Abstract is missing.
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- Asset information management for a communications network in IrelandAonghus O'Keeffe, David Torrado. 238 [doi]
- bhOWL: BHoM with semantic web technologiesAlessio Lombardi, Diellza Elshani, Thomas Wortmann, Al Fisher. 239 [doi]
- An open endpoint and framework for the development of linked data for building energy systemsJames Allan, Jonggwan An, Reto Fricker, Sascha Stoller, Philipp Heer. 240 [doi]
- Exploring the benefits of semantic web technologies for providing holistic end of life analysis of civil infrastructure in the NetherlandsEsra Bektas. 241 [doi]
- Graph and graphics: combining two powerhouses into one machinePhilipp Dohmen, Emmanouil Argyris, Markus Färber, Michael Reeßing. 242 [doi]
- Semantic rules for generating SPARQL from semantic mark-upNicholas Nisbet, Zijing Zhang. 243 [doi]
- Implementing and managing mappings for data transformation using SHACL RulesLucas Verhelst. 244 [doi]
- Semantisation of rules for automated compliance checkingEdlira Vakaj, Maxime Lefrançois, Amna Dridi, Thomas Beach, Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Gonçal Costa Jutglar, He Tan. 245-246 [doi]