Abstract is missing.
- A Study in the Feasibility of Performing Host-Based Anomaly Detection on Windows NTAaron Schwartzbard, Anup K. Ghosh.
- Intrusion Detection Inter-component Adaptive NegotiationRichard J. Feiertag, Stuart Staniford-Chen, Karl N. Levitt, Mark Heckman, Dave Peticolas, Rick Crawford, Lee Benzinger, Sue Rho, Stephen Wu. [doi]
- Audit logs: to keep or not to keep?Christopher Wee. [doi]
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- Intrusion Detection, Internet Law Enforcement and Insurance Coverage to Accelerate the Proliferation of Internet Business SingaporeChristopher Ting, Tiang Hwee Ong, Yong Tai Tan, Pek Yong Ng. [doi]
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- Air Force Intrusion Detection System Evaluation EnvironmentTerrence Champion, Robert Durst. [doi]
- Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems: Handling Temporal Relations Between EventsAlexandr Seleznyov, Seppo Puuronen. [doi]
- Defending against network IDS evasionVern Paxson. [doi]
- Intrusion Detection Mechanism to Detect Reachability Attacks in PNNI NetworksYves Cosendai, Marc Dacier, Paolo Scotton. [doi]
- Nidsbench - a Network Intrusion Detection Test SuiteDug Song, G. Shaffer, M. Undy. [doi]
- Misuse Detection in Database Systems Through User ProfilingChristina Yip Chung, Michael Gertz, Karl N. Levitt. [doi]
- Vulnerability Analysis: An Extended AbstractMatt Bishop. [doi]
- Results of the DARPA 1998 Offline Intrusion Detection EvaluationRichard Lippmann, Robert K. Cunningham, David J. Fried, Isaac Graf, Kris R. Kendall, Seth E. Webster, Marc A. Zissman. [doi]
- New directions for the AAFID architectureEugene H. Spafford, Diego Zamboni. [doi]
- Defending against a Denial-of-Service Attack on TCPPars Mutaf. [doi]
- Improving Intrusion Detection Performance using Keyword Selection and Neural NetworksRichard Lippmann, Robert K. Cunningham. [doi]
- The Development of a Common Vulnerability EnumerationDavid W. Baker, Steven M. Christey, William H. Hill, David E. Mann. [doi]
- A Data Mining Analysis of RTID AlarmsStefanos Manganaris, Marvin Christensen, Dan Zerkle, Keith Hermiz. [doi]
- IDS Standards: Lessons Learned to DateStuart Staniford-Chen. [doi]
- Mobile Agent Attack Resistant Distributed Hierarchical Intrusion Detection SystemsPeter Mell, Mark McLarnon. [doi]
- On a Difficulty of Intrusion DetectionStefan Axelsson. [doi]
- Building an Intrusion-Detection System to Detect Suspicious Process BehaviorAndreas Wespi, Hervé Debar. [doi]
- Intrusion Detection for an On-Going AttackJim Yuill, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Fengmin Gong, Ming-Yuh Huang. [doi]
- Privacy vs. Intrusion Detection AnalysisEmilie Lundin, Erland Jonsson. [doi]
- SNMS - Shadow Network Management SystemTiang Hwee Ong, Chung Pheng Tan, Yong Tai Tan, Christopher Ting. [doi]
- Minimizing Bandwidth for Remote Access to Cryptographically Protected Audit LogsJohn Kelsey, Bruce Schneier. [doi]
- Intrusion Detection and Isolation Protocol: Automated Response to AttacksJeff Rowe. [doi]
- Session State Transition Based Large Network IDSQianli Zhang, Xing Li. [doi]