Abstract is missing.
- Introduction to Sassur 2012Alejandra Ruiz, Tim P. Kelly, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh, Didier Van Den Abeele. 3-7 [doi]
- AdvoCATE: An Assurance Case Automation ToolsetEwen Denney, Ganesh Pai, Josef Pohl. 8-21 [doi]
- Towards a Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Safety Assurance ReuseAlejandra Ruiz, Ibrahim Habli, Huáscar Espinoza. 22-35 [doi]
- Modeling for Safety in a Synthesis-Centric Systems Engineering FrameworkJasen Markovski, J. M. van de Mortel-Fronczak. 36-49 [doi]
- A Model Based Approach for Safety AnalysisFabien Belmonte, Elie Soubiran. 50-63 [doi]
- Towards a Model-Based Evolutionary Chain of Evidence for Compliance with Safety StandardsJose Luis de la Vara, Sunil Nair, Eric Verhulst, Janusz Studzizba, Piotr Pepek, Jerome Lambourg, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh. 64-78 [doi]
- A New Approach to Assessment of Confidence in Assurance CasesXingyu Zhao, Dajian Zhang, Minyan Lu, Fuping Zeng. 79-91 [doi]
- An Unified Meta-model for Trustworthy Systems EngineeringEric Verhulst, Bernhard H. C. Sputh. 92-105 [doi]
- A Preliminary Fault Injection Framework for Evaluating Multicore SystemsAnna Lanzaro, Antonio Pecchia, Marcello Cinque, Domenico Cotroneo, Ricardo Barbosa, Nuno Silva. 106-116 [doi]
- Meeting Real-Time Requirements with Multi-core ProcessorsDaniel Kästner, Marc Schlickling, Markus Pister, Christoph Cullmann, Gernot Gebhard, Reinhold Heckmann, Christian Ferdinand. 117-131 [doi]
- Assessing Software Interference Management When Modifying Safety-Related SoftwarePatrick J. Graydon, Tim P. Kelly. 132-145 [doi]
- Introduction to ASCoMS 2012Antonio Casimiro, Jörg Kaiser. 149-150 [doi]
- Towards Dependable and Stable Perception in Smart Environments with Timing and Value FaultsLuis Marques, Antonio Casimiro. 151-161 [doi]
- An Approach Supporting Fault-Propagation Analysis for Smart Sensor SystemsSebastian Zug, Tino Brade, Jörg Kaiser, Sasanka Potluri. 162-173 [doi]
- Use of Quality Metrics for Functional Safety in Systems of Cooperative VehiclesKenneth Östberg, Rolf Johansson. 174-179 [doi]
- From Autonomous Vehicles to Safer Cars: Selected Challenges for the Software EngineeringChristian Berger. 180-189 [doi]
- Modelling of Safety-Related Timing Constraints for Automotive Embedded SystemsOscar Ljungkrantz, Henrik Lönn, Hans Blom, Cecilia Ekelin, Daniel Karlsson. 190-201 [doi]
- Introduction to DESEC4LCCI 2012Christian Esposito, Marco Platania, Francesco Brancati. 205-208 [doi]
- Quantitative Security Evaluation of a Multi-biometric Authentication SystemLeonardo Montecchi, Paolo Lollini, Andrea Bondavalli, Ernesto La Mattina. 209-221 [doi]
- Protecting the WSN Zones of a Critical Infrastructure via Enhanced SIEM TechnologyLuigi Romano, Salvatore D'Antonio, Valerio Formicola, Luigi Coppolino. 222-234 [doi]
- On Securing Communications among Federated Health Information SystemsMario Ciampi, Giuseppe De Pietro, Christian Esposito, Mario Sicuranza, Paolo Mori, Abraham Gebrehiwot, Paolo Donzelli. 235-246 [doi]
- How Secure Is ERTMS?Richard Bloomfield, Robin E. Bloomfield, Ilir Gashi, Robert J. Stroud. 247-258 [doi]
- International Cooperation Experiences: Results Achieved, Lessons Learned, and Way AheadCraig Gibson, Matteo Melideo, Luigi Romano, Salvatore D'Antonio. 259-270 [doi]
- A Federated Simulation Framework with ATN Fault Injection Module for Reliablity Analysis of UAVs in Non-controlled AirspaceMagali Andreia Rossi, Jorge Rady de Almeida Junior, Andrea Bondavalli, Paolo Lollini. 271-281 [doi]
