Abstract is missing.
- Use of a convolutional neural network for aneurysm identification in digital subtraction angiographyAlexander R. Podgorsak, Mohammad Mahdi Bhurwani, Ryan A. Rava, Anusha Ramesh Chandra, Ciprian N. Ionita. [doi]
- Stability of radiomic features of liver lesions from manual delineation in CT scansJan Hendrik Moltz. [doi]
- Artifact-driven sampling schemes for robust female pelvis CBCT segmentation using deep learningAnnika Hänsch, Volker Dicken, Jan Klein 0001, Tomasz Morgas, Benjamin Haas, Horst K. Hahn. [doi]
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- Effect of diversity of patient population and acquisition systems on the use of radiomics and machine learning for classification of 2, 397 breast lesionsHeather M. Whitney, Yu Ji, Hui Li, Alexandra Edwards, John Papaioannou, Peifang Liu, Maryellen L. Giger. [doi]
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- Weakly-supervised deep learning of interstitial lung disease types on CT imagesChenglong Wang, Takayasu Moriya, Yuichiro Hayashi, Holger Roth, Le Lu, Masahiro Oda, Hirotugu Ohkubo, Kensaku Mori. [doi]
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- A deep learning method for volumetric breast density estimation from processed full field digital mammogramsDoiriel Vanegas C., Mahlet A. Birhanu, Nico Karssemeijer, Albert Gubern-Mérida, Michiel Kallenberg. [doi]
- Radiomic features derived from pre-operative multi-parametric MRI of prostate cancer are associated with Decipher risk scoreLin Li, Rakesh Shiradkar, Ahmad Algohary, Patrick Leo, Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, Eric Klein, Andrei Purysko, Anant Madabhushi. [doi]
- Modeling normal brain asymmetry in MR images applied to anomaly detection without segmentation and data annotationSamuel Botter Martins, Barbara Caroline Benato, Bruna Ferreira Silva, Clarissa Lyn Yasuda, Alexandre Xavier Falcão. [doi]
- Radiomics analysis potentially reduces over-diagnosis of prostate cancer with PSA levels of 4-10 ng/ml based on DWI dataShuaitong Zhang, Yafei Qi, Jingwei Wei, Jianxing Niu, Dongsheng Gu, Yuqi Han, Xiaohan Hao, Yali Zang, Jie Tian. [doi]
- Exploring features towards semantic characterization of lung nodules in computed tomography imagesMaysa M. G. Macedo, Dário A. B. Oliveira. [doi]
- Evaluation of U-net segmentation models for infarct volume measurement in acute ischemic stroke: comparison with fixed ADC threshold-based methodsYoon-Chul Kim, Ji-eun Lee, Inwu Yu, In-Young Baek, Han-Gil Jeong, Beom-Joon Kim, Joon-Kyung Seong, Jong-Won Chung, Oh Young Bang, Woo-Keun Seo. [doi]
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- Classifying abnormalities in computed tomography radiology reports with rule-based and natural language processing modelsSongyue Han, James Tian, Mark Kelly, Vignesh Selvakumaran, Ricardo Henao, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Joseph Y. Lo. [doi]
- Exploratory learning with convolutional autoencoder for discrimination of architectural distortion in digital mammographyHelder Cesar Rodigues de Oliveira, Carlos F. E. Melo, Juliana H. Catani, Nestor de Barros, Marcelo Andrade da Costa Vieira. [doi]
- Multi-path deep learning model for automated mammographic density categorizationXiangyuan Ma, Caleb Fisher, Jun Wei 0002, Mark A. Helvie, Heang-Ping Chan, Chuan Zhou, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Yao Lu. [doi]
- An ensemble of U-Net architecture variants for left atrial segmentationC. Wang, Martin Rajchl, A. D. C. Chan, Eranga Ukwatta. [doi]
- Differentiation of polyps by clinical colonoscopy via integrated color information, image derivatives and machine learningYi Wang, Marc Pomeroy, Weiguo Cao, Yongfeng Gao, Edward Sun, Samuel Stanley III, Juan Carlos Bucobo, Zhengrong Liang. [doi]
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- A lung graph model for the classification of interstitial lung diseases on CT imagesGuillaume Vanoost, Yashin Dicente Cid, Daniel L. Rubin, Adrien Depeursinge. [doi]
