Abstract is missing.
- Internationalization Process for Micro and Small Software Companies: A Descriptive StudyMariani Margarida Bento, Lucas Busatta Galhardi, Janaína Ignacio de Morais, Jacques Duilio Brancher. [doi]
- Mon4Aware: A multi-objective and context-aware approach to decompose monolithic applicationsRoger Gonçalves Urdangarin, Kleinner Farias, Jorge L. V. Barbosa. [doi]
- Information System applied in Construction Quality Control: A Mapping StudyLeander de Barros Souza, Giuseppe Miceli Junior, Ricardo Choren. [doi]
- SINIS-LA Method for IT Alignment Considering Service Level ManagementEduardo Ferreira, Bianca Trinkenreich, Monalessa Perini Barcellos, Gleison Santos. [doi]
- An Entity Resolution Approach Based on Word Embeddings and Knowledge Bases for Microblog TextsLuan Souza, Anderson Ferreira. [doi]
- Attribute selection based on genetic and classification algorithms in the prediction of hospitalization need of COVID-19 patientsMiriam Pizzatto Colpo, Bruno Cascaes Alves, Kevin Soares Pereira, Anna Flávia Zimmermann Brandão, Marilton Sanchotene de Aguiar, Tiago Thompsen Primo. [doi]
- Clusters of Brazilian municipalities and the relationship with their fiscal managementMarcio Afonso, Tatiana Escovedo. [doi]
- Understanding the information security culture of organizations: Results of a SurveyPedro Santos, Mariana Maia Peixoto, Jéssyka Vilela. [doi]
- Work Like Ants! Atta 2.0: Dealing with Self-Organized TeamsMiguel Ecar, João Pablo Silva da Silva. [doi]
- Software Requirements Elicitation for Complex Systems with the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM)Elaine Alves de Carvalho, José Orlando Gomes, Alessandro Jatobá, Mônica Ferreira da Silva, Paulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho. [doi]
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- An Agile Data Warehouse Virtualization Framework for ROLAP ServerAndré Luís Andrade Menolli, Ricardo Gonçalves Coelho, Glauco Carlos Silva, Elielson Barbosa. [doi]
- Construction of Mortality Tables using LSTM Neural NetworksJosé Douglas Nascimento, Tatiana Escovedo. [doi]
- Interoperability Types Classifications: A Tertiary StudyKécia Souza Santana Santos, Larissa Barbosa Leoncio Pinheiro, Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel. [doi]
- Um método baseado em aprendizado de máquina para previsão da produção de refeições em restaurantes universitários: A method based on machine learning to predict meal production in university restaurantsYuri Donizete Claudino de Faria Santos, Diego Saqui, Paulo César Dos Santos. [doi]
- Designing Usability and UX with UXUG-AP: An Observational Study and an Interview with ExpertsAline de Oliveira Sousa, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim. [doi]
- Combining clustering and classification algorithms for automatic bot detection: a case study on posts about COVID-19Diego Bezerra Lira, Fernando Xavier, Luciano Antonio Digiampietri. [doi]
- Applying a post-processing strategy to consider the multiple interests of users of a Paper Recommender SystemNathália Locatelli Cezar, Caroline de Borba, Isabela Gasparini, Daniel Lichtnow. [doi]
- On the modernization of systems for supporting digital transformation: A research agendaPablo Luiz Leon, Flávio Eduardo Aoki Horita. [doi]
- REDIC: Recommendation of Digital Influencers of Brazilian Artisanal Cheese: REDIC: Recomendação de Influenciadores Digitais do Queijo Artesanal BrasileiroNedson Donato Soares, Regina Braga, José Maria N. David, Kennya Beatriz Siqueira, Thallys da Silva Nogueira, Emerson Wendelin Campos, Emerson Augusto Priamo Moares, Priscila Vanessa Zabala Capriles Goliatt. [doi]
- CovidTrends: Identifying Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis based on Google Trends and NewsMarcelo Loutfi, Marcelo Tibau, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira, Bernardo Pereira Nunes. [doi]
- Exploring Interactions in YouTube to Support the Identification of Crime SuspectsÉrick da Silva Florentino, Ronaldo Ribeiro Goldschmidt, Maria Cláudia Reis Cavalcanti. [doi]
- A Systematic Mapping of Literature on the Use of Geotechnologies in Smart Cities in the Government areaTheodora Helena Faria e Silva, Vanessa C. O. Souza, Melise M. V. de Paula. [doi]
- The Future of Autonomous Cars in the Daily Life of Cities: A Systematic Mapping StudyGustavo Bernardo Lopes, Anderson Siqueira, Eric Araújo, Pedro Santos, Simone C. Santos. [doi]
- The Profusion of Information Systems to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Mapping of the State of the Art and Brazilian Challenges of Technological ProductionSandro Luís Freire de Castro Silva, Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes, Marcelo Fornazin, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos. [doi]
- Complexity Effects in Information Systems on the Public Health Assistance Flows IntegrationMarcílio Ferreira Souza, Jairo Simião Dornelas. [doi]
- Analysis of the First Round of 2018 Government Election for the State of Rio de Janeiro Based on TwitterFrancis Spiegel Rubin, Yuri Luz de Almeida, Adriana Cesario de Faria Alvim, Vânia Félix Dias, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos. [doi]
- IoT solution information security certification conceptual framework: IoT solution information securityOn improving the transparency and accountability of IoT Solutions through an Open World perspectiveLuiz Otavio Duarte, José Augusto de Lima Prestes. [doi]
