Abstract is missing.
- A Software Modeling Odyssey: Designing Evolutionary Architecture-Centric Real-Time Systems and Product LinesHassan Gomaa. 1-15 [doi]
- Uses and Abuses of the Stereotype Mechanism in UML 1.x and 2.0Brian Henderson-Sellers, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez. 16-26 [doi]
- An Experimental Investigation of UML Modeling ConventionsChristian F. J. Lange, Bart Du Bois, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Serge Demeyer. 27-41 [doi]
- Improving the Definition of UMLGreg O Keefe. 42-56 [doi]
- Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry - A Case Study at Two CompaniesMiroslaw Staron. 57-72 [doi]
- Use Case Driven Iterative Development: Hurdles and SolutionsSantiago Ceria, Juan José Cukier. 73-82 [doi]
- Model-Driven Development with SDL - Process, Tools, and ExperiencesThomas Kuhn, Reinhard Gotzhein, Christian Webel. 83-97 [doi]
- Model-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of Concrete SyntaxPierre-Alain Muller, Franck Fleurey, Frédéric Fondement, Michel Hassenforder, Rémi Schneckenburger, Sébastien Gérard, Jean-Marc Jézéquel. 98-110 [doi]
- Correctly Defined Concrete Syntax for Visual Modeling LanguagesThomas Baar. 111-125 [doi]
- Compositional MDALouis van Gool, Teade Punter, Marc Hamilton, Remco van Engelen. 126-139 [doi]
- CUP 2.0: High-Level Modeling of Context-Sensitive Interactive ApplicationsJan Van den Bergh, Karin Coninx. 140-154 [doi]
- Domain Models Are NOT Aspect FreeAwais Rashid, Ana Moreira. 155-169 [doi]
- A Slice of MDE with AOP: Transforming High-Level Business Rules to AspectsMaría Agustina Cibrán, Maja D'Hondt. 170-184 [doi]
- Package Merge in UML 2: Practice vs. Theory?Alanna Zito, Zinovy Diskin, Jürgen Dingel. 185-199 [doi]
- Detecting and Resolving Model Inconsistencies Using Transformation Dependency AnalysisTom Mens, Ragnhild Van Der Straeten, Maja D'Hondt. 200-214 [doi]
- Merging Models with the Epsilon Merging Language (EML)Dimitris Kolovos, Richard F. Paige, Fiona A. C. Polack. 215-229 [doi]
- Mappings, Maps and Tables: Towards Formal Semantics for Associations in UML2Zinovy Diskin, Jürgen Dingel. 230-244 [doi]
- Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachinesAli Taleghani, Joanne M. Atlee. 245-259 [doi]
- Facilitating the Definition of General Constraints in UMLDolors Costal, Cristina Gómez, Anna Queralt, Ruth Raventós, Ernest Teniente. 260-274 [doi]
- Towards a MOF/QVT-Based Domain Architecture for Model Driven SecurityMichael Hafner, Muhammad Alam, Ruth Breu. 275-290 [doi]
- MDA-Based Re-engineering with Object-ZJörn Guy Süß, Tim McComb, Soon-Kyeong Kim, Luke Wildman, Geoffrey Watson. 291-305 [doi]
- A Model Transformation Semantics and Analysis Methodology for SecureUMLAchim D. Brucker, Jürgen Doser, Burkhart Wolff. 306-320 [doi]
- Incremental Model Transformation for the Evolution of Model-Driven SystemsDavid Hearnden, Michael Lawley, Kerry Raymond. 321-335 [doi]
- A Plugin-Based Language to Experiment with Model TransformationJesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Jesús García Molina. 336-350 [doi]
- SiTra: Simple Transformations in JavaDavid H. Akehurst, Behzad Bordbar, M. J. Evans, W. Gareth J. Howells, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier. 351-364 [doi]
- Analysis and Visualization of Behavioral Dependencies Among Distributed Objects Based on UML ModelsVahid Garousi, Lionel C. Briand, Yvan Labiche. 365-379 [doi]
- Model Extraction Using Context InformationLucio Mauro Duarte, Jeff Kramer, Sebastián Uchitel. 380-394 [doi]
- Dynamic and Generic Manipulation of Models: From Introspection to ScriptingChristophe Tombelle, Gilles Vanwormhoudt. 395-409 [doi]
