Abstract is missing.
- 3D printing oriented design: geometry and optimizationLigang Liu, Ariel Shamir, Charlie Wang, Emily Whitening. 1 [doi]
- Academia vs. industry in graphicsPeter-Pike Sloan. 2 [doi]
- An introduction to WebGL programmingEd Angel, Dave Shreiner. 3 [doi]
- An introduction to Ricci flow and volumetric approximation with applications to shape modelingGiuseppe Patