Abstract is missing.
- Scale-Space Theory for Auditory SignalsTony Lindeberg, Anders Friberg. 3-15 [doi]
- Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous FunctionalsMartin Burger, Lina Eckardt, Guy Gilboa, Michael Moeller. 16-27 [doi]
- The Morphological Equivalents of Relativistic and Alpha-Scale-SpacesMartin Schmidt, Joachim Weickert. 28-39 [doi]
- New Approximation of a Scale Space Kernel on SE(3) and Applications in NeuroimagingJorg Portegies, Gonzalo Sanguinetti, Stephan Meesters, Remco Duits. 40-52 [doi]
- Partial Differential Equations of Bivariate Median FiltersMartin Welk. 53-65 [doi]
- Fundamentals of Non-Local Total Variation Spectral TheoryJean-François Aujol, Guy Gilboa, Nicolas Papadakis. 66-77 [doi]
- Morphological Scale-Space Operators for Images Supported on Point CloudsJesús Angulo. 78-89 [doi]
- Separable Time-Causal and Time-Recursive Spatio-Temporal Receptive FieldsTony Lindeberg. 90-102 [doi]
- A Linear Scale-Space Theory for Continuous Nonlocal EvolutionsGiovanno Marcelo Cárdenas, Joachim Weickert, Sarah Schäffer. 103-114 [doi]
- Bilevel Image Denoising Using Gaussianity TestsJérôme Fehrenbach, Mila Nikolova, Gabriele Steidl, Pierre Weiss. 117-128 [doi]
- On Debiasing Restoration Algorithms: Applications to Total-Variation and Nonlocal-MeansCharles-Alban Deledalle, Nicolas Papadakis, Joseph Salmon. 129-141 [doi]
- Cartoon-Texture-Noise Decomposition with Transport NormsChristoph Brauer, Dirk Lorenz. 142-153 [doi]
- Compressing Images with Diffusion- and Exemplar-Based InpaintingPascal Peter, Joachim Weickert. 154-165 [doi]
- Some Nonlocal Filters Formulation Using Functional RearrangementsGonzalo Galiano Casas, Julián Velasco Valdés. 166-177 [doi]
- Total Variation Restoration of Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise with Iterated Conditional ExpectationsRemy Abergel, Cécile Louchet, Lionel Moisan, Tieyong Zeng. 178-190 [doi]
- Regularization with Sparse Vector Fields: From Image Compression to TV-type ReconstructionEva-Maria Brinkmann, Martin Burger, Joana Grah. 191-202 [doi]
- Solution-Driven Adaptive Total Variation RegularizationFrank Lenzen, Johannes Berger. 203-215 [doi]
- Artifact-Free Variational MPEG DecompressionKristian Bredies, Martin Holler. 216-228 [doi]
- Probabilistic Correlation Clustering and Image Partitioning Using Perturbed MulticutsJörg Hendrik Kappes, Paul Swoboda, Bogdan Savchynskyy, Tamir Hazan, Christoph Schnörr. 231-242 [doi]
- Optimizing the Relevance-Redundancy Tradeoff for Efficient Semantic SegmentationCaner Hazirbas, Julia Diebold, Daniel Cremers. 243-255 [doi]
- Convex Color Image Segmentation with Optimal Transport DistancesJulien Rabin, Nicolas Papadakis. 256-269 [doi]
- Piecewise Geodesics for Vessel Centerline Extraction and Boundary Delineation with Application to Retina SegmentationDa Chen, Laurent D. Cohen. 270-281 [doi]
- Unsupervised Learning Using the Tensor Voting GraphShay Deutsch, Gérard G. Medioni. 282-293 [doi]
- Interactive Multi-label Segmentation of RGB-D ImagesJulia Diebold, Nikolaus Demmel, Caner Hazirbas, Michael Moeller, Daniel Cremers. 294-306 [doi]
- Fast Minimization of Region-Based Active Contours Using the Shape Hessian of the EnergyGünay Dogan. 307-319 [doi]
- Sparse Aggregation Framework for Optical Flow EstimationDenis Fortun, Patrick Bouthemy, Charles Kervrann. 323-334 [doi]
- An image registration framework for sliding motion with piecewise smooth deformationsStefan Heldmann, Thomas Polzin, Alexander Derksen, Benjamin Berkels. 335-347 [doi]
- Nonlocal Joint Segmentation Registration ModelSolène Ozeré, Carole Le Guyader. 348-359 [doi]
