Abstract is missing.
- Keynote - Internet imbalance: Have we given the attackers an edge?Josh Shaul. [doi]
- Advanced interest flooding attacks in named-data networkingSalvatore Signorello, Samuel Marchal, Jérôme François, Olivier Festor, Radu State. 1-10 [doi]
- Identifying malicious hosts involved in periodic communicationsGiovanni Apruzzese, Mirco Marchetti, Michele Colajanni, Gabriele Gambigliani Zoccoli, Alessandro Guido. 11-18 [doi]
- Diversity with intrusion detection systems: An empirical studyAreej Algaith, Ivano Alessandro Elia, Ilir Gashi, Marco Vieira. 19-23 [doi]
- Link reliable and trust aware RPL routing protocol for Internet of ThingsAsma Lahbib, Khalifa Toumi, Sameh Elleuch, Anis Laouiti, Steven Martin. 25-2395 [doi]
- Towards secure energy internet communication scheme: An identity-based key bootstrapping protocol supporting unicast and multicastAbubakar Sadiq Sani, Dong Yuan, Wei Bao, Zhao Yang Dong. 25-29 [doi]
- Reducing communication cost of encrypted data search with compressed bloom filtersMuhammad Umer, Tahir Azim, Zeeshan Pervez. 31-34 [doi]
- Constant stretch and load balanced routing protocol for bypassing multiple holes in wireless sensor networksPhi-Le Nguyen, Yusheng Ji, Nguyen Thanh Trung, Nguyen Thanh Hung. 35-43 [doi]
- Towards reliable broadcast in practical sensor networksLewis Tseng. 45-52 [doi]
- TQOR: Trust-based QoS-oriented routing in cognitive MANETsShima Asaadi, Kiana Alikhademi, Farshad Eshghi, Juan E. Gilbert. 53-60 [doi]
- Centrality-based data dissemination protocol for vehicular ad hoc networksJoahannes Costa, Wellington Lobato, Allan Mariano de Souza, Denis do Rosário, Leandro A. Villas, Eduardo Cerqueira. 61-64 [doi]
- Applying egocentric betweenness measure in vehicular ad hoc networksAdemar Takeo Akabane, Richard W. Pazzi, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Leandro A. Villas. 65-68 [doi]
- Combined sensing, performance and security trade-offs in cognitive radio networksChuku Ejike, Demetres Kouvatsos. 69-72 [doi]
- Augure: Proactive reconfiguration of cloud applications using heterogeneous resourcesRichard Gil Martinez, Zhongmiao Li, Antónia Lopes, Luís E. T. Rodrigues. 73-80 [doi]
- Connectivity graph reconstruction for networking cloud infrastructuresPernelle Mensah, Samuel Dubus, Wael Kanoun, Christine Morin, Guillaume Piolle, Eric Totel. 81-89 [doi]
- LIFE: A predictive approach for VM placement in cloud environmentsDeafallah Alsadie, Zahir Tari, Eidah J. Alzahrani, Albert Y. Zomaya. 91-98 [doi]
- Energy-efficient tailoring of VM size and tasks in cloud data centersDeafallah Alsadie, Zahir Tari, Eidah J. Alzahrani, Albert Y. Zomaya. 99-103 [doi]
- Data migration algorithms in heterogeneous storage systems: A comparative performance evaluationGary Roberts, Sixia Chen, Chadi Kari, Vivek K. Pallipuram. 105-108 [doi]
- Stochastic delay forecasts for edge traffic engineering via Bayesian NetworksMary Hogan, Flavio Esposito. 109-112 [doi]
- The concept of workload delay as a quality-of-service metric for consolidated cloud environments with deadline requirementsEvangelos Tasoulas, Hugo Lewi Hammer, Hårek Haugerud, Anis Yazidi, Alfred Bratterud, Boning Feng. 113-117 [doi]
- Client-side black-box monitoring for web sitesRicardo Filipe, Rui Pedro Paiva, Filipe Araújo. 119-123 [doi]
- Increasing reliability of a TSCH network for the industry 4.0Pascale Minet, Ines Khoufi, Anis Laouiti. 125-134 [doi]
- Shield: A middleware to tolerate CPU transient faults in multicore architecturesMohamed Mohamedin, Masoomeh Javidi Kishi, Roberto Palmieri. 135-143 [doi]
- Aggregation protocols in light of reliable communicationZiad Kassam, Ali Shoker, Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Carlos Baquero. 145-148 [doi]
- Programming reflexes (Extended abstract)Shlomi Dolev, Roman Manevich, Amit Rokach. 149-152 [doi]
