Abstract is missing.
- New Directions in PVM/Harness ResearchAl Geist. 1-3 [doi]
- Towards a Productive MPI EnvironmentWilliam D. Gropp. 4 [doi]
- Components of Systems Software for Parallel SystemsEwing L. Lusk. 5 [doi]
- Virtualization in Parallel Distributed ComputingVaidy S. Sunderam. 6 [doi]
- Advanced Message Passing and Threading IssuesGraham E. Fagg, George Bosilca. 7 [doi]
- Using MPI-2: A Problem-Based ApproachWilliam D. Gropp, Ewing L. Lusk. 8 [doi]
- Some Improvements to a Parallel Decomposition Technique for Training Support Vector MachinesThomas Serafini, Luca Zanni, Gaetano Zanghirati. 9-17 [doi]
- Nesting OpenMP in MPI to Implement a Hybrid Communication Method of Parallel Simulated Annealing on a Cluster of SMP NodesAgnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz, Rolf Rabenseifner. 18-27 [doi]
- Computing Frequent Itemsets in Parallel Using Partial Support TreesDora Souliou, Aris Pagourtzis, Nikolaos Drosinos. 28-37 [doi]
- A Grid-Aware Branch, Cut and Price ImplementationEmilio Mancini, Sonya Marcarelli, Pierluigi Ritrovato, Igor Vasil ev, Umberto Villano. 38-47 [doi]
- An Optimal Broadcast Algorithm Adapted to SMP ClustersJesper Larsson Träff, Andreas Ripke. 48-56 [doi]
- Efficient Implementation of Allreduce on BlueGene/L Collective NetworkGeorge Almási, Gábor Dózsa, C. Christopher Erway, Burkhard D. Steinmacher-Burow. 57-66 [doi]
- Scalable Fault Tolerant MPI: Extending the Recovery AlgorithmGraham E. Fagg, Thara Angskun, George Bosilca, Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic, Jack Dongarra. 67-75 [doi]
- Hash Functions for Datatype Signatures in MPIJulien Langou, George Bosilca, Graham E. Fagg, Jack Dongarra. 76-83 [doi]
- Implementing MPI-IO Shared File Pointers Without File System SupportRobert Latham, Robert B. Ross, Rajeev Thakur, Brian R. Toonen. 84-93 [doi]
- An Efficient Parallel File System for Cluster GridsFranco Frattolillo, Salvatore D Onofrio. 94-101 [doi]
- Cooperative Write-Behind Data Buffering for MPI I/OWei-keng Liao, Kenin Coloma, Alok N. Choudhary, Lee Ward. 102-109 [doi]
- Hint Controlled Distribution with Parallel File SystemsHipolito Vasquez Lucas, Thomas Ludwig 0002. 110-118 [doi]
- Implementing Byte-Range Locks Using MPI One-Sided CommunicationRajeev Thakur, Robert B. Ross, Robert Latham. 119-128 [doi]
- An Improved Algorithm for (Non-commutative) Reduce-Scatter with an ApplicationJesper Larsson Träff. 129-137 [doi]
- Collective Error Detection for MPI Collective OperationsChris Falzone, Anthony Chan, Ewing L. Lusk, William Gropp. 138-147 [doi]
- Implementing OpenMP for Clusters on Top of MPIAntonio J. Dorta, José M. Badía, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Francisco de Sande. 148-155 [doi]
- Designing a Common Communication SubsystemDarius Buntinas, William Gropp. 156-166 [doi]
- Dynamic Interoperable Message PassingMichal Kouril, Jerome L. Paul. 167-174 [doi]
- Analysis of the Component Architecture Overhead in Open MPIBrian Barrett, Jeffrey M. Squyres, Andrew Lumsdaine, Richard L. Graham, George Bosilca. 175-182 [doi]
- A Case for New MPI Fortran BindingsCraig Edward Rasmussen, Jeffrey M. Squyres. 183-190 [doi]
- Design Alternatives and Performance Trade-Offs for Implementing MPI-2 over InfiniBandWei Huang, Gopalakrishnan Santhanaraman, Hyun-Wook Jin, Dhabaleswar K. Panda. 191-199 [doi]
- Designing a Portable MPI-2 over Modern Interconnects Using uDAPL InterfaceLei Chai, Ranjit Noronha, Prachi Gupta, G. Brown, Dhabaleswar K. Panda. 200-208 [doi]
- Experiences, Strategies and Challenges in Adapting PVM to ::::VxWorks::::™ Hard Real-Time Operating System, for Safety-Critical SoftwareDavide Falessi, Guido Pennella, Giovanni Cantone. 209-216 [doi]
- MPJ/Ibis: A Flexible and Efficient Message Passing Platform for JavaMarkus Bornemann, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Thilo Kielmann. 217-224 [doi]
- The Open Run-Time Environment (OpenRTE): A Transparent Multi-cluster Environment for High-Performance ComputingRalph H. Castain, Timothy S. Woodall, David J. Daniel, Jeffrey M. Squyres, Brian Barrett, Graham E. Fagg. 225-232 [doi]
- PVM-3.4.4 + IPv6: Full Grid ConnectivityRafael Martínez-Torres. 233-240 [doi]
- Utilizing PVM in a Multidomain Clusters EnvironmentMario Petrone, Roberto Zarrelli. 241-249 [doi]
- Enhancements to PVM s BEOLIN ArchitecturePaul L. Springer. 250-257 [doi]
- Migol: A Fault-Tolerant Service Framework for MPI Applications in the GridAndré Luckow, Bettina Schnor. 258-267 [doi]
- Applicability of Generic Naming Services and Fault-Tolerant Metacomputing with FT-MPIDavid Dewolfs, Dawid Kurzyniec, Vaidy S. Sunderam, Jan Broeckhove, Tom Dhaene, Graham E. Fagg. 268-275 [doi]
