Abstract is missing.
- Information Retrieval Based on Statistical Language ModelsW. Bruce Croft. 1-11 [doi]
- Intelligent Agent Battlespace AugmentationP. J. Emmerman, Uma Y. Movva. 12-20 [doi]
- Learning and Evolution: An Introduction to Non-darwinian Evolutionary ComputationRyszard S. Michalski. 21-30 [doi]
- Can Relational Learning Scale Up?Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta, Michèle Sebag, Marco Botta. 31-39 [doi]
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- Temporal Data Mining Using Hidden Periodicity AnalysisWeiqiang Lin, Mehmet A. Orgun. 49-58 [doi]
- Mining ::::N::::-most Interesting ItemsetsAda Wai-Chee Fu, Renfrew W.-w. Kwong, Jian Tang. 59-67 [doi]
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- High Quality Information Retrieval for Improving the Conduct and Management of Research and DevelopmentRonald N. Kostoff. 86-96 [doi]
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- A Comparison of Rule Matching Methods Used in AQ15 and LERSJerzy W. Grzymala-Busse, Pankaj Shah. 148-156 [doi]
- Evolving Behaviors for Cooperating AgentsJeffrey K. Bassett, Kenneth A. De Jong. 157-165 [doi]
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- A Method of Generating Program Specification from Description of Human ActivitiesShuhei Kawasaki, Setsuo Ohsuga. 176-185 [doi]
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- A Heuristic for Domain Independent Planning and Its Use in an Enforced Hill-Climbing AlgorithmJörg Hoffmann. 216-227 [doi]
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- A Comparative Study of Noncontextual and Contextual DependenciesS. K. Michael Wong, Cory J. Butz. 247-255 [doi]
- Extended Query Answering Using Integrity RulesBarry G. T. Lowden, Jerome Robinson. 256-265 [doi]
- Finding Temporal Relations: Causal Bayesian Networks vs. C4.5Kamran Karimi, Howard J. Hamilton. 266-273 [doi]
- Learning Relational Clichés with Contextual LGGJohanne Morin, Stan Matwin. 274-282 [doi]
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- Towards Musical Data Classification via Wavelet AnalysisAlicja Wieczorkowska. 292-300 [doi]
- Annotated Hyperresolution for Non-horn Regular Multiple-Valued LogicsJames J. Lu, Neil V. Murray, Erik Rosenthal. 301-310 [doi]
- Fundamental Properties on Axioms of Kleene AlgebraTomoko Ninomiya, Masao Mukaidono. 311-320 [doi]
- Extending Entity-Relationship Models with Higher-Order OperatorsAntonio Badia. 321-330 [doi]
- Combining Description Logics with Stratified Logic Programs in Knowledge RepresentationJianhua Chen. 331-339 [doi]
- Emergence Measurement and Analyzes of Conceptual Abstractions During Evolution Simulation in OODMourad Oussalah, Dalila Tamzalit. 340-348 [doi]
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- What the Logs Can Tell You: Mediation to Implement Feedback in TrainingDavid A. Maluf, Gio Wiederhold. 368-376 [doi]
- Top-Down Query Processing in First Order Deductive Databases under the DWFSC. A. Johnson. 377-388 [doi]
- Discovering and Resolving User Intent in Heterogeneous DatabasesChris Fernandes, Lawrence J. Henschen. 389-399 [doi]
- Discovering and Matching Elastic Rules from Sequence DatabasesSanghyun Park, Wesley W. Chu. 400-408 [doi]
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- Local Feature Selection with Dynamic Integration of ClassifiersAlexey Tsymbal, Seppo Puuronen. 417-425 [doi]
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- Automatic Semantic Header GeneratorBipin C. Desai, Sami S. Haddad, Abdelbaset Ali. 444-452 [doi]
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- Qualitative Discovery in Medical DatabasesDavid A. Maluf, Jiming Liu. 474-485 [doi]
- Finding Association Rules Using Fast Bit Computation: Machine-Oriented ModelingEric Louie, Tsau Young Lin. 486-494 [doi]
- Using Closed Itemsets for Discovering Representative Association RulesJamil Saquer, Jitender S. Deogun. 495-504 [doi]
- Legitimate Approach to Association Rules under IncompletenessMarzena Kryszkiewicz, Henryk Rybinski. 505-514 [doi]
- A Simple and Tractable Extension of Situation Calculus to Epistemic LogicRobert Demolombe, Maria del Pilar Pozos Parra. 515-524 [doi]
- Rule Based AbductionSai Kiran Lakkaraju, Yan Zhang. 525-533 [doi]
- An Efficient Proof Method for Non-clausal ReasoningEdgar Altamirano, Gonzalo Escalada-Imaz. 534-542 [doi]
- An Intelligent System Dealing with Complex Nuanced Information within a Statistical ContextDaniel Pacholczyk, Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr. 543-551 [doi]
- On the Complexity of Optimal MultisplittingTapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu. 552-561 [doi]
- Parametric Algorithms for Mining Share-Frequent ItemsetsBrock Barber, Howard J. Hamilton. 562-572 [doi]
- Discovery of Clinical Knowledge in Hospital Information Systems: Two Case StudiesShusaku Tsumoto. 573-581 [doi]
- Foundations and Discovery of Operational DefinitionsJan M. Zytkow, Zbigniew W. Ras. 582-590 [doi]
- A Multi-agent Based Architecture for Distributed KDD ProcessChunnian Liu, Ning Zhong, Setsuo Ohsuga. 591-600 [doi]
- Towards a Software Architecture for Case-Based Reasoning SystemsEnric Plaza, Josep Lluís Arcos. 601-609 [doi]
- Knowledge Representation in Planning: A PDDL to ::::OCL::h:::::: TranslationRon M. Simpson, T. L. McCluskey, Donghong Liu, Diane E. Kitchin. 610-618 [doi]
- A Method and Language for Constructing Multiagent SystemsHiroyuki Yamauchi, Setsuo Ohsuga. 619-628 [doi]
- A Formalism for Building Causal Polytree Structures Using Data DistributionsM. Ouerd, B. John Oommen, Stan Matwin. 629-637 [doi]
- Abstraction in Cartographic GeneralizationSébastien Mustière, Lorenza Saitta, Jean-Daniel Zucker. 638-644 [doi]