- HSIENA: A Hybrid Publish/Subscribe SystemFabio Petroni, Leonardo Querzoni. 282-293 [doi]
- WSDM-Enabled Autonomic Augmentation of Classical Multi-version Software Fault-Tolerance MechanismsRoeland Dillen, Jonas Buys, Vincenzo De Florio, Chris Blondia. 294-306 [doi]
- Formal Verification of a Safety Argumentation and Application to a Complex UAV SystemJulien Brunel, Jacques Cazin. 307-318 [doi]
- Electronic Reliability Estimation: How Reliable Are the Results?Nuno Silva, Rui Lopes. 319-327 [doi]
- Model-Based Assessment of Multi-region Electric Power Systems Showing Heterogeneous CharacteristicsSilvano Chiaradonna, Felicita Di Giandomenico, Nicola Nostro. 328-339 [doi]
- Introduction to the ERCIM/EWICS Cyberphysical Systems Workshop 2012Erwin Schoitsch, Amund Skavhaug. 343-346 [doi]
- The Cyber-Physical AttackerRoberto Vigo. 347-356 [doi]
- Dependable and Secure Embedded Node DemonstratorPrzemyslaw Osocha, João Carlos Cunha, Fabio Giovagnini. 357-364 [doi]
- Towards Secure Time-Triggered SystemsFlorian Skopik, Albert Treytl, Arjan Geven, Bernd Hirschler, Thomas Bleier, Andreas Eckel, Christian El Salloum, Armin Wasicek. 365-372 [doi]
- Towards a Framework for Simulation Based Design, Validation and Performance Analysis of Electronic Control SystemsAlexander Hanzlik, Erwin Kristen. 373-381 [doi]
- Compiling for Time PredictabilityPeter P. Puschner, Raimund Kirner, Benedikt Huber, Daniel Prokesch. 382-391 [doi]
- Towards the Automated Qualification of Tool Chain DesignFredrik Asplund, Matthias Biehl, Frédéric Loiret. 392-399 [doi]
- A Systematic Elaboration of Safety Requirements in the Avionic DomainAntoaneta Kondeva, Martin Wassmuth, Andreas Mitschke. 400-408 [doi]
- Parallel NuSMV: A NuSMV Extension for the Verification of Complex Embedded SystemsOrlando Ferrante, Luca Benvenuti, Leonardo Mangeruca, Christos Sofronis, Alberto Ferrari. 409-416 [doi]
- Supporting Assurance by Evidence-Based Argument ServicesJanusz Górski, Aleksander Jarzebowicz, Jakub Miler, Michal Witkowicz, Jakub Czyznikiewicz, Patryk Jar. 417-426 [doi]
- Towards Composable Robotics: The R3-COP Knowledge-Base Driven Technology PlatformErwin Schoitsch, Wolfgang Herzner, Carmen Alonso-Montes, P. Chmelar, Lars Dalgaard. 427-435 [doi]
- Addressing the Needs of an Aging Population: An Experiment for Monitoring Behaviour in a Domestic EnvironmentMarte E. B. Skjønsfjell, Aslak R. Normann, Dag Sjong, Amund Skavhaug. 436-446 [doi]
- Introduction to IWDE 2012Veit Köppen, Gunter Saake. 449-453 [doi]
- Modeling the Effects of Software on Safety and Reliability in Complex Embedded SystemsMax Steiner, Patric Keller, Peter Liggesmeyer. 454-465 [doi]
- Towards Artificial PerceptionAndré Dietrich, Sebastian Zug, Jörg Kaiser. 466-476 [doi]
- A Case Study of Radio-Based Monitoring System for Enhanced Safety of Logistics ProcessesMichael Soffner, Mykhaylo Nykolaychuk, Friederike Adler, Klaus Richter. 477-485 [doi]
- Visual Approach Facilitating the Importance Analysis of Component Fault TreesYi Yang, Patric Keller, Peter Liggesmeyer. 486-497 [doi]
- Simulation of Structural Effects in Embedded Systems and Visualization of Dependencies According to an Intended Attack or ManipulationSven Kuhlmann, Jana Fruth, Tobias Hoppe, Jana Dittmann. 498-507 [doi]
- From Discrete Event Simulation to Virtual Reality EnvironmentsSebastian Nielebock, Frank Ortmeier, Marco Schumann, Andre Winge. 508-516 [doi]
- Program Comprehension in Preprocessor-Based SoftwareJanet Siegmund, Norbert Siegmund, Jana Fruth, Sven Kuhlmann, Jana Dittmann, Gunter Saake. 517-528 [doi]