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- Reproducibility of CT-based texture feature quantification of simulated and 3D-printed trabecular bone: influence of noise and reconstruction kernelNada Kamona, Qin Li, Benjamin P. Berman, Berkman Sahiner, Nicholas Petrick. [doi]
- Artificial intelligence for point of care radiograph quality assessmentSatyananda Kashyap, Mehdi Moradi, Alexandros Karargyris, Joy T. Wu, Michael Morris, Babak Saboury, Eliot L. Siegel, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood. [doi]
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- Efficient learning in computer-aided diagnosis through label propagationSamuel Berglin, Eura Shin, Jacob D. Furst, Daniela Raicu. [doi]
- Association of computer-aided detection results and breast cancer riskSeyedehnafiseh Mirniaharikandehei, Morteza Heidari, Gopichandh Danala, Wei Qian, Yuchen Qiu, Bin Zheng 0001. [doi]
- A shell and kernel descriptor based joint deep learning model for predicting breast lesion malignancyZhiguo Zhou, Genggeng Qin, Pingkun Yan, Hongxia Hao, Steve Jiang, Jing Wang. [doi]
- Machine learning for segmenting cells in corneal endothelium imagesChaitanya Kolluru, Beth A. Benetz, Naomi Joseph, Harry J. Menegay, Jonathan H. Lass, David Wilson. [doi]
- Efficient detection of vascular structures using locally connected filteringAmélé Florence Kouvahe, Catalin I. Fetita. [doi]
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- A combination of intra- and peritumoral features on baseline CT scans is associated with overall survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a multi-agent multi-site studyMohammadhadi Khorrami, Mehdi Alilou, Prateek Prasanna, Pradnya Patil, Pirya Velu, Kaustav Bera, Pingfu Fu, Vamsidhar Velcheti, Anant Madabhushi. [doi]
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- The U-net and its impact to medical imaging (Conference Presentation)Bernardino Romera-Paredes. [doi]
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- Deep learning convolutional neural networks for the estimation of liver fibrosis severity from ultrasound textureAlex Treacher, Daniel Beauchamp, Bilal Quadri, David Fetzer, Abhinav Vij, Takeshi Yokoo, Albert Montillo. [doi]
- Visualizing and explaining deep learning predictions for pneumonia detection in pediatric chest radiographsSivaramakrishnan Rajaraman, Sema Candemir, George R. Thoma, Sameer K. Antani. [doi]
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- Breast parenchyma analysis and classification for breast masses detection using texture feature descriptors and neural networks in dedicated breast CT imagesMarco Caballo, Jonas Teuwen, Ritse Mann, Ioannis Sechopoulos. [doi]
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- A deep learning approach to classify atherosclerosis using intracoronary optical coherence tomographyLambros S. Athanasiou, Max L. Olender, José M. de la Torre Hernandez, Eyal Ben-Assa, Elazer R. Edelman. [doi]
- Automatic MRI prostate segmentation using 3D deeply supervised FCN with concatenated atrous convolutionBo Wang, Yang Lei, Jiwoong Jason Jeong, Tonghe Wang, Yingzi Liu, Sibo Tian, Pretesh Patel, Xiaojun Jiang, Ashesh B. Jani, Hui Mao, Walter J. Curran, Tian Liu, Xiaofeng Yang. [doi]
- 2.5D CNN model for detecting lung disease using weak supervisionYue Geng, Yinhao Ren, Rui Hou, Songyue Han, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Joseph Y. Lo. [doi]
- Automatic cell segmentation using mini-u-net on fluorescence in situ hybridization imagesJianhuo Shen, Teng Li, Chuanrui Hu, Hong He, Jianfei Liu. [doi]
- Pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks for the segmentation of malignant pleural mesothelioma tumor on CT scansEyjolfur Gudmundsson, Christopher M. Straus, Samuel G. Armato. [doi]
- CT-realistic data augmentation using generative adversarial network for robust lymph node segmentationYoubao Tang, Sooyoun Oh, YuXing Tang, Jing Xiao, Ronald M. Summers. [doi]
- Deep learning for automated screening and semantic segmentation of age-related and juvenile atrophic macular degenerationZiyuan Wang, SriniVas R. Sadda, Zhihong Hu. [doi]
