Abstract is missing.
- Memory Subsystem Performance of Programs Using Copying Garbage CollectionAmer Diwan, David Tarditi, J. Eliot B. Moss. 1-14
- Correctness of Trap-Based Breakpoint ImplementationsNorman Ramsey. 15-24
- Dominators, Super Blocks, and Program CoverageHiralal Agrawal. 25-34
- A Functional Theory of Local NamesMartin Odersky. 48-59
- Portable, Unobtrusive Garbage Collection for Multiprocessor SystemsDamien Doligez, Georges Gonthier. 70-83
- Higher-Order Concurrent Programs with Finite Communication TopologyHanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson. 84-97
- Proving Concurrent Constraint Programs CorrectFrank S. de Boer, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Elena Marchiori, Catuscia Palamidessi. 98-108
- Manifest Types, Modules, and Separate CompilationXavier Leroy. 109-122 [doi]
- A Type-Theoretic Approach to Higher-Order Modules with SharingRobert Harper, Mark Lillibridge. 123-137
- A Type System for Prototyping LanguagesDinesh Katiyar, David C. Luckham, John C. Mitchell. 138-150
- Decidable Bounded QuantificationGiuseppe Castagna, Benjamin C. Pierce. 151-162
- Soft Typing with Conditional TypesAlexander Aiken, Edward L. Wimmers, T. K. Lakshman. 163-173
- Implementation of the Typed Call-by-Value lambda-Calculus using a Stack of RegionsMads Tofte, Jean-Pierre Talpin. 188-201
- Deriving Algorithms From Type Inference Systems: Application to Strictness AnalysisChris Hankin, Daniel Le Métayer. 202-212
- Formally Optimal BoxingFritz Henglein, Jesper Jørgensen. 213-226
- Combinations of Abstract Domains for Logic ProgrammingAgostino Cortesi, Baudouin Le Charlier, Pascal Van Hentenryck. 227-239
- Analyzing Logic Programs with Dynamic SchedulingKim Marriott, Maria J. García de la Banda, Manuel V. Hermenegildo. 240-253
- Higher-Order Equational Logic ProgrammingZhenyu Qian. 254-267
- A Needed Narrowing StrategySergio Antoy, Rachid Echahed, Michael Hanus. 268-279
- Detecting Pipeline Structural Hazards QuicklyTodd A. Proebsting, Christopher W. Fraser. 280-286
- An Incremental Algorithm for Maintaining the Dominator Tree of a Reducible FlowgraphGanesan Ramalingam, Thomas W. Reps. 287-296
- Value Dependence Graphs: Representation without TaxationDaniel Weise, Roger F. Crew, Michael D. Ernst, Bjarne Steensgaard. 297-310
- Lazy Array Data-Flow Dependence AnalysisVadim Maslov. 311-325
- An Operational Framework for Value-Passing ProcessesRance Cleaveland, Daniel Yankelevich. 326-338
- CHOCOLATE: Calculi of Higher Order COmmunication and LAmbda TErmsBard Bloom. 339-347
- Combinatory Representation of Mobile ProcessesKohei Honda, Nobuko Yoshida. 348-360
- Multi-Pass Execution of Functional Logic ProgramsJukka Paakki. 361-374
- Composing Tree AttributionsJohn Boyland, Susan L. Graham. 375-388
- A Staging Calculus and its Application to the Verification of TranslatorsRobert Muller. 389-396
- Reducing Indirect Function call Overhead in C++ ProgramsBrad Calder, Dirk Grunwald. 397-408
- Call Forwarding: A Simple Interprocedural Optimization Technique for Dynamically Typed LanguagesKoenraad De Bosschere, Saumya K. Debray, David Gudeman, Sampath Kannan. 409-420
- The Revival TransformationLawrence Feigen, David Klappholz, Robert Casazza, Xing Xue. 421-434
- Selective and Lightweight Closure ConversionMitchell Wand, Paul Steckler. 435-445
- Representing MonadsAndrzej Filinski. 446-457
- A Generic Account of Continuation-Passing StylesJohn Hatcliff, Olivier Danvy. 458-471
- Building Interpreters by Composing MonadsGuy L. Steele Jr.. 472-492