- Business Model for Brazilian Indie Game Studios in Game Software EcosystemsBruno Lopes Xavier, Davi Viana, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos. [doi]
- Re-Public: workflow to publish and reuse Linked Open Government DataJosé Rodolfo Beluzo, Bruno Dias, Gisele da Silva Craveiro, Renata Mendes de Araújo. [doi]
- Source Code Interoperability based on OntologyCamila Zacché de Aguiar, Félix Zanetti, Vítor E. Silva Souza. [doi]
- Promoting Digital Entrepreneurship to mitigate the impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemicDárlinton Barbosa Feres Carvalho, Alice Ferreira Cunha, Fábio Corrêa, Fabrício Molica de Mendonça. [doi]
- A Measurement Approach to the Bourdieusian Social Capital within Facebook Institutional PagesKaique Matheus Rodrigues Cunha, Renata Luiza da Costa, Alan Keller Gomes. [doi]
- Social bots detection in Brazilian presidential elections using natural language processingGabriel Estavaringo Ferreira, Bianca Lima Santos, Marcelo Torres do Ó, Rafael Rodrigues Braz, Luciano Antonio Digiampietri. [doi]
- Ethical Guidelines and Principles in the Context of Artificial IntelligenceJosé Antonio Siqueira de Cerqueira, Heloise Acco Tives Leão, Edna Dias Canedo. [doi]
- DCARE: Um Modelo Computacional para Acompanhamento de Pessoas com Doença de Alzheimer baseado na Análise de Históricos de Contextos: DCARE: A Computational Model for Monitoring People with Alzheimer's Disease Based on Context Histories AnalysisSavanna Denega Machado, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa, João Elison da Rosa Tavares, Márcio Garcia Martins 0002. [doi]
- Machine Learning Applied to the INSS Benefit RequestNey Barchilon, Tatiana Escovedo. [doi]
- How has process assessment been automated by organizations? A systematic literature mappingJean Carlo Rossa Hauck, Maurício Floriano Galimberti, Augusto Guarda Lara Zwirtes, Jacyara Bosse. [doi]
- Tellus-Onto: uma ontologia para classificação e inferência de solos na agricultura de precisão: Tellus-Onto: an ontology for soil classification and inference in precision agricultureGilson Augusto Helfer, Adilson Ben da Costa, Rodrigo Simon Bavaresco, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa. [doi]
- Facial Detection in Uncontrolled Environments: Systematic Literature ReviewAndré Ribeiro Moraes, Clodoaldo Aparecido de Moraes Lima. [doi]
- Model for Projects Observatories: A Preliminary StudyJeferson Kenedy Morais Vieira, Ivaldir Honório de Farias Junior, Hermano Perrelli de Moura. [doi]
- System-of-Systems Reliability: An Exploratory Study in a Brazilian Public OrganizationMarcio Imamura, Francisco Henrique Ferreira, Juliana Costa Fernandes, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos. [doi]
- A case study on the perceptions of I.T. professionals during the transition from a traditional to an agile process modelThales de Souza Machado, Yule Trannin Ximenes, Vânia de Oliveira Neves, Luciana Cardoso de Castro Salgado. [doi]
- Evolution and Tensions in the Formation of an Information Infrastructure: Case Study of the Integrated Management System of the Federal University of Rio Grande do NorteLarrissa Dantas Xavier da Silva, Gustavo Henrique Matos Bezerra Motta. [doi]
- Games as Information SystemsGeraldo Xexéo, Eduardo Mangeli, Farmy Silva, Leandro Ouriques, Luis Felipe Coimbra Costa, Rafael Studart Monclar. [doi]
- Are My Business Process Models Compliant With LGPD? The LGPD4BP Method to Evaluate and to Model LGPD aware Business ProcessesEric Araújo, Jéssyka Vilela, Carla Silva, Carina Alves 0001. [doi]
- On the use of online clustering for anomaly detection in trace streamsRenato Vertuam Neto, Gabriel M. Tavares, Paolo Ceravolo, Sylvio Barbon. [doi]
- Methods and Challenges in Social Bots Detection: A Systematic ReviewDaniel Marques Gomes de Morais, Luciano Antonio Digiampietri. [doi]
- How much do I Stand Out in Communities Q&A? An Analysis of User Interactions based on Graph EmbeddingPaulo Jose de Alcantara Gimenez, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira. [doi]
- Investigating Proprietary Software Ecosystem Governance and Health: An Updated and Refined PerspectiveLuiz Alexandre Costa, Awdren L. Fontão, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos. [doi]
- MIDAS-OWL: An Ontology for Interoperability between Data and Service Cloud LayersElivaldo Lozer Fracalossi Ribeiro, Marlo Souza, Daniela Barreiro Claro. [doi]
- Refactoring Decision based on Measurements for IoHT AppsBreno Silva Oliveira, Italo Linhares de Araújo, Joseane de O. V. Paiva, Evilásio Costa Junior, Rossana M. C. Andrade. [doi]
- Improving researcher's area of expertise identification using TF-IDF Characters N-gramsFelipe Penhorate Carvalho da Fonseca, Luciano Antonio Digiampietri. [doi]
- An indicator of inefficient visualizations: the challenge of transparency during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: An indicator of inefficient visualizations: the challenge of transparency during the COVID-19 pandemic in BrazilRodrigo Oliveira, Claudia Cappelli, Jonice Oliveira. [doi]
- An analysis of violence against women based on victims' reportsIsabella Tannús Corrêa, Elaine Ribeiro de Faria. [doi]