- Response monitoring of breast cancer on DCE-MRI using convolutional neural network-generated seed points and constrained volume growingBas H. M. van der Velden, Bob D. de Vos, Claudette E. Loo, Hugo J. Kuijf, Ivana Isgum, Kenneth G. A. Gilhuijs. [doi]
- Radiogenomic characterization of response to chemo-radiation therapy in glioblastoma is associated with PI3K/AKT/mTOR and apoptosis signaling pathwaysNiha Beig, Prateek Prasanna, Virginia Hill, Ruchika Verma, Vinay Varadan, Anant Madabhushi, Pallavi Tiwari. [doi]
- Combining deep learning methods and human knowledge to identify abnormalities in computed tomography (CT) reportsMatias Benitez, James Tian, Mark Kelly, Vignesh Selvakumaran, Matthew Phelan, Maciej A. Mazurowski, Joseph Y. Lo, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Ricardo Henao. [doi]
- A probabilistic approach for interpretable deep learning in liver cancer diagnosisClinton J. Wang, Charlie A. Hamm, Brian S. Letzen, James S. Duncan. [doi]
- Automated deep-learning method for whole-breast segmentation in diffusion-weighted breast MRILei Zhang, Ruimei Chai, Aly A. Mohamed, Bingjie Zheng, Zhimeng Luo, Shandong Wu. [doi]
- Computationally-efficient wavelet-based characterization of breast tumors using conventional B-mode ultrasound imagesManar N. Mahmoud, Muhammad A. Rushdi, Iman Ewais, Eman Hosny, Hanan Gewefel, Ahmed M. Mahmoud. [doi]
- Use of convolutional neural networks to predict risk of masking by mammographic densityTheo Cleland, James G. Mainprize, Olivier Alonzo-Proulx, Jennifer A. Harvey, Roberta A. Jong, Anne L. Martel, Martin J. Yaffe. [doi]
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- Breast MRI radiomics for the pre-treatment prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in node-positive breast cancer patientsKaren Drukker, Iman El-Bawab, Alexandra Edwards, Christopher Doyle, John Papaioannou, Kirti Kulkarni, Maryellen L. Giger. [doi]
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- Feasibility study of deep neural networks to classify intracranial aneurysms using angiographic parametric imagingMohammad Mahdi Shiraz Bhurwani, Alexander R. Podgorsak, Anusha Ramesh Chandra, Ryan A. Rava, Kenneth V. Snyder, Elad I. Levy, Jason M. Davies, Adnan H. Siddiqui, Ciprian N. Ionita. [doi]
- Fine-grained lung nodule segmentation with pyramid deconvolutional neural networkXinzhuo Zhao, Wenqing Sun, Wei Qian, Shouliang Qi, Jianjun Sun, Bo Zhang, Zhigang Yang. [doi]
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- Improved polyp classification by inclusion of the surrounding colon wall texturesMarc Pomeroy, Almas Abbasi, Kevin Baker, Matthew A. Barish, Samuel Stanley, Kenneth Ng, Perry J. Pickhardt, Zhengrong Liang. [doi]
- Variability in radiomics features among iDose reconstruction levelsJoseph J. Foy, Mena Shenouda, Sahar Ramahi, Samuel G. Armato, Daniel Ginat. [doi]
- Identifying disease-free chest x-ray images with deep transfer learningKen C. L. Wong, Mehdi Moradi, Joy T. Wu, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood. [doi]
- Radiomics of the lesion habitat on pre-treatment MRI predicts response to chemo-radiation therapy in GlioblastomaRuchika Verma, Ramon Correa, Virginia Hill, Niha Beig, Abdelkader Mahammedi, Anant Madabhushi, Pallavi Tiwari. [doi]
- Lung nodule retrieval using semantic similarity estimatesMark Loyman, Hayit Greenspan. [doi]
- Similar CT image retrieval method based on lesion nature and their three-dimensional distributionYasutaka Moriwaki, Nobuhiro Miyazaki, Hiroaki Takebe, Takayuki Baba, Hiroaki Terada, Toru Higaki, Kazuo Awai, Machiko Nakagawa, Akio Ozawa, Kennji Kitayama, Yasuharu Ogino. [doi]
- A semi-supervised CNN learning method with pseudo-class labels for vascular calcification detection on low dose CT scansJiamin Liu, Jianhua Yao, Mohammadhadi Bagheri, Ronald M. Summers. [doi]
- 2D and 3D bladder segmentation using U-Net-based deep-learningXiangyuan Ma, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Jun Wei 0002, Heang-Ping Chan, Kenny H. Cha, Richard H. Cohan, Elaine M. Caoili, Ravi Samala, Chuan Zhou, Yao Lu. [doi]
