicklaus A. Giacobe, Pamela J. Soule. [doi]
- An exploration of a social-cognitive framework for improving the human-centric risk communicationYiewi Li., Yu Guo, Naoya Ito. [doi]
- A multi-stage scenario construction approach for critical infrastructure protectionFrank Schätter, Sascha Meng, Marcus Wiens, Frank Schultmann. [doi]
- With whom to coordinate, why and how in ad-hoc social media communities during crisis responseHemant Purohit, Shreyansh P. Bhatt, Andrew Hampton, Valerie L. Shalin, Amit P. Sheth, John M. Flach. [doi]
- Towards an economic assessment approach for early warning systems: Improving cost-avoidance calculations with regard to private householdsSimone Wurster, Ulrich Meissen. [doi]
- Descriptive and Geographical Analysis of Flood Disaster Evacuation ModellingAhmed T. Elsergany, Amy L. Griffin, Paul Tranter, Sameer Alam. [doi]
- Detecting public sentiment over PM2.5 pollution hazards through analysis of Chinese microblogYongzhong Sha, Jinsong Yan, Guoray Cai. [doi]
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- Reference task-based design of crisis management gamesDaniel Link, Kenny Meesters, Bernd Hellingrath, Bartel Van de Walle. [doi]
- A scenario-based virtual environment for supporting emergency trainingTelmo Zarraonandia, Victor A. Bañuls, Ignacio Aedo, Paloma Díaz, Murray Turoff. [doi]
- An action design research approach to developing emergency management systemsTorbjørg Træland Meum. [doi]
- DynaPop - Population distribution dynamics as basis for social impact evaluation in crisis managementChristoph Aubrecht, Klaus Steinnocher, Hermann Huber. [doi]
- TIPExtop: An exploratory design tool for emergency planningSara Tena, Ignacio Aedo, David Díez, Paloma Díaz. [doi]
- IntCris: A tool for enhanced communication and collective decision-making during crisesAna C. Calderon, Joanne Hinds, Peter Johnson. [doi]
- Local-specific resource planning for mass casualty incidentsJohannes Sautter, Janina Hofer, Sven Wirth, Wolf Engelbach, Matthias Max, Tanel Tenso, Holger Bracker. [doi]
- Social media and the 2013 UK heat wave: Opportunities and challenges for future eventsHayley Watson, Rachel L. Finn. [doi]
- Designing realistic scenarios for disaster management quantitative modelsJose Vargas Florez, Anthony Charles, Matthieu Lauras, Lionel Dupont. [doi]
- Beyond the myth of control: Toward network switching in disaster managementKees Boersma, Julie Ferguson, Peter Groenewegen, Jeroen Wolbers. [doi]
- Resilience-building and the crisis informatics agenda: Lessons learned from open cities KathmanduRobert Soden, Nama Budhathoki, Leysia Palen. [doi]
- Estimating the impacts associated with the detonation of an improvised nuclear deviceTheresa I. Jefferson, John R. Harrald. [doi]
- Cloud ethics for disaster responseMonika Büscher, Catherine Easton, Maike Kuhnert, Christian Wietfeld, Matts Ahlsén, Jens Pottebaum, J. Bernard van Veelen. [doi]
- A strategy evaluation framework based on dynamic vulnerability assessmentsThomas Münzberg, Marcus Wiens, Frank Schultmann. [doi]
- The digital divide, inclusion and access for disabled people in IT supported emergency response systems: A UK and EU-based analysisCatherine Easton. [doi]
- Communication media use in emergency response managementSherri L. Condon, Jason R. Robinson. [doi]
- Does the spatiotemporal distribution of tweets match the spatiotemporal distribution of flood phenomena? A study about the River Elbe Flood in June 2013Benjamin Herfort, João Porto de Albuquerque, Svend-Jonas Schelhorn, Alexander Zipf. [doi]
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- AsonMaps: A platform for aggregation visualization and analysis of disaster related human sensor network observationsOleg Aulov, Adam Price, Milton Halem. [doi]
- Coordinating human and machine intelligence to classify microblog communications in crisesMuhammad Imran, Carlos Castillo, Jesse Lucas, Patrick Meier, Jakob Rogstadius. [doi]
- Tweeting 'When Online is Off'? Opportunistically Creating Mobile Ad-hoc Networks in Response to Disrupted InfrastructureAmro Al-Akkad, Christian Raffelsberger, Alexander Boden, Leonardo Ramirez, Andreas Zimmermann. [doi]
- If every nail looks different, you need different hammers: Modeling civil-military interactionDick Ooms, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel. [doi]
- Emergency preparedness in the European unionMarian Zulean, Gabriela Prelipcean. [doi]
- Spatial video street-scale damage assessment of the Washington, Illinois Tornado of 2013Marius J. Paulikas, Andrew Curtis, Thomas Veldman. [doi]
- An approach to selecting keywords to track on twitter during a disasterKenneth Joseph, Peter M. Landwehr, Kathleen M. Carley. [doi]
- Tweedr: Mining twitter to inform disaster responseZahra Ashktorab, Christopher Brown, Manojit Nandi, Aron Culotta. [doi]
- Mastering social media: An analysis of Jefferson County's communications during the 2013 Colorado floodsLise Ann St. Denis, Leysia Palen, Kenneth M. Anderson. [doi]
- Assessing temporal changes in global population exposure and impacts from earthquakesSérgio Freire, Daniele Ehrlich, Stefano Ferri. [doi]