- Deformable Image Registration with Automatic Non-Correspondence DetectionKanglin Chen, Alexander Derksen, Stefan Heldmann, Marc Hallmann, Benjamin Berkels. 360-371 [doi]
- Bézier Curves in the Space of ImagesAlexander Effland, Martin Rumpf, Stefan Simon, Kirsten Stahn, Benedikt Wirth. 372-384 [doi]
- Computation and Visualization of Local Deformation for Multiphase Metallic Materials by Infimal Convolution of TV-Type FunctionalsFrank Balle, Dietmar Eifler, Jan Henrik Fitschen, Sebastian Schuff, Gabriele Steidl. 385-396 [doi]
- Second Order Minimum Energy Filtering on $${\text {SE}}_{3}$$ with Nonlinear Measurement EquationsJohannes Berger, Andreas Neufeld, Florian Becker, Frank Lenzen, Christoph Schnörr. 397-409 [doi]
- Luminance-Hue Specification in the RGB SpaceFabien Pierre, Jean-François Aujol, Aurélie Bugeau, Vinh-Thong Ta. 413-424 [doi]
- Variational Exposure Fusion with Optimal Local ContrastDavid Hafner, Joachim Weickert. 425-436 [doi]
- A Variational Model for Color AssignmentJan Henrik Fitschen, Mila Nikolova, Fabien Pierre, Gabriele Steidl. 437-448 [doi]
- Duality Principle for Image Regularization and Perceptual Color Correction ModelsThomas Batard, Marcelo Bertalmío. 449-460 [doi]
- PDE-Based Color Morphology Using Matrix FieldsAli Sharifi Boroujerdi, Michael Breuß, Bernhard Burgeth, Andreas Kleefeld. 461-473 [doi]
- Conditional Gaussian Models for Texture SynthesisLara Raad, Agnès Desolneux, Jean-Michel Morel. 474-485 [doi]
- Multiscale Texture Orientation Analysis Using Spectral Total-Variation DecompositionDikla Horesh, Guy Gilboa. 486-497 [doi]
- A L^1 -TV Algorithm for Robust Perspective Photometric Stereo with Spatially-Varying LightingsYvain Quéau, François Lauze, Jean-Denis Durou. 498-510 [doi]
- Discrete Varifolds: A Unified Framework for Discrete Approximations of Surfaces and Mean CurvatureB. Buet, G. P. Leonardi, S. Masnou. 513-524 [doi]
- Robust Poisson Surface ReconstructionVirginia Estellers, Michael Scott, Kevin Tew, Stefano Soatto. 525-537 [doi]
- Variational Perspective Shape from ShadingYong Chul Ju, Andrés Bruhn, Michael Breuß. 538-550 [doi]
- Multiview Depth Parameterisation with Second Order RegularisationChristopher Schroers, David Hafner, Joachim Weickert. 551-562 [doi]
- Edge-Preserving Integration of a Normal Field: Weighted Least-Squares, TV and L^1 ApproachesYvain Quéau, Jean-Denis Durou. 576-588 [doi]
- Reconstruction of Surfaces from Point Clouds Using a Lagrangian Surface Evolution ModelPatrik Daniel, Matej Medl'a, Karol Mikula, Mariana Remesíková. 589-600 [doi]
- Solving Minimal Surface Problems on Surfaces and Point CloudsDaniel Tenbrinck, François Lozes, Abderrahim Elmoataz. 601-612 [doi]
- Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)Erik J. Bekkers, Remco Duits, A. Mashtakov, G. R. Sanguinetti. 613-625 [doi]
- A sparse algorithm for dense optimal transportBernhard Schmitzer. 629-641 [doi]
- Activity Identification and Local Linear Convergence of Douglas-Rachford/ADMM under Partial SmoothnessJingwei Liang, Jalal Fadili, Gabriel Peyré, Russell Luke. 642-653 [doi]
- Bilevel Optimization with Nonsmooth Lower Level ProblemsPeter Ochs, René Ranftl, Thomas Brox, Thomas Pock. 654-665 [doi]
- Convex Image Denoising via Non-Convex RegularizationAlessandro Lanza, Serena Morigi, Fiorella Sgallari. 666-677 [doi]
- Infinite Dimensional Optimization Models and PDEs for DejitteringGuozhi Dong, Aniello Raffaele Patrone, Otmar Scherzer, Ozan Öktem. 678-689 [doi]
- Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Euler's Elastica-Based DenoisingMaryam Yashtini, Sung Ha Kang. 690-701 [doi]
- Asymptotic Behaviour of Total Generalised VariationKonstantinos Papafitsoros, Tuomo Valkonen. 702-714 [doi]