Abstract is missing.
- Structural monitoring of civil structures using vibration measurement - current practice and futureMasato Abé. 1-18
- Object-oriented software patterns for engineering design standards processingMustafa Kamal Badrah, Iain MacLeod, Bimal Kumar. 19-29
- Design and verification of real-time systemsJohn W. Baugh Jr.. 30-47
- Using knowledge nodes for knowledge discovery and collaborationPer Christiansson. 48-59
- Heating system design supportPiotr Cichocki, Maciej Gil, Jerzy Pokojski. 60-68
- Collaborative desktop engineeringEdward L. Divita, John C. Kunz, Martin A. Fischer. 69-85
- Towards personalized structural engineering toolsSteven J. Fenves. 86-91
- Complex systems: Why do they need to evolve and how can evolution be supportedGerhard Fischer. 92-112
- Formalizing product model transformations: Case Examples and applicationsMartin Fischer, Florian Aalami, Ragip Akbas. 113-132
- Internet-based web-mediated collaborative design and learning environmentRenate Fruchter. 133-145
- Wearable computers for field inspectors: Delivering data and knowledge-based support in the fieldJames H. Garrett Jr., Asim Smailagic. 146-164
- Conceptual designing as a sequence of situated actsJohn S. Gero. 165-177
- Some personal experience in computer aided engineering researchKincho H. Law. 178-196
- Knowledge discovery from multimedia case librariesMary Lou Maher, Simeon J. Simoff. 197-213
- Customisable knowledge bases for conceptual designJohn C. Miles, Lynne Moore, Ian Bradley. 214-222
- Articulate design of free-form structuresWilliam J. Mitchell. 223-234
- Applying quantitative constraint satisfaction in preliminary designLynne Moore, John C. Miles, Justine V. Cadogan. 235-248
- Agents in computer-assisted collaborative designDivine T. Ndumu, Joseph M. H. Tah. 249-270
- A collaborative negotiation methodology for large scale civil engineering and architectural projectsFeniosky Peña-Mora. 271-294
- An investigation into the integration of neural networks with the structured genetic algorithm to aid conceptual designM. Y. Rafiq, C. Williams. 295-307
- Finding the right model for bridge diagnosisB. Raphael, Ian E. Smith. 308-319
- Knowledge-based assistants in collaborative engineeringW. M. Kim Roddis. 320-334
- CAD modelling in multidisciplinary design domainsMichael A. Rosenman, John S. Gero. 335-347
- A family of software components to deliver solutionf for the interpretation of monitoring dataPaolo Salvaneschi, Marco Lazzari. 348-358
- AI methods in concurrent engineeringRaimar J. Scherer. 359-383
- A new collaborative design environment for engineers and architectsGerhard Schmitt. 384-397
- Intelligent Structures: A New Direction in Structural ControlK. Shea, Ian E. Smith. 398-410
- Integration of expert systems in a structural design officeAldo Cauvin, Rinaldo Passera, Giuseppe Stagnitto. 411-423
- Teaching knowledge engineering: ExperiencesTom Anderson, Susanne C. Hartvig. 424-427
- Design support for viaductsJorge Corte-Real Andrade, João Bento. 428-433
- Converting function into objectAdam Borkowski, Ewa Grabska. 434-439
- Software agent techniques in designSusanne C. Hartvig. 440-443
- Case-based design process facilitating collaboration and information evolutionPeter Johansson, Stoylmina Popova. 444-448
- Shared experiences: Management of experiential knowledge in the building industryErik Leijten, Ger Maas, Eric Vastert. 449-454
- Dam safety: Improving managementEliane Alvez Portela, João Bento. 455-458
- Integrating virtual reality and telepresence to remotely monitor construction sites: A ViRTUE projectArkady Retik, Gordon Mair, Richard Fryer, Douglas McGregor. 459-463
- Proposal for 4.5 dimensional design via product models and expert systemMika Salonen, Juha Rautakorpi, Markku Heinisuo. 464-468
- A product information system based on dynamic classificationSteffen Scheler. 469-473
- Structural Monitoring: Decision-Support through Multiple Data InterpretationsRuth Stalker, Ian E. Smith. 474-478
- Augmented Reality Applications to Structural MonitoringRuth Stalker, Ian E. Smith. 479-483
- Analysis and design of the as-built modelWalid Tizani. 484-489
- On theoretical backgrounds of CADZiga Turk. 490-496