- Utility-theoretic training for mass casualty incidentsSteven R. Haynes, Mark J. Jermusyk, Frank E. Ritter. [doi]
- Measuring disaster resilience: The impact of hurricane sandy on critical infrastructure systemsTina Comes, Bartel Van de Walle. [doi]
- Use of Social Media by U.S. Public Sector Emergency Managers: Barriers and Wish ListsStarr Roxanne Hiltz, Jane A. Kushma, Linda Plotnick. [doi]
- Assessing team focused behaviors in emergency response teams using the shared priorities measurePeter Berggren, Björn J. E. Johansson, Nicoletta Baroutsi, Isabelle Turcotte, Sébastien Tremblay. [doi]
- Tweeting and tornadoesJustine I. Blanford, Jase Bernhardt, Alexander Savelyev, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Andrew M. Carleton, David W. Titley, Alan M. MacEachren. [doi]
- Participatory design for the social media needs of emergency public information officersAmanda L. Hughes. [doi]
- Communicating probability: A challenge for decision support systemsMarie Bartels. [doi]
- Trainings for crisis information systems in civil protection: A German perspectiveMatthias Max, Sigmund Kluckner, Susann Jentzsch. [doi]
- Emerging communities of collaboration: Co-location in emergency response systems in the 'Safety house' in SwedenKayvan Yousefi Mojir, Sofie Pilemalm. [doi]
- Community crisis management lessons from Philadelphia's 1793 epidemicEdward J. Glantz. [doi]
- Mapping moods: Geo-mapped sentiment analysis during hurricane sandyCornelia Caragea, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Sam Stehle, Kishore Neppalli, Andrea H. Tapia. [doi]
- ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings - Book of Papers [doi]
- Alert networks of ICTs and sources in campus emergenciesKeri K. Stephens, Jessica L. Ford, Ashley Barrett, Michael J. Mahometa. [doi]
- Smartphone sensing platform for emergency managementJaziar Radianti, Julie Dugdale, Jose J. Gonzalez, Ole-Christoffer Granmo. [doi]
- Adaptive integration of information supporting decision making: A case on humanitarian logisticKelli de Faria Cordeiro, Maria Luiza Machado Campos, Marcos R. S. Borges. [doi]
- Crowdsourcing rare events: Using curiosity to draw participants into science and early warning systemsAndrea H. Tapia, Nicolas LaLone, Elizabeth Macdonald, Reid Priedhorsky, Michelle Hall. [doi]
- A simulation-based approach to quantifying resilience indicators in a mass transportation systemKpotissan Adjetey-Bahun, Babiga Birregah, Eric Châtelet, Jean-Luc Planchet, Edgar Laurens-Fonseca. [doi]
- Twitter as a navigator for stranded commuters during the great east Japan earthquakeHiroko Wilensky. [doi]
- A critical insight of the pope's visit to Brazil for the world youth day: Resilience or fragility?Tiago C. De França, Diogo Nolasco, Rafael Lage Tavares, José Orlando Gomes, Paulo Victor R. de Carvalho. [doi]
- The port resiliency program (PReP): Upgrading Latin American and Caribbean portsJames Fielding Smith, Teo A. Babun Jr.. [doi]
- The source of the story: Evaluating the credibility of crisis information sourcesTristan Endsley, Yu Wu, James Reep. [doi]
- Supporting disaster reconnaissance with social media data: A design-oriented case study of the 2013 Colorado floodsShideh Dashti, Leysia Palen, Mehdi P. Heris, Kenneth M. Anderson, T. Jennings Anderson, Scott Anderson. [doi]
- Supporting Instructors' Decision Making in Simulator-Based Training for Crisis ManagementRita Kovordanyi, Jelle Pelfrene, Henrik Eriksson. [doi]
- Improving network connectivity in emergency ad hoc wireless networksAbdullah Konak. [doi]
- Building a resilient community through social network: Ethical considerations about the 2011 Genoa floodsCaroline Rizza, Ângela Guimarães Pereira. [doi]
- On the assessment of disaster management strategiesStella Möhrle. [doi]
- An ontology for contextual information system designCraig E. Kuziemsky, Ahsan Hadi, Tracey L. O'Sullivan, Daniel E. Lane, Wayne Corneil. [doi]
- A model driven system to support optimal collaborative processes design in crisis managementLoïc Bidoux, Jean-Paul Pignon, Frédérick Bénaben. [doi]
- A Chinese earthquake database for casualty modellingYuanyuan Li, Wenguo Weng, Tao Chen, Hongyong Yuan. [doi]
- Community incident chatter: Informing local incidents by aggregating local news and social media contentPatrick C. Shih, Kyungsik Han, John M. Carroll. [doi]
- Citizen (in)security?: Social media, citizen journalism and crisis responseHayley Watson, Lemi Baruh, Rachel L. Finn, Salvatore Scifo. [doi]
- Turning emergency plans into executable artifactsJosé Hilario Canós Cerdá, Juan Sánchez Díaz, Vicent Orts, María del Carmen Penadés, Abel Gómez, Marcos R. S. Borges. [doi]
- Visible skepticism: Community vetting after Hurricane IreneDharma Dailey, Kate Starbird. [doi]
- Emergency decision making: A dynamic approachZhenyu Yu, Chuanfeng Han, Yefeng Ma. [doi]
- Terse message amplification in the Boston bombing responseJeannette Sutton, Emma S. Spiro, Sean M. Fitzhugh, Britta Johnson, Ben Gibson, Carter T. Butts. [doi]
- LITMUS: Landslide detection by integrating multiple sourcesAibek Musaev, De Wang, Calton Pu. [doi]