- A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Robust Execution of Message Passing Parallel Programs on GridsStéphane Genaud, Choopan Rattanapoka. 276-284 [doi]
- MGF: A Grid-Enabled MPI Library with a Delegation Mechanism to Improve Collective OperationsFrancesco Gregoretti, Giuliano Laccetti, Almerico Murli, G. Oliva, U. Scafuri. 285-292 [doi]
- Automatic Performance Analysis of Message Passing Applications Using the KappaPI 2 ToolJosep Jorba, Tomàs Margalef, Emilio Luque. 293-300 [doi]
- Benchmarking One-Sided Communication with SKaMPI 5Werner Augustin, Marc-Oliver Straub, Thomas Worsch. 301-308 [doi]
- A Scalable Approach to MPI Application Performance AnalysisShirley Moore, Felix Wolf, Jack Dongarra, Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Bernd Mohr. 309-316 [doi]
- High-Level Application Specific Performance Analysis Using the G-PM ToolRoland Wismüller, Marian Bubak, Wlodzimierz Funika. 317-324 [doi]
- ClusterGrind: Valgrinding LAM/MPI ApplicationsBrett Carson, Ian A. Mason. 325-332 [doi]
- MPISH2: Unix Integration for MPI ProgramsNarayan Desai, Ewing L. Lusk, Rick Bradshaw. 333-342 [doi]
- Ensemble-2: Dynamic Composition of MPMD ProgramsYiannis Cotronis, Paul Polydoras. 343-350 [doi]
- New User-Guided and ckpt-Based Checkpointing Libraries for Parallel MPI ApplicationsPawel Czarnul, Marcin Fraczak. 351-358 [doi]
- Performance Profiling Overhead Compensation for MPI ProgramsSameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris, Felix Wolf. 359-367 [doi]
- Network Bandwidth Measurements and Ratio Analysis with the HPC Challenge Benchmark Suite (HPCC)Rolf Rabenseifner, Sunil R. Tiyyagura, Matthias Müller. 368-378 [doi]
- A Space and Time Sharing Scheduling Approach for PVM Non-dedicated ClustersMauricio Hanzich, Francesc Giné, Porfidio Hernández, Francesc Solsona, Emilio Luque. 379-387 [doi]
- Efficient Hardware Multicast Group Management for Multiple MPI Communicators over InfiniBandAmith R. Mamidala, Hyun-Wook Jin, Dhabaleswar K. Panda. 388-398 [doi]
- Assessing MPI Performance on QsNet:::II:::Pablo E. García, Juan Fernández, Fabrizio Petrini, José M. García. 399-406 [doi]
- Optimised Gather Collectives on QsNet ::: ::::II:::::::Duncan Roweth, David Addison. 407-414 [doi]
- An Evaluation of Implementation Options for MPI One-Sided CommunicationWilliam D. Gropp, Rajeev Thakur. 415-424 [doi]
- A Comparison of Three MPI Implementations for Red StormRon Brightwell. 425-432 [doi]
- Probing the Applicability of Polarizable Force-Field Molecular Dynamics for Parallel Architectures: A Comparison of Digital MPI with LAM-MPI and MPICH2Benjamin Almeida, Reema Mahajan, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jens Volkert, Siegfried Höfinger. 433-440 [doi]
- Symmetrical Data Sieving for Noncontiguous I/O Accesses in Molecular Dynamics SimulationsMaría Blanca Ibáñez, Félix García, Jesús Carretero. 441-448 [doi]
- Simulation of Ecologic Systems Using MPIDiego Mostaccio, Remo Suppi, Emilio Luque. 449-456 [doi]
- Load Balancing and Computing Strategies in Pipeline Optimization for Parallel Visualization of 3D Irregular MeshesAndrea Clematis, Daniele D Agostino, Vittoria Gianuzzi. 457-466 [doi]
- An Improved Mechanism for Controlling Portable Computers in Limited Coverage AreasDavid Sánchez, Elsa M. Macías, Álvaro Suárez. 467-474 [doi]
- An MPI Implementation for Distributed Signal ProcessingJuan A. Rico-Gallego, Juan Carlos Díaz Martín, Jesús M. Álvarez Llorente. 475-482 [doi]
- A Parallel Exponential Integrator for Large-Scale Discretizations of Advection-Diffusion ModelsLuca Bergamaschi, Marco Caliari, Angeles Martinez, Marco Vianello. 483-492 [doi]
- Parallel Grid Adaptation and Dynamic Load Balancing for a CFD SolverChristoph Troyer, Daniele Baraldi, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Heinz Wilkening, Jens Volkert. 493-501 [doi]
- 4:::th::: International Special Session on: Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments ParSim 2005Martin Schulz, Carsten Trinitis. 502-503 [doi]
- Applying Grid Techniques to an Octree-Based CSCW FrameworkRalf-Peter Mundani, Ioan Lucian Muntean, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Andreas Niggl, Ernst Rank. 504-511 [doi]
- Parallel Modeling of Transient States Analysis in Electrical CircuitsJaroslaw Forenc, Andrzej Jordan, Marek Tudruj. 512-519 [doi]
- The COOLFluiD Parallel ArchitectureDries Kimpe, Andrea Lani, Tiago Quintino, Stefaan Poedts, Stefan Vandewalle. 520-527 [doi]
- Calculation of Single-File Diffusion Using Grid-Enabled Parallel Generic Cellular Automata SimulationMarcus Komann, Christian Kauhaus, Dietmar Fey. 528-535 [doi]
- Harnessing High-Performance Computers for Computational SteeringPetra Wenisch, Oliver Wenisch, Ernst Rank. 536-543 [doi]