Abstract is missing.
- Textural Feature Based Segmentation: A Repeatable and Accurate Segmentation Approach for Tumors in PET ImagesElisabeth Pfaehler, Liesbet Mesotten, Gem Kramer, Michiel Thomeer, Karolien Vanhove, Johan de Jong, Peter Adriaensens, Otto S. Hoekstra, Ronald Boellaard. 3-14 [doi]
- Unlearning Scanner Bias for MRI Harmonisation in Medical Image SegmentationNicola K. Dinsdale, Mark Jenkinson, Ana I. L. Namburete. 15-25 [doi]
- Semantic Segmentation of Histopathological Slides for the Classification of Cutaneous Lymphoma and EczemaJérémy Scheurer, Claudio Ferrari, Luis Berenguer Todo Bom, Michaela Beer, Werner Kempf, Luis Haug. 26-42 [doi]
- Autofocus Net: Auto-focused 3D CNN for Brain Tumour SegmentationAndreas Stefani, Roushanak Rahmat, David Harris-Birtill. 43-55 [doi]
- Cortical Plate Segmentation Using CNNs in 3D Fetal UltrasoundMadeleine K. Wyburd, Mark Jenkinson, Ana I. L. Namburete. 56-68 [doi]
- Improving U-Net Segmentation with Active Contour Based Label CorrectionLinde S. Hesse, Ana I. L. Namburete. 69-81 [doi]
- Segmenting Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Multi-phase CTNora Vogt, Michael Brady, Ged Ridgway, John Connell, Ana I. L. Namburete. 82-92 [doi]
- On New Convolutional Neural Network Based Algorithms for Selective Segmentation of ImagesLiam Burrows, Ke Chen, Francesco Torella. 93-104 [doi]
- Segmentation of the Biliary Tree from MRCP Images via the Monogenic SignalGeorge P. Ralli, Gerard R. Ridgway, Michael Brady. 105-117 [doi]
- Transfer Learning for Brain Segmentation: Pre-task Selection and Data LimitationsJack Weatheritt, Daniel Rueckert, Robin Wolz. 118-130 [doi]
- Pancreas Segmentation-Derived Biomarkers: Volume and Shape Metrics in the UK Biobank Imaging StudyAlexandre Triay Bagur, Ged Ridgway, John McGonigle, Michael Brady, Daniel Bulte. 131-142 [doi]
- Localization and Identification of Lumbar Intervertebral Discs on Spine MR Images with Faster RCNN Based Shortest Path AlgorithmMerve Zeybel, Yusuf Sinan Akgul. 143-154 [doi]
- DeepSplit: Segmentation of Microscopy Images Using Multi-task Convolutional NetworksAndrew Torr, Doga Basaran, Julia Sero, Jens Rittscher, Heba Sailem. 155-167 [doi]
- A Framework for Jointly Assessing and Reducing Imaging Artefacts Automatically Using Texture Analysis and Total Variation Optimisation for Improving Perivascular Spaces Quantification in Brain Magnetic Resonance ImagingJosé Bernal, Maria del C. Valdés Hernández, Lucia Ballerini, Javier Escudero, Angela C. C. Jochems, Una Clancy, Fergus N. Doubal, Michael S. Stringer, Michael J. Thrippleton, Rhian M. Touyz, Joanna M. Wardlaw. 171-183 [doi]
- Groupwise Multimodal Image Registration Using Joint Total VariationMikael Brudfors, Yaël Balbastre, John Ashburner. 184-194 [doi]
- CT Scan Registration with 3D Dense Motion Field Estimation Using LSGANEssa R. Anas, Ahmed Onsy, Bogdan J. Matuszewski. 195-207 [doi]
- A Supervised Image Registration Approach for Late Gadolinium Enhanced MRI and Cine Cardiac MRI Using Convolutional Neural NetworksRoshan Reddy Upendra, Richard Simon, Cristian A. Linte. 208-220 [doi]
- Unsupervised Deep Learning for Stain Separation and Artifact Detection in Histopathology ImagesAndrew D. Moyes, Kun Zhang 0010, Ming Ji, Huiyu Zhou 0001, Danny Crookes. 221-234 [doi]
