Abstract is missing.
- Non-Blocking Doubly-Linked Lists with Good Amortized ComplexityNiloufar Shafiei. [doi]
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- Distributed Sparse Cut ApproximationFabian Kuhn, Anisur Rahaman Molla. [doi]
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- Bounds for Blind Rate AdaptationSeth Gilbert, Calvin C. Newport, Tonghe Wang. [doi]
- Ensuring Average Recovery with Adversarial SchedulerJingshu Chen, Mohammad Roohitavaf, Sandeep S. Kulkarni. [doi]
- Poly-Logarithmic Adaptive Algorithms Require Unconditional PrimitivesHagit Attiya, Arie Fouren. [doi]
- Anonymous Obstruction-Free (n, k)-Set Agreement with n-k+1 Atomic Read/Write RegistersZohir Bouzid, Michel Raynal, Pierre Sutra. [doi]
- Overcoming Obstacles with AntsTobias Langner, Barbara Keller, Jara Uitto, Roger Wattenhofer. [doi]
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Committees, List of Authors [doi]
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- On the Uncontended Complexity of Anonymous ConsensusClaire Capdevielle, Colette Johnen, Petr Kuznetsov, Alessia Milani. [doi]
- Making "Fast" Atomic Operations Computationally TractableAntonio Fernández Anta, Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Alexandru Popa. [doi]
- Byzantine Agreement with Median ValidityDavid Stolz, Roger Wattenhofer. [doi]
- Time to Change: On Distributed Computing in Dynamic Networks (Keynote)Nicola Santoro. [doi]
- Signature-Free Communication and Agreement in the Presence of Byzantine Processes (Tutorial)Michel Raynal. [doi]
- Dynamic Reconfiguration: A Tutorial (Tutorial)Alexander Spiegelman, Idit Keidar, Dahlia Malkhi. [doi]
- The Relative Power of Composite Loop Agreement TasksVikram Saraph, Maurice Herlihy. [doi]
- ActiveMonitor: Asynchronous Monitor Framework for Scalability and Multi-Object SynchronizationWei-Lun Hung, Himanshu Chauhan, Vijay K. Garg. [doi]
- Approximation of Distances and Shortest Paths in the Broadcast Congest CliqueStephan Holzer, Nathan Pinsker. [doi]
- Blockchain-Based Consensus (Keynote)Juan A. Garay. [doi]
- Wait-Free Concurrent Graph Objects with Dynamic TraversalsNikolaos D. Kallimanis, Eleni Kanellou. [doi]
- Generic Proofs of Consensus Numbers for Abstract Data TypesEdward Talmage, Jennifer L. Welch. [doi]
- QuickLex: A Fast Algorithm for Consistent Global States Enumeration of Distributed ComputationsYen-Jung Chang, Vijay K. Garg. [doi]
- Non Trivial Computations in Anonymous Dynamic NetworksGiuseppe Antonio Di Luna, Roberto Baldoni. [doi]