Abstract is missing.
- The Process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases: A First SketchRonald J. Brachman, Tej Anand. 1-12
- Exception Dags as Knowledge StructuresBrian R. Gaines. 13-24
- The Interingness of DeviationsGregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, Christopher J. Matheus. 25-36
- Toward the Integration of Exploration and Modeling in a Planning FrameworkRobert St. Amant, Paul R. Cohen. 49-60
- On the Role of Statistical Significance in Exploratory Data AnalysisInderpal S. Bhandari, Shriram Biyani. 61-72
- Two Algorithms for Inducing Causal Models from DataDawn E. Gregory, Paul R. Cohen. 73-84
- Learning Bayesian Networks: The Combination of Knowledge and Statistical DataDavid Heckerman, Dan Geiger, David Maxwell Chickering. 85-96
- Knowledge Discovery in Large Image Databases: Dealing with Uncertainties in Ground TruthPadhraic Smyth, Michael C. Burl, Usama M. Fayyad, Pietro Perona. 109-120
- Abstraction of High Level Concepts from Numerical Values in DatabasesWesley W. Chu, Kuorong Chiang. 133-144
- Dynamic Generation and Refinement of Concept Hierarchies for Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesJiawei Han, Yongjian Fu. 157-168
- Substucture Discovery in the SUBDUE SystemLawrence B. Holder, Diane J. Cook, Surnjani Djoko. 169-180
- Efficient Algorithms for Discovering Association RulesHeikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen, A. Inkeri Verkamo. 181-192
- From Law-Like Knowledge to Concept Hierarchies in DataMolly Troxel, Kim Swarm, Robert Zembowicz, Jan M. Zytkow. 193-204
- The Discovery of Logical Propositions in Numerical DataHiroshi Tsukimoto. 205-216
- Architectural Support for Data MiningMarcel Holsheimer, Martin L. Kersten. 217-228
- From Facts to Rules to Decisions: An Overview of the FRD-1 SystemIbrahim F. Imam, Ryszard S. Michalski. 229-236
- PolyAnalyst - A Machine Discovery System Inferring Functional ProgramsMikhail V. Kiselev. 237-250
- Exploration of Simulation Experiments by DiscoveryWilli Klösgen. 251-262
- Applications of a Logical Discovery EngineWim Van Laer, Luc Dehaspe, Luc De Raedt. 263-274
- DICE: A Discovery Environment Integrating Inductive BiasJean-Daniel Zucker, Vincent Corruble, J. Thomas, Geber Ramalho. 275-286
- Database Mining in the Architecture of a Semantic Preprocessor for State Aware Query OptimizationSarabjot S. Anand, David A. Bell, John G. Hughes. 287-298
- Extracting Domain Semantics for Knowledge Discovery in Relational DatabasesRoger H. L. Chiang, Terence M. Barron, Veda C. Storey. 299-310
- Rule Induction for Semantic Query OptimizationChun-Nan Hsu, Craig A. Knoblock. 311-322
- Learning Data Trend Regularities From Databases in a Dynamic EnvironmentXiaohua Hu, Nick Cercone, Jinshi Xie. 323-334
- Using Metagueries to Integrate Inductive Learning and Deductive Database TechnologyWei-Min Shen, Bharat G. Mitbander, KayLiang Ong, Carlo Zaniolo. 335-346
- Efficiently Constructing Relational Features from Background Knowledge for Inductive Machine LearningJohn M. Aronis, Foster J. Provost. 347-358
- Using Dynamic Time Warping to Find Patterns in Time SeriesDonald J. Berndt, James Clifford. 359-370
- A Comparison of Pruning Methods for Relational Concept LearningJohannes Fürnkranz. 371-382
- A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge NavigationKristian J. Hammond, Robin D. Burke, Kathryn Schmitt. 383-394
- Geometric Comparison of Clarifications and Rule SetsT. J. Monk, R. S. Mitchell, L. A. Smith, G. Holmes. 395-406
- Predicting Equity Returns from Securities Data with Minimal Rule GenerationChidanand Apté, Se June Hong. 407-418
- Application of the TETRAD II Program to the Study of Student Retention in U.S. CollegesMarek J. Druzdze, Clark Glymour. 419-430
- Comparing International Development Patterns Using Multi-Operator Learning and Discovery ToolsKenneth A. Kaufman. 431-440
- Proactive Network Maintenance Using Machine LearningRaguram Sasisekharan, V. Seshadri, Sholom M. Weiss. 453-462