- Asymmetric Point Spread Function Estimation and Deconvolution for Serial-Sectioning Block-Face ImagingClaire Walsh, Natalie Holroyd, Rebecca Shipley, Simon Walker-Samuel. 235-249 [doi]
- Automatic and Objective Facial Palsy Grading Index Prediction Using Deep Feature RegressionAnish Raj, Oliver Mothes, Sven Sickert, Gerd Fabian Volk, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Joachim Denzler. 253-266 [doi]
- Prediction of Thrombectomy Functional Outcomes Using Multimodal DataZeynel A. Samak, Philip Clatworthy, Majid Mirmehdi. 267-279 [doi]
- Radiomics: A New Biomedical Workflow to Create a Predictive ModelAlbert Comelli, Alessandro Stefano, Claudia Coronnello, Giorgio Russo, Federica Vernuccio, Roberto Cannella, Giuseppe Salvaggio, Roberto Lagalla, Stefano Barone. 280-293 [doi]
- Going Deeper into Cardiac Motion Analysis to Model Fine Spatio-Temporal FeaturesPing Lu, Huaqi Qiu, Chen Qin, Wenjia Bai, Daniel Rueckert, J. Alison Noble. 294-306 [doi]
- Ridge Detection and Analysis of Susceptibility-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischaemic EncephalopathyZhen Tang, Sasan Mahmoodi, Srinandan Dasmahapatra, Angela Darekar, Brigitte Vollmer. 307-318 [doi]
- A Machine Learning Approach for Colles' Fracture Treatment DiagnosisKwun Ho Ngan, Artur d'Avila Garcez, Karen M. Knapp, Andy Appelboam, Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro. 319-330 [doi]
- 2) Descriptor for Radiological Osteoarthritis DetectionNeslihan Bayramoglu, Miika T. Nieminen, Simo Saarakkala. 331-345 [doi]
- Discovering Unknown Diseases with Explainable Automated Medical ImagingClaire Tang. 346-358 [doi]
- Investigating Sex Related Phenotype Changes in Knockout Mice by Applying Deep Learning to X-Ray ImagesKola Babalola, Hamed Haseli Mashhadi, Violeta Muñoz-Fuentes, Jeremy C. Mason, Terry Meehan. 359-369 [doi]
- A Deep Learning Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Gonioscopic Images to Support Glaucoma CategorizationAndrea Peroni, Carlo A. Cutolo, Luis A. Pinto, Anna Paviotti, Mauro Campigotto, Caroline Cobb, Jacintha Gong, Sirjhun Patel, Andrew Tatham, Stewart Gillan, Emanuele Trucco. 373-386 [doi]
- A Deep Learning Approach to Detect the Demarcation Line in OCT ImagesChadi Helwe, Shady Elbassuoni, Ahmad R. Dhaini, Lily Chacra, Shady Awwad. 387-399 [doi]
- Retinal Biomarkers Discovery for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in an Older PopulationLucia Ballerini, Ahmed E. Fetit, Stephan Wunderlich, Ruggiero Lovreglio, Sarah McGrory, Maria del Carmen Valdés Hernández, Tom MacGillivray, Fergus Doubal, Ian J. Deary, Joanna M. Wardlaw, Emanuele Trucco. 400-409 [doi]
- Simultaneous Optimisation of Confocal and Non-confocal Images in an AOSLO with a Reconfigurable Aperture PatternBiswajit Pathak, Laura Young, Hannah Smithson. 410-419 [doi]
- Deep Generative Models to Simulate 2D Patient-Specific Ultrasound Images in Real TimeCesare Magnetti, Veronika A. M. Zimmer, Nooshin Ghavami, Emily Skelton, Jacqueline Matthew, Karen Lloyd, Joseph V. Hajnal, Julia A. Schnabel, Alberto Gómez 0002. 423-435 [doi]
- Volumetric Simulation of Nano-Fibres and 2D SEM and 3D XCT Imaging ProcessesJohn P. Chiverton, Alexander Kao, Marta Roldo, Gianluca Tozzi. 436-445 [doi]