Abstract is missing.
- Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing: a TutorialKerry Raymond. 3-14
- ODP-TraderMirion Bearman. 37-51
- Does Midware Provide an Adequate Distributed Application Environment?Jacob Slonim, James W. Hong, Patrick J. Finnigan, Doreen L. Erickson, Neil Coburn, Michael A. Bauer. 53-65
- Medical Applications of ODPHorst Hansen, Ralf-Detlef Kutsche. 67-99
- Data Oriented Apporach to Business Information ModellingRyosuke Hotaka, Michael Björn. 101-115
- Service Engineering in RACE and its Relation to ODPMário Campolargo. 117-126
- The Challenges of CSCW for Open Distributed ProcessingGordon S. Blair, Tom Rodden. 127-140
- Object Trading in Open SystemsAndrzej M. Goscinski, Y. Ni. 145-156
- Broadening the User Environment with Implicit TradingLea Kutvonen, Petri Kutvonen. 157-168
- A Type Management System for an ODP TraderJadwiga Indulska, Kerry Raymond, Mirion Bearman. 169-180
- Contexts, Views and Rules: An Integrated Apporach to Trader ContextsKerry Raymond, Mirion Bearman. 181-191
- HARNESS - AN Evolving Standard for Distributed ProcessingA. Balis, A. Dede, K. Flokos, B. Martin, R. v. Riet. 195-204
- A Distributed Object-Oriented Platform Based on DCE and C++Pier Giorgio Bosco, Giovanni Martini, Corrado Moiso. 205-216
- Is DCE a Support Environment for ODP?A. D. Beitz, P. W. King, Kerry Raymond. 217-231
- Distributed Application Performance, Metrics and ManagementJerome A. Rolia. 235-246
- A Language for the Specification of Interactive and Distributed Multimedia ApplicationsPaulo F. Pinto, Peter F. Linington. 247-264
- Distributed Mulitmedia Systems Quality of Service in ODP Framework of Abstraction: A First StudyLinda Fedaoui, Wassim Tawbi, Eric Horlait. 265-274
- Home Automation Systems: ODP in the Kitchen?Alistair Munro. 277-288
- Federating Expert Systems in an ODP EnvironmentNirad Sharma. 289-300
- ODP - a Frameowrk for Defining Service Management Reference ConfigurationsLinda Strick, Jens Meinköhn, Don Cochrane. 301-314
- New Economic-driven Aspects of the ODP Enterprise Specification and Related Quality of Service IssuesZoran Milosevic, Andrew Lister, Mirion Y. Bearman. 317-328
- Cooperation Support for an Open Service MarketMichael Merz, Winfried Lamersdorf. 329-340
- An Object-Oriented Approach to the Formal Specification of ODP TraderJin Song Dong, Roger Duke. 341-352
- An Improved Model for Transactional Operations in RM-ODPAndrew Berry, Kerry Raymond. 353-364
- Report on the Architectural Semantics WorkshopChris A. Vissers. 367-386
- Report on the Workshop "The Role of ODP in Medical Applications"Bernd Mahr, M. Gerneth. 387-394
- Object Management ArchitectureJohn Slitz. 395-410