Abstract is missing.
- Traceability for Managing Evolutionary ChangePatrick Maeder, Matthias Riebisch, Ilka Philippow. 1-8
- Mercury: A Process Management System based on the Agent TechnologySeung Yong Choi, Hee Yong Youn, Jeong Ah Kim. 9-14
- Management Support of Interorganizational Cooperative Software Development Processes based on Dynamic Process ViewsMarkus Heller, René Wörzberger. 15-28
- Agile Plan RefactoringDavid Serr, Stephen Clyde. 22-28
- Extending Reverse InheritanceDavid Serr. 29-34
- A Strategy to Integrate Legacy SystemsAlfredo Espinosa Reza, José Alfredo Sánchez López, José María Suárez Jurado, Agustín Quintero Reyes. 35-40
- A Prototype Decompiler for 32-bit x86 ExecutablesHao Liu, Feodor S. Vainstein. 41-46
- Debugging with Software Visualization and Contract DiscoveryS. Kanat Bolazar, James W. Fawcett. 47-50
- A Method to Improve Software TestabilityYuanping Li, Jianmin Wang, Liang Zhao. 51-56
- Alternative Approach to Utilize Software Defect ReportsRattikorn Hewett, Aniruddha Kulkarni. 57-62
- Estimating Software Reliability with Static Analysis TechniquesWalter W. Schilling Jr., Mansoor Alam. 63-68
- Software Defect Fractal DescriptionKai Zhang. 69-73
- Operational and Program SchemasMark Burgin. 74-78
- ASMADE: Automated Schema MApping for Documents ExchangeAïcha-Nabila Benharkat, Rami Rifaieh, Herzi Khaled, Youssef Amghar. 79-85
- A Detailed UML Design of a Software Testing ToolNarayan C. Debnath, Jesse R. Haakenson, Mark Burgin, Joyati Debnath. 86-91
- A Framework for Requirements Elicitation Techniques SelectionYirsaw Ayalew. 92-97
- Using UML in a Non-Software Design Task: Creating an Electronic Software Engineering HandbookSergiu M. Dascalu, Marcel Karam, Muhanna Muhanna, Salyer B. Reed. 98-103
- The Effects of Requirements and Task Uncertainty on Software Product QualityAyad Aldaijy, Khalid A. Buragga. 104-111
- Correctness as a Relative Gradual Software PropertyMark Burgin, Narayan C. Debnath. 112-115
- Remote Sensing and Prompting for Early Stage Dementia PatientsDonna L. Hudson, Maurice E. Cohen. 116-121
- A High Population, Fault Tolerant Parallel RaytracerJames Skorupski, Ben Weber, Mei-Ling L. Liu. 122-127
- A Context-Aware Architecture for Railway SystemChia Hung Kao, Hewijin Christine Jiau, Ku Chen Wu. 128-133
- JDOSecure: A Security Architecture for the Java Data Objects-SpecificationMatthias Merz. 134-140
- Model Checking for Synchronous JavaDuc-Duy Vo, Claude Petitpierre. 141-147
- A Formal Approach to Requirement VerificationDivya K. Nair, Stéphane S. Somé. 148-153
- Application of AI Planning Technique in Software EngineeringSung Kim. 154-157
- Establishing a Common Modeling Framework using UML to Effectively Support Faster-Than-Real-Time SimulationMara Nikolaidou, Vassilis Dalakas, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos, Georgios-Dimitrios Kapos. 158-163
- Design Patterns for Real-time Distributed SystemYiqin Xu, Daisy F. Sang, Chang-Shyh Peng. 164-169
- Extending the Rapide ADL to Specify Aspect Oriented Software ArchitecturesKaren Palma, Yadran Eterovic, Juan Manuel Murillo. 170-167
- Extensibility Aspect-Oriented Framework to Build Agent-Based System SoftwarePaniti Netinant. 177-182
- An Empirical Research of the Software Project Measures ModelYeonshick Ahn. 183-188
- Identification of Suitable Metrics for Reuse Oriented Software Products using the Methods of Attribute Relevance AnalysisK. S. Jasmine. 189-192
- Biological, Intelligent Text-Based Ranking of GenesImad Rahal, Walid Saeed, Arun Srivastava, Pratap Kotala, Ranapratap Syamala, William Perrizo, Cesar Carvalho. 193-198
- Fault Tolerant Control Using a Generalized ANFIS Structure and Evolutionary TuningIn Soo Lee, Gordon K. Lee. 199-204
- BioFacets: Integrating Biological Databases using Facetted ClassificationMalika Mahoui, Zina Ben-Miled, A. Godse, Harshad Kulkarni, Nianhua Li. 205-210
- A Hierarchical Approach for Clusters in Different DensitiesBaoying Wang, William Perrizo. 211-216
- Integrating Statically Typechecked XML Data Technologies into Pure JavaHenrike Schuhart, Beda Christoph Hammerschmidt, Volker Linnemann. 217-222
- Translating XSLT into XQueryAlbin Laga, Praveen Madiraju, Darrel A. Mazzari, Gowri Dara. 223-227
- XINDEX - XPATH Indexing Specification for XMLKevin Ricords, Qin Ding. 228-233
- Representation of Accounting Standards: Creating an Ontology for Financial ReportingPierre Teller. 234-239
- Real Time Self-Maintenable Update to Aggregate Information for Data WarehouseClemente García, Matilde Celma. 240-245
- SlidingCubes- Mining for Bigger Dense Regions in Sparse Data CubesShahzad Majeed Tiwana. 246-252
- A Predicate-based Incremental Refresh Method for a Data WarehouseDongmei Ren, Guogen Zhang, William Perrizo. 253-258
- Query Optimization for Distributed Data StreamsYing Liu, Beth Plale. 259-266
- The P-list for Orthogonal Range SearchBradford G. Nickerson, Qingxiu Shi. 265-270
- Design Patterns Across Software Engineering and Relational DatabasesCyril S. Ku, Thomas J. Marlowe, Nathan M. Mantell. 271-274
- DNA Sequence Encoding for Relational Storage and SQL QueryQinghua Zou, Raymond K. Pon. 275-280
- Automating Technical Indicators in the Financial MarketHarshpreet S. Walia, James W. Hearne. 281-285
- A Projected Clustering Algorithm in High Dimensional SpacePing Deng, Weili Wu, Yaochun Huang, Zhongnan Zhang. 286-291
- Chi-Squared Statistical Steganalysis of Database TablesGeorge Hamer, William Perrizo. 292-297
- SkiPeR: A Family of Distributed Range Addressing Spaces for Peer-to-Peer SystemsAntonios Daskos, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Ramin Shahriari. 298-303
- RFID Systems: An Overview and Open Research IssuesC. Parikh, A. Zeid, S. Kamarthi. 304-309
- Time-based Workflow MiningsDeniz Canturk, Nihan Kesim Cicekli. 310-317