Abstract is missing.
- Transactional memory for a modern microprocessorMarc Tremblay. 1 [doi]
- The Akamai approach to achieving performance and reliability on the internetTom Leighton. 2 [doi]
- Constant-RMR implementations of CAS and other synchronization primitives using read and write operationsWojciech M. Golab, Vassos Hadzilacos, Danny Hendler, Philipp Woelfel. 3-12 [doi]
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- Distributed approximate matchingZvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Adi Rosén. 167-174 [doi]
- Controller and estimator for dynamic networksAmos Korman, Shay Kutten. 175-184 [doi]
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- Summarizing data using bottom-k sketchesEdith Cohen, Haim Kaplan. 225-234 [doi]
- On the weakest failure detector everRachid Guerraoui, Maurice Herlihy, Petr Kouznetsov, Nancy A. Lynch, Calvin C. Newport. 235-243 [doi]
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- Greedy distributed optimization of multi-commodity flowsBaruch Awerbuch, Rohit Khandekar. 274-283 [doi]
- Distributed network monitoring and multicommodity flows: a primal-dual approachBaruch Awerbuch, Rohit Khandekar. 284-291 [doi]
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- Network formation games with local coalitionsStefano Leonardi, Piotr Sankowski. 299-305 [doi]
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- Multicoordinated PaxosLásaro J. Camargos, Rodrigo Schmidt, Fernando Pedone. 316-317 [doi]
- The complexity of updating multi-writer snapshot objectsHagit Attiya, Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou. 318-319 [doi]
- From an intermittent rotating star to a leaderAntonio Fernández, Michel Raynal. 320-321 [doi]
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- Privatization techniques for software transactional memoryMichael F. Spear, Virendra J. Marathe, Luke Dalessandro, Michael L. Scott. 338-339 [doi]
- From causal to z-linearizable transactional memoryTorvald Riegel, Christof Fetzer, Heiko Sturzrehm, Pascal Felber. 340-341 [doi]
- The power of DCAS: highly-concurrent software transactional memoryHagit Attiya, Eshcar Hillel. 342-343 [doi]
- Object replication degree customization for high availabilityMing Zhong, Kai Shen, Joel I. Seiferas. 344-345 [doi]
- Sharpness, a tight condition for throughput scalabilityAugustin Chaintreau. 346-347 [doi]
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- On local representation of distances in treesCyril Gavoille, Arnaud Labourel. 352-353 [doi]
- Minimizing the total cost of network measurements in a distributed manner: a primal-dual approachBaruch Awerbuch, Rohit Khandekar. 354-355 [doi]
- Game authority for robust andscalable distributed selfish-computer systemsShlomi Dolev, Elad Michael Schiller, Paul G. Spirakis, Philippas Tsigas. 356-357 [doi]
- Theory of BAR gamesAllen Clement, Jeff Napper, Harry C. Li, Jean-Philippe Martin, Lorenzo Alvisi, Michael Dahlin. 358-359 [doi]
- An algorithm composition scheme preserving monotonicityDavide Bilò, Luca Forlizzi, Luciano Gualà, Guido Proietti. 360-361 [doi]
- An incentive-compatible multi-armed bandit mechanismRica Gonen, Elan Pavlov. 362-363 [doi]
- On cost sharing mechanisms in the network design gameBaruch Awerbuch, Rohit Khandekar. 364-365 [doi]
- Asynchronous recommendation systemsBaruch Awerbuch, Aviv Nisgav, Boaz Patt-Shamir. 366-367 [doi]
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- A denial-of-service resistant DHTBaruch Awerbuch, Christian Scheideler. 370-371 [doi]
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- Toward an optimal social network defense against Sybil attacksHaifeng Yu, Phillip B. Gibbons, Michael Kaminsky. 376-377 [doi]
- Trinity: distributed defense against transient spam-botsAlex Brodsky, Dmitry Brodsky. 378-379 [doi]
- Non-searchability of random scale-free graphsPhilippe Duchon, Nicole Eggemann, Nicolas Hanusse. 380-381 [doi]
- Distributed broadcasting and mapping protocols in directed anonymous networksMichael Langberg, Moshe Schwartz, Jehoshua Bruck. 382-383 [doi]
- Optimal atomic broadcast and multicast algorithms for wide area networksNicolas Schiper, Fernando Pedone. 384-385 [doi]
- Solvability of geocasting in mobile ad-hoc networksRoberto Baldoni, Kleoni Ioannidou, Alessia Milani. 386-387 [doi]
- Geographic gossip on geometric random graphs via affine combinationsHariharan Narayanan. 388-389 [doi]
- Practical summation via gossipWesley W. Terpstra, Christof Leng, Alejandro P. Buchmann. 390-391 [doi]
- Distributed algorithms for dynamic coverage in sensor networksLan Lin, Hyunyoung Lee. 392-393 [doi]
- DoS-resilient secure aggregation queries in sensor networksHaifeng Yu. 394-395 [doi]
- Self-stabilizing counting in mobile sensor networksJoffroy Beauquier, Julien Clement, Stéphane Messika, Laurent Rosaz, Brigitte Rozoy. 396-397 [doi]
- Paxos made live: an engineering perspectiveTushar Deepak Chandra, Robert Griesemer, Joshua Redstone. 398-407 [doi]