Abstract is missing.
- Hands on with OpenMP4.5 and Unified Memory: Developing Applications for IBM's Hybrid CPU + GPU Systems (Part I)Leopold Grinberg, Carlo Bertolli, Riyaz Haque. 3-16 [doi]
- Hands on with OpenMP4.5 and Unified Memory: Developing Applications for IBM's Hybrid CPU + GPU Systems (Part II)Leopold Grinberg, Carlo Bertolli, Riyaz Haque. 17-29 [doi]
- Leveraging OpenMP 4.5 Support in CLANG for FortranHyojin Sung, Tong Chen, Zehra Sura, Tarique Islam. 33-47 [doi]
- Compiling and Optimizing OpenMP 4.X Programs to OpenCL and SPIRMarcio Machado Pereira, Rafael C. F. Sousa, Guido Araujo. 48-61 [doi]
- Extending OpenMP SIMD Support for Target Specific Code and Application to ARM SVEJinpil Lee, Francesco Petrogalli, Graham Hunter, Mitsuhisa Sato. 62-74 [doi]
- OpenMP Tasking and MPI in a Lattice QCD BenchmarkLarry Meadows, Ken'ichi Ishikawa. 77-91 [doi]
- On the Performance of Parallel Tasking Runtimes for an Irregular Fast Multipole Method ApplicationPatrick Atkinson, Simon McIntosh-Smith. 92-106 [doi]
- Porting VASP from MPI to MPI+OpenMP [SIMD] - Optimization Strategies, Insights and Feature ProposalsFlorian Wende, Martijn Marsman, Zhengji Zhao, Jeongnim Kim. 107-122 [doi]
- OpenMP ^* SIMD Vectorization and Threading of the Elmer Finite Element SoftwareMikko Byckling, Juhani Kataja, Michael Klemm, Thomas Zwinger. 123-137 [doi]
- Extending OMPT to Support Grain GraphsPeder Voldnes Langdal, Magnus Jahre, Ananya Muddukrishna. 141-155 [doi]
- Patterns for OpenMP Task Data Dependency Overhead MeasurementsJoseph Schuchart, Mathias Nachtmann, José Gracia. 156-168 [doi]
- Adaptive and Architecture-Independent Task Granularity for Recursive ApplicationsAntoni Navarro, Sergi Mateo, Josep M. Pérez, Vicenç Beltran, Eduard Ayguadé. 169-182 [doi]
- The Productivity, Portability and Performance of OpenMP 4.5 for Scientific Applications Targeting Intel CPUs, IBM CPUs, and NVIDIA GPUsMatt Martineau, Simon McIntosh-Smith. 185-200 [doi]
- User Co-scheduling for MPI+OpenMP Applications Using OpenMP SemanticsAntoine Capra, Patrick Carribault, Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Allen D. Malony, Marc Pérache, Julien Jaeger. 203-216 [doi]
- Asynchronous OpenMP Tasking with Easy Thread Context Switching and Pool ControlXing Fan, Oliver Sinnen, Nasser Giacaman. 217-230 [doi]
- A Functional Safety OpenMP ^* for Critical Real-Time Embedded SystemsSara Royuela, Alejandro Duran, Maria A. Serrano, Eduardo Quiñones, Xavier Martorell. 231-245 [doi]
- OpenMP Tools Interface: Synchronization Information for Data Race DetectionJoachim Protze, Jonas Hahnfeld, Dong H. Ahn, Martin Schulz 0001, Matthias S. Müller. 249-265 [doi]
- Accurate and Complete Hardware Profiling for OpenMP - Multiplexing Hardware Events Across ExecutionsRichard Neill, Andi Drebes, Antoniu Pop. 266-280 [doi]
- OpenMP $$^{\textregistered }$$ Runtime Instrumentation for OptimizationTaru Doodi, Jonathan Peyton, Jim Cownie, Maria Garzaran, Rubasri Kalidas, Jeongnim Kim, Amrita Mathuriya, Terry Wilmarth, Gengbin Zheng. 281-295 [doi]
- Assessing the Performance of OpenMP Programs on the Knights Landing ArchitectureDirk Schmidl, Bo Wang, Matthias S. Müller. 296-308 [doi]
- Double Buffering for MCDRAM on Second Generation $$\hbox {Intel}^{\circledR }$$ Xeon Phi $$^{\text {TM}}$$ Processors with OpenMPStephen L. Olivier, Simon D. Hammond, Alejandro Duran. 311-324 [doi]
- A Pattern for Overlapping Communication and Computation with OpenMP ^* Target DirectivesJonas Hahnfeld, Tim Cramer, Michael Klemm, Christian Terboven, Matthias S. Müller. 325-337 [doi]
- Custom Data Mapping for Composable Data ManagementTom Scogland, Chris Earl, Bronis R. de Supinski. 338-347 [doi]