Abstract is missing.
- Logic and Epistemology in Safety CasesJohn Rushby. 1-7 [doi]
- Comparative Conformance Cases for Monitoring Multiple Implementations of Critical RequirementsJanusz Górski, Aleksander Jarzebowicz, Jakub Miler. 8-20 [doi]
- A Formal Basis for Safety Case PatternsEwen Denney, Ganesh Pai. 21-32 [doi]
- Testing Autonomous Robot Control Software Using Procedural Content GenerationJames Arnold, Rob Alexander. 33-44 [doi]
- Fine-Grained Implementation of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms with AOP: To What Extent?Jimmy Lauret, Jean-Charles Fabre, Hélène Waeselynck. 45-56 [doi]
- Formalisation of an Industrial Approach to Monitoring Critical DataYuliya Prokhorova, Elena Troubitsyna, Linas Laibinis, Dubravka Ilic, Timo Latvala. 57-69 [doi]
- Protecting Vehicles Against Unauthorised Diagnostics Sessions Using Trusted Third PartiesPierre Kleberger, Tomas Olovsson. 70-81 [doi]
- Vulnerability Analysis on Smart Cards Using Fault TreeGuillaume Bouffard, Bhagyalekshmy N. Thampi, Jean-Louis Lanet. 82-93 [doi]
- Does Malware Detection Improve with Diverse AntiVirus Products? An Empirical StudyIlir Gashi, Bertrand Sobesto, Vladimir Stankovic, Michel Cukier. 94-105 [doi]
- Software Fault-Freeness and Reliability PredictionsLorenzo Strigini, Andrey Povyakalo. 106-117 [doi]
- Does Software Have to Be Ultra Reliable in Safety Critical Systems?Peter Bishop. 118-129 [doi]
- The SafeCap Platform for Modelling Railway Safety and CapacityAlexei Iliasov, Ilya Lopatkin, Alexander Romanovsky. 130-137 [doi]
- Embedded System Platform for Safety-Critical Road Traffic Signal ApplicationsThomas Novak 0001, Christoph Stoegerer. 138-145 [doi]
- Low-Level Attacks on Avionics Embedded SystemsAnthony Dessiatnikoff, Eric Alata, Yves Deswarte, Vincent Nicomette. 146-153 [doi]
- Safety Cases and Their Role in ISO 26262 Functional Safety AssessmentJohn Birch, Roger Rivett, Ibrahim Habli, Ben Bradshaw, John Botham, Dave Higham, Peter Jesty, Helen Monkhouse, Robert Palin. 154-165 [doi]
- Structuring Safety Requirements in ISO 26262 Using Contract TheoryJonas Westman, Mattias Nyberg, Martin Törngren. 166-177 [doi]
- Flexible Unequal Error Control Codes with Selectable Error Detection and Correction LevelsLuis J. Saiz-Adalid, Pedro J. Gil-Vicente, Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia, Daniel Gil-Tomas, Juan Carlos Baraza, Joaquin Gracia-Moran. 178-189 [doi]
- Safety Transformations: Sound and Complete?Ute Schiffel. 190-201 [doi]
- It Is (Almost) All about Human Safety: A Novel Paradigm for Robot Design, Control, and PlanningSami Haddadin, Sven Parusel, Rico Belder, Alin Albu-Schäffer. 202-215 [doi]
- Understanding Functional Resonance through a Federation of Models: Preliminary Findings of an Avionics Case StudyCélia Martinie, Philippe A. Palanque, Martina Ragosta, Mark-Alexander Sujan, David Navarre, Alberto Pasquini. 216-227 [doi]
- Model-Based Development of the Generic PCA Infusion Pump User Interface Prototype in PVSPaolo Masci, Anaheed Ayoub, Paul Curzon, Insup Lee, Oleg Sokolsky, Harold W. Thimbleby. 228-240 [doi]
- Characterization of Failure Effects on AADL ModelsBernhard Ern, Viet Yen Nguyen, Thomas Noll. 241-252 [doi]
- Derived Hazard Analysis Method for Critical InfrastructuresThomas Gruber, Georg Neubauer, Andreas Weinfurter, Petr Böhm, Kurt Lamedschwandner. 253-264 [doi]
- A Study of the Impact of Single Bit-Flip and Double Bit-Flip Errors on Program ExecutionFatemeh Ayatolahi, Behrooz Sangchoolie, Roger Johansson, Johan Karlsson. 265-276 [doi]
- OpenMADS: An Open Source Tool for Modeling and Analysis of Distributed SystemsErmeson C. Andrade, Marcelo Alves, Rubens de S. Matos, Bruno Silva, Paulo Romero Martins Maciel. 277-284 [doi]
- A Controlled Experiment on Component Fault TreesJessica Jung, Andreas Jedlitschka, Kai Höfig, Dominik Domis, Martin Hiller. 285-292 [doi]
- DFTCalc: A Tool for Efficient Fault Tree AnalysisFlorian Arnold, Axel Belinfante, Freark Van der Berg, Dennis Guck, Mariëlle Stoelinga. 293-301 [doi]