- Model Transformation by ExampleDániel Varró. 410-424 [doi]
- Graphical Definition of In-Place Transformations in the Eclipse Modeling FrameworkEnrico Biermann, Karsten Ehrig, Christian Köhler, Günter Kuhns, Gabriele Taentzer, Eduard Weiss. 425-439 [doi]
- Model Transformations? Transformation Models!Jean Bézivin, Fabian Büttner, Martin Gogolla, Frédéric Jouault, Ivan Kurtev, Arne Lindow. 440-453 [doi]
- A Mapping Language from Models to DI DiagramsMarcus Alanen, Torbjörn Lundkvist, Ivan Porres. 454-468 [doi]
- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union PropertiesMarcus Alanen, Ivan Porres. 469-483 [doi]
- A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern SpecificationMaged Elaasar, Lionel C. Briand, Yvan Labiche. 484-498 [doi]
- Immune System Computation and the Immunological HomunculusIrun R. Cohen. 499-512 [doi]
- Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven ApproachGabriela Arévalo, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Marianne Huchard, Clémentine Nebut. 513-527 [doi]
- Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling LanguagesGerti Kappel, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Horst Kargl, Gerhard Kramler, Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer. 528-542 [doi]
- Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph GrammarsHolger Giese, Robert Wagner. 543-557 [doi]
- Model-Driven Assessment of Use Cases for Dependable SystemsSadaf Mustafiz, Ximeng Sun, Jörg Kienzle, Hans Vangheluwe. 558-573 [doi]
- A Graphical Approach to Risk Identification, Motivated by Empirical InvestigationsIda Hogganvik, Ketil Stølen. 574-588 [doi]
- Reusable MDA Components: A Testing-for-Trust ApproachJean-Marie Mottu, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon. 589-603 [doi]
- Using Smalltalk as a Reflective Executable Meta-languageStéphane Ducasse, Tudor Gîrba. 604-618 [doi]
- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2Björn Lundell, Brian Lings, Anna Persson, Anders Mattsson. 619-630 [doi]
- Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA EnvironmentPrawee Sriplakich, Xavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais. 631-645 [doi]
- An OCL-Based Technique for Specifying and Verifying Refinement-Oriented Transformations in MDEClaudia Pons, Diego García. 646-660 [doi]
- An OCL Semantics Specified with QVTSlavisa Markovic, Thomas Baar. 661-675 [doi]
- Specification of Invariability in OCLPiotr Kosiuczenko. 676-691 [doi]
- Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip EngineeringMichał Antkiewicz, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 692-706 [doi]
- A Visualization Framework for the Modeling and Formal Analysis of High Assurance SystemsHeather Goldsby, Betty H. C. Cheng, Sascha Konrad, Stephane Kamdoum. 707-721 [doi]
- Layered Class Diagrams: Supporting the Design ProcessScott A. Hendrickson, Bryan Jett, André van der Hoek. 722-736 [doi]
- Using UML Activities for System-on-Chip Design and SynthesisTim Schattkowsky, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Gregor Engels. 737-752 [doi]
- Modeling and Early Performance Estimation for Network Processor ApplicationsAntonia Bertolino, Alvise Bonivento, Guglielmo De Angelis, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. 753-767 [doi]
- A Formal Semantics of UML-RTMichael von der Beeck. 768-782 [doi]
- Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006Thomas Kühne. 783-790 [doi]
- Tutorials at MoDELS 2006Egidio Astesiano. 791-794 [doi]
- Panels at MoDELS 2006Douglas C. Schmidt. 795 [doi]