Abstract is missing.
- Human Presence Detection using Radio Irregularity in Wireless Networks - Human Detection in Energy Aware Residential NetworksBojan Mrazovac, Milan Z. Bjelica, Dragan Kukolj, Branislav M. Todorovic, Sasa Vukosavljev. 5-14
- Trustworthy Computing SystemsJoseph Sifakis. 5
- Embedded & Interconnected Devices - Converting the Physical World into an Information SystemPaul Lencioni. 7
- Are We Ready to Go Large-scale? - Challenges in the Deployment and Maintenance of Heterogeneous Networks of Cooperating ObjectsPedro José Marrón. 9
- Redundant Distributed Data Storage - Experimentation with the SensLab TestbedPietro Gonizzi, GianLuigi Ferrari, Vincent Gay, Jeremie Leguay. 15-23
- Fast Transparent Virtual Memory for Complex Data Processing in Sensor NetworksNan Lin, Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu. 24-34
- Channel and Active Component Abstractions for WSN Programming - A Language Model with Operating System SupportPaul Harvey, Alan Dearle, Jonathan Lewis, Joseph S. Sventek. 35-44
- Using Provenance in Sensor Network Applications for Fault-tolerance and Troubleshooting - Position PaperGulustan Dogan, Theodore Brown. 47-52
- PicOS & VNETI - Enabling Real Life Layer-less WSN ApplicationsNicholas M. Boers, Ioanis Nikolaidis, Pawel Gburzynski, Wladek Olesinski. 53-58
- Network Planning Tool with Traffic-adaptive Processing for Wireless Sensor NetworksJosé Cecílio, Pedro Furtado. 59-64
- TandemStack - A Flexible and Customizable Sensor Node Platform for Low Power ApplicationsOliver Stecklina, Dieter Genschow, Christian Goltz. 65-72
- Mutual Exclusion in Cyber-physical SystemsSumeet Gujrati, Gurdip Singh. 73-79
- Secure Delivery of Data in WSN Ibrahim Kamel, Hussam Juma. 83-86
- Mobility Assisted Coverage Restoration Scheme in Wireless Sensor NetworksEman AlQuraishi, Paulvanna Nayaki Marimuthu, Sami J. Habib. 87-90
- On-line Monitoring of Battery State in Wireless Sensor Networks - Using Two Battery Models in WSN ConstraintsAnania Aron, Gabriel Girban, Mircea Popa. 91-94
- Towards Increasing the Reusability of the Wireless Sensor Network ProtocolsSonia Hashish. 95-98
- Self-sustaining Learning for Robotic EcologiesD. Bacciu, Mathias Broxvall, S. Coleman, Mauro Dragone, C. Gallicchio, Claudio Gennaro, R. Guzmán, Rafa López, H. Lozano-Peiteado, A. Ray, Arantxa Rentería, Alessandro Saffiotti, Claudio Vairo. 99-103
- Browsing the Sensor Web - Pervasive Access for Wide-area Wireless Sensor NetworksJie Wan, Michael J. O'Grady, Gregory M. P. O'Hare, Todor Colakov. 109-112
- Energy/Latency Trade-offs in Geographic Routing for Ultrawideband Wireless Sensor NetworksSamuela Persia, Dajana Cassioli. 115-118
- Diffusion Behavior of IEEE 802.15.4 Unslotted CSMA/CA in a Cell of Proximity-based Localization ApplicationsChakib Baouche, Antonio Freitas, Michel Misson. 119-122
- Lightweight Authentication Protocols based on Rotations and the LPN ProblemAlberto Peinado, Jorge Munilla. 127-134
- Pedestrian Dead Reckoning as a Complementary Method for Wireless Sensor Network Ad-hoc Person LocalizationTobias Gädeke, Johannes Schmid, Wilhelm Stork, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser. 139-148
- A Relational Database and Key-value Store Combined Mechanism for Massive Heterogeneous Sensor Data ManagementZhiming Ding, Qi Yang, Limin Guo. 151-154
- Sound Localization using Compressive SensingHong Jiang, Boyd Mathews, Paul A. Wilford. 159-166
- The Square-root Unscented Information Filter for State Estimation and Sensor FusionGuoliang Liu, Florentin Wörgötter, Irene Markelic. 169-173
- Controlling Chaotic Instabilities in Brillouin Fiber Sensor based on Neural NetworksTae-Su Jang, Kwan-Woong Kim, Yong-Kab Kim. 177-180
- UHEED - An Unequal Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworksEnver Ever, R. Luchmun, Leonardo Mostarda, Alfredo Navarra, Purav Shah. 185-193
- Coexistence of Different Wireless Sensor Networks - MAC Protocol Interference between X-MAC and Low Power ProbingSven Zacharias, Thomas Newe, Sinead O'Keeffe, Elfed Lewis. 197-202
- Cross Layer Data Assessment in Wireless Sensor NetworksAlberto Coen-Porisini, Sabrina Sicari. 203-208
- A Multi-sensor System for Fall Detection in Ambient Assisted Living ContextsGiovanni Diraco, Alessandro Leone, Pietro Siciliano, Marco Grassi, Piero Malcovati. 213-219
- Privacy-preserving In-network Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworkWei Zha, Wee Keong Ng. 223-228
- Satellite Observation of Bare Soils for Their Average Diurnal Albedo ApproximationJerzy Cierniewski. 229-234
- Uncertainty in Trilateration - Is RSSI-based Range Estimation Accurate Enough for Animal Tracking?Ragnar Stølsmark, Erlend Tøssebro. 237-241