- Synthesis and texture manipulation of screening mammograms using conditional generative adversarial networkDehan Kong, Yinhao Ren, Rui Hou, Lars J. Grimm, Jeffrey R. Marks, Joseph Y. Lo. [doi]
- Diagnosis of OCD using functional connectome and Riemann kernel PCAXiaodan Xing, Lili Jin, Feng Shi, Ziwen Peng. [doi]
- Analysis of deep convolutional features for detection of lung nodules in computed tomographyRavi K. Samala, Heang-Ping Chan, Caleb Richter, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Chuan Zhou, Jun Wei 0002. [doi]
- DCE-MRI based analysis of intratumor heterogeneity by decomposing method for prediction of HER2 status in breast cancerPeng Zhang, Ming Fan, Yuanzhe Li, Maosheng Xu, Lihua Li. [doi]
- Deep Learning approach predicting breast tumor response to neoadjuvant treatment using DCE-MRI volumes acquired before and after chemotherapyMohammed El Adoui, Mohamed Amine Larhmam, Stylianos Drisis, Mohammed Benjelloun. [doi]
- Metastatic lymph node analysis of colorectal cancer using quadruple-phase CT imagesKeisuke Bando, Ren Nishimoto, Mikio Matsuhiro, Hidenobu Suzuki, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Gen Iinuma. [doi]
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- Detecting mammographically-occult cancer in women with dense breasts using deep convolutional neural network and Radon cumulative distribution transformJuhun Lee, Robert M. Nishikawa. 1095003 [doi]
- Reducing overfitting of a deep learning breast mass detection algorithm in mammography using synthetic imagesKenny H. Cha, Nicholas Petrick, Aria Pezeshk, Christian G. Graff, Diksha Sharma, Andreu Badal, Aldo Badano, Berkman Sahiner. 1095004 [doi]
- Deep learning for identifying breast cancer malignancy and false recalls: a robustness study on training strategyKadie Clancy, Lei Zhang, Aly A. Mohamed, Sarah S. Aboutalib, Wendie A. Berg, Shandong Wu. 1095005 [doi]
- Evaluating deep learning techniques for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in the diagnosis of breast cancerRachel Anderson, Hui Li, Yu Ji, Peifang Liu, Maryellen L. Giger. 1095006 [doi]
- Registration based detection and quantification of intracranial aneurysm growthZiga Bizjak, Tim Jerman, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus, Aichi Chien, Ziga Spiclin. 1095007 [doi]
- Reliability of computer-aided diagnosis tools with multi-center MR datasets: impact of training protocolM. Bento, R. Souza, Marina Salluzzi, Richard Frayne. 1095008 [doi]
- Automatic multi-modality segmentation of gross tumor volume for head and neck cancer radiotherapy using 3D U-NetZhe Guo, Ning Guo, Kuang Gong, Quanzheng Li. 1095009 [doi]
- Automatic multi-organ segmentation in thorax CT images using U-Net-GANYang Lei, Yingzi Liu, Xue-dong, Sibo Tian, Tonghe Wang, Xiaojun Jiang, Kristin Higgins, Jonathan J. Beitler, David S. Yu, Tian Liu, Walter J. Curran, Yi Fang, Xiaofeng Yang. 1095010 [doi]
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- Computer-aided classification of colorectal polyps using blue-light and linked-color imagingThom Scheeve, Ramon-Michel Schreuder, Fons van der Sommen, Joep E. G. IJspeert, Evelien Dekker, Erik J. Schoon, Peter H. N. de With. 1095012 [doi]
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- Classification of chest CT using case-level weak supervisionRuixiang Tang, Fakrul Islam Tushar, Songyue Han, Rui Hou, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Joseph Y. Lo. 1095017 [doi]
- Deep adversarial one-class learning for normal and abnormal chest radiograph classificationYuXing Tang, Youbao Tang, Mei Han, Jing Xiao, Ronald M. Summers. 1095018 [doi]
- Image biomarkers for quantitative analysis of idiopathic interstitial pneumoniaYoung-Wouk Kim, Sebastián Roberto Tarando, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Catalin I. Fetita. 1095019 [doi]
- Homogenization of breast MRI across imaging centers and feature analysis using unsupervised deep embeddingRavi K. Samala, Heang-Ping Chan, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Chintana Paramagul, Mark A. Helvie, Colleen H. Neal. 1095020 [doi]
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