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- Contemporary challenges for data-intensive scientific workflow management systemsRyan Mork, Paul Martin 0002, Zhiming Zhao. [doi]
- Dynamically reconfigurable workflows for time-critical applicationsKieran Evans, Andrew Jones, Alun D. Preece, Francisco Quevedo, David H. Rogers, Irena Spasic, Ian J. Taylor, Vlado Stankovski, Salman Taherizadeh, Jernej Trnkoczy, George Suciu, Victor Suciu, Paul Martin 0002, Junchao Wang, Zhiming Zhao. [doi]
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- Workflow provenance: an analysis of long term storage costsSimon Woodman, Hugo Hiden, Paul Watson. [doi]
- Orchestrating workflows over heterogeneous networking infrastructures: NEWT: a network edge workflow toolJoseph P. Macker, Ian J. Taylor. [doi]
- Co-sites: the autonomous distributed dataflows in collaborative scientific discoveryYanwei Zhang, Matthew Wolf, Karsten Schwan, Qing Liu, Greg Eisenhauer, Scott Klasky. [doi]
- A workflow runtime environment for manycore parallel architecturesMatthias Janetschek, Radu Prodan, Shajulin Benedict. [doi]