Abstract is missing.
- Nonmonotonic Reasoning in FLORA-2Michael Kifer. 1-12 [doi]
- Data Integration and Answer Set ProgrammingThomas Eiter. 13-25 [doi]
- Halo I: A Controlled Experiment for Large Scale Knowledge Base DevelopmentJürgen Angele, Eddie Mönch, Henrik Oppermann, Dirk Wenke. 26-39 [doi]
- Unfounded Sets for Disjunctive Logic Programs with Arbitrary AggregatesWolfgang Faber. 40-52 [doi]
- Loops: Relevant or Redundant?Martin Gebser, Torsten Schaub. 53-65 [doi]
- Approximating Answer Sets of Unitary Lifschitz-Woo ProgramsVictor W. Marek, Inna Pivkina, Miroslaw Truszczynski. 66-78 [doi]
- On Modular Translations and Strong EquivalencePaolo Ferraris. 79-91 [doi]
- Guarded Open Answer Set ProgrammingStijn Heymans, Davy Van Nieuwenborgh, Dirk Vermeir. 92-104 [doi]
- External Sources of Computation for Answer Set SolversFrancesco Calimeri, Giovambattista Ianni. 105-118 [doi]
- Answer Sets for Propositional TheoriesPaolo Ferraris. 119-131 [doi]
- An ID-Logic Formalization of the Composition of Autonomous DatabasesBert Van Nuffelen, Ofer Arieli, Alvaro Cortés-Calabuig, Maurice Bruynooghe. 132-144 [doi]
- On the Local Closed-World Assumption of Data-SourcesAlvaro Cortés-Calabuig, Marc Denecker, Ofer Arieli, Bert Van Nuffelen, Maurice Bruynooghe. 145-157 [doi]
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- An Approximation of Action Theories of and Its Application to Conformant PlanningTran Cao Son, Phan Huy Tu, Michael Gelfond, A. Ricardo Morales. 172-184 [doi]
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- Some Logical Properties of Nonmonotonic Causal TheoriesMarek J. Sergot, Robert Craven. 198-210 [doi]
- Modular-epsilon: An Elaboration Tolerant Approach to the Ramification and Qualification ProblemsAntonis C. Kakas, Loizos Michael, Rob Miller 0002. 211-226 [doi]
- Platypus: A Platform for Distributed Answer Set SolvingJean Gressmann, Tomi Janhunen, Robert E. Mercer, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele, Richard Tichy. 227-239 [doi]
- Solving Hard ASP Programs EfficientlyWolfgang Faber, Francesco Ricca. 240-252 [doi]
- Mode-Directed Fixed Point ComputationHai-Feng Guo. 253-265 [doi]
- Lookahead in Smodels Compared to Local Consistencies in CSPJia-Huai You, Guohua Liu, Li-Yan Yuan, Curtis Onuczko. 266-278 [doi]
- Nested Epistemic Logic ProgramsKewen Wang, Yan Zhang. 279-290 [doi]
- An Algebraic Account of Modularity in ID-LogicJoost Vennekens, Marc Denecker. 291-303 [doi]
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- A Social Semantics for Multi-agent SystemsFrancesco Buccafurri, Gianluca Caminiti. 317-329 [doi]
- Revisiting the Semantics of Interval Probabilistic Logic ProgramsAlex Dekhtyar, Michael I. Dekhtyar. 330-342 [doi]
- Routley Semantics for Answer SetsSergei P. Odintsov, David Pearce. 343-355 [doi]
- The Well Supported Semantics for Multidimensional Dynamic Logic ProgramsFederico Banti, José Júlio Alferes, Antonio Brogi, Pascal Hitzler. 356-368 [doi]
- Application of Smodels in Quartet Based Phylogeny ConstructionGang Wu, Jia-Huai You, Guohui Lin. 369-373 [doi]
- Using Answer Set Programming for a Decision Support SystemChristoph Beierle, Oliver Dusso, Gabriele Kern-Isberner. 374-378 [doi]
- Data Integration: a Challenging ASP ApplicationNicola Leone, Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Michael Fink, Georg Gottlob, Luigi Granata, Gianluigi Greco, Edyta Kalka, Giovambattista Ianni, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Vincenzino Lio, Bartosz Nowicki, Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi, Witold Staniszkis, Giorgio Terracina. 379-383 [doi]
- Abduction and Preferences in LinguisticsKathrin Konczak, Ralf Vogel. 384-388 [doi]
- Inference of Gene Relations from Microarray Data by AbductionIrene Papatheodorou, Antonis C. Kakas, Marek J. Sergot. 389-393 [doi]
- nomore:::<:::: A System for Computing Preferred Answer SetsSusanne Grell, Kathrin Konczak, Torsten Schaub. 394-398 [doi]
- Integrating an Answer Set Solver into Prolog: ASP-PROLOGOmar El-Khatib, Enrico Pontelli, Tran Cao Son. 399-404 [doi]
- circ2dlp - Translating Circumscription into Disjunctive Logic ProgrammingEmilia Oikarinen, Tomi Janhunen. 405-409 [doi]
- Pbmodels - Software to Compute Stable Models by Pseudoboolean SolversLengning Liu, Miroslaw Truszczynski. 410-415 [doi]
- KMonitor - A Tool for Monitoring Plan Execution in Action TheoriesThomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Ján Senko. 416-421 [doi]
- The nomore++ SystemChristian Anger, Martin Gebser, Thomas Linke, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub. 422-426 [doi]
- Smodels:::A::: - A System for Computing Answer Sets of Logic Programs with AggregatesIslam Elkabani, Enrico Pontelli, Tran Cao Son. 427-431 [doi]
- A DLP System with Object-Oriented FeaturesFrancesco Ricca, Nicola Leone, Valerio De Bonis, Tina Dell Armi, Stefania Galizia, Giovanni Grasso. 432-436 [doi]
- Testing Strong Equivalence of Datalog Programs - Implementation and ExamplesThomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Patrick Traxler. 437-441 [doi]
- SELP - A System for Studying Strong Equivalence Between Logic ProgramsYin Chen, Fangzhen Lin, Lei Li. 442-446 [doi]
- cmodels - SAT-Based Disjunctive Answer Set SolverYuliya Lierler. 447-451 [doi]