- On the consistent migration of unsplittable flows: Upper and lower complexity boundsKlaus-Tycho Foerster. 153-156 [doi]
- Prompt application-transparent transaction revalidation in software transactional memorySimone Economo, Emiliano Silvestri, Pierangelo di Sanzo, Alessandro Pellegrini 0001, Francesco Quaglia. 157-162 [doi]
- Distributed deep learning on edge-devices: Feasibility via adaptive compressionCorentin Hardy, Erwan Le Merrer, Bruno Sericola. 163-170 [doi]
- Is Intel high performance analytics toolkit a good alternative to Apache Spark?Rafael Aquino de Carvalho, Alfredo Goldman, Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro. 171-178 [doi]
- Machine learning-based management of cloud applications in hybrid clouds: A Hadoop case studyDimiter R. Avresky, Alessandro Pellegrini 0001, Pierangelo di Sanzo. 179-183 [doi]
- On-demand self-adaptive data analytics in large-scale decentralized networksEvangelos Pournaras, Jovan Nikolic. 185-194 [doi]
- Sentiment analysis of the correlation between regular tweets and retweetsJundong Chen, He Li, Zeju Wu, Md Shafaeat Hossain. 195-199 [doi]
- Enhancing and evaluating an architecture for privacy in the integration of Internet of Things and cloud computingLuis Alberto B. Pacheco, Eduardo Alchieri, Priscila A. Solis Barreto. 201-208 [doi]
- Niflheim: An end-to-end middleware for applications on a multi-tier IoT infrastructureNicolas Small, Sven Akkermans, Wouter Joosen, Danny Hughes 0001. 209-216 [doi]
- Privacy preserving data access scheme for IoT devicesMosarrat Jahan, Suranga Seneviratne, Ben Chu, Aruna Seneviratne, Sanjay Jha. 217-226 [doi]
- Child-observation system with wide area networks of IoT child observation using information terminal bus stops in Nonoichi cityMikiko Sode Tanaka, Takahiro Katoh, Kazuo Ishida. 227-230 [doi]
- Efficient green solution for a balanced energy consumption and delay in the IoT-Fog-Cloud computingAdila Mebrek, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, Moez Esseghir. 231-234 [doi]
- Real-time communication for manufacturing cyber-physical systemsNgoc-Tu Nguyen, Ming C. Leu, Xiaoqing Frank Liu. 241-244 [doi]
- adCFS: Adaptive completely fair scheduling policy for containerised workflows systemsEidah J. Alzahrani, Zahir Tari, Young Choon Lee, Deafallah Alsadie, Albert Y. Zomaya. 245-252 [doi]
- ACDC: Advanced consolidation for dynamic containersDamien Carver, Julien Sopena, Sébastien Monnet. 253-260 [doi]
- Enhancing throughput of partially replicated state machines via multi-partition operation schedulingZhongmiao Li, Peter Van Roy, Paolo Romano 0002. 261-270 [doi]
- QoS-aware resource allocation for stream processing engines using priority channelsYidan Wang, Zahir Tari, MohammadReza HoseinyFarahabady, Albert Y. Zomaya. 271-279 [doi]
- A resource allocation controller for key-value data storesYoung Ki Kim, Mohammad Reza Hoseiny Farahabady, Young Choon Lee, Albert Y. Zomaya. 281-284 [doi]
- PAS-CA: A cloud computing auto-scalability method for high-demand web systemsMarcelo Cerqueira de Abranches, Priscila Solis, Eduardo Alchieri. 285-288 [doi]
- Resource demand aware scheduling for workflows in cloudsKhaled Almi'ani, Young Choon Lee, Bernard Mans. 289-293 [doi]
- Deduplication overlay networkKutalmis Akpinar, Kien A. Hua. 295-303 [doi]
- Optimising packet forwarding in multi-tenant networks using rule compilationStefan Hommes, Petko Valtchev, Khalil Blaiech, Salaheddine Hamadi, Omar Cherkaoui, Radu State. 305-313 [doi]
- Probabilistic analysis of counting protocols in large-scale asynchronous and anonymous systemsYves Mocquard, Bruno Sericola, Emmanuelle Anceaume. 315-322 [doi]
- Summary prefix tree: An over DHT indexing data structure for efficient superset searchBassirou Ngom, Mesaac Makpangou. 323-327 [doi]
- Tools for managing network traffic flows: A comparative analysisDiego Fernández, Hugo Lorenzo, Francisco J. Nóvoa, Fidel Cacheda, Victor Carneiro. 329-333 [doi]
- Trade-off analysis of a service-oriented and hierarchical queuing mechanismRoberto Rigolin F. Lopes, Antti Viidanoja, Maximilien Lhotellier, Michal Mazurkiewicz, Giampaolo Melis, Anne Diefenbach, Tobias Ginzler, Norman Jansen. 335-338 [doi]
- Virtual cut-through routing in toroidal interconnection networksYelena Rykalova, Lev B. Levitin. 339-342 [doi]
- A first look at mobile Ad-Blocking appsMuhammad Ikram, Mohamed Ali Kâafar. 343-350 [doi]
- Hail to the Thief: Protecting data from mobile ransomware with ransomsafedroidSileshi Demesie Yalew, Gerald Q. Maguire Jr., Seif Haridi, Miguel Correia. 351-358 [doi]
- Securing communication between service providers and road side units in a connected vehicle infrastructureSami S. Albouq, Erik M. Fredericks. 359-363 [doi]
- AVAMAT: AntiVirus and malware analysis toolPasha Shahegh, Tommy Dietz, Michel Cukier, Areej Algaith, Attila Brozik, Ilir Gashi. 365-368 [doi]
- Relationship of Jaccard and edit distance in malware clustering and online identification (Extended abstract)Shlomi Dolev, Mohammad Ghanayim, Alexander Binun, Sergey Frenkel, Yeali S. Sun. 369-373 [doi]
- Quantifying the impact of adversarial evasion attacks on machine learning based android malware classifiersZainab Abaid, Mohamed Ali Kâafar, Sanjay Jha. 375-384 [doi]
- Blockchain abbreviation: Implemented by message passing and shared memory (Extended abstract)Maxim Amelchenko, Shlomi Dolev. 385-391 [doi]
- Sustainable blockchain through proof of exerciseAli Shoker. 393-401 [doi]
- A blockchain-based data usage auditing architecture with enhanced privacy and availabilityNesrine Kaaniche, Maryline Laurent. 403-407 [doi]
- The effect of a blockchain-supported, privacy-preserving system on disclosure of personal dataRemo Manuel Frey, Pascal Buhler, Alexander Gerdes, Thomas Hardjono, Klaus Ludwig Fuchs, Alexander Ilic. 409-413 [doi]
- Dependence graph and master switch for seamless dependent routes replacement in SDN (extended abstract)Yefim Dinitz, Shlomi Dolev, Daniel Khankin. 415-421 [doi]
- Predicting and choosing alternatives of route updates per QoS VNF in SDNSergei Frenkel, Daniel Khankin, Alona Kutsyy. 423-428 [doi]
- SDS2: A novel software-defined security service for protecting cloud computing infrastructureSara Farahmandian, Doan B. Hoang. 429-436 [doi]
- A novel software-defined network based approach for charging station allocation to plugged-in electric vehiclesRaj Mani Shukla, Shamik Sengupta. 437-441 [doi]
- Employing SDN to control video streaming applications in military mobile networksIulisloi Zacarias, Janaina Schwarzrock, Luciano Paschoal Gaspary, Anderson Kohl, Ricardo Q. A. Fernandes, Jorgito M. Stocchero, Edison Pignaton de Freitas. 443-446 [doi]
- NFV orchestrator placement for geo-distributed systemsMohammad Abu-Lebdeh, Diala Naboulsi, Roch H. Glitho, Constant Wette Tchouati. 447-451 [doi]
- Preserving confidentiality during the migration of virtual SDN topologies: A formal approachFabien Charmet, Richard Waldinger, Gregory Blanc, Christophe Kiennert, Khalifa Toumi. 453-457 [doi]
- A distributed algorithm for D2D communication in 5G using stochastic modelDurgesh Singh, Sasthi C. Ghosh. 459-466 [doi]
- 5G accessibility optimization in high interference environmentsHussein Al Dorai, Luay Alirkhis, Riyadh Ali Al-Essawi. 467-471 [doi]
- A predictive handoff mechanism for 5G ultra dense networksShankar K. Ghosh, Sasthi C. Ghosh. 473-477 [doi]
- Radio resource management in LTE femtocell networksSultan Alotaibi, Robert Akl. 479-483 [doi]
- Towards fog-based slice-defined WLAN infrastructures to cope with future 5G use casesMaxweel S. Carmo, Sandino Jardim, Augusto Neto, Rui L. Aguiar, Daniel Corujo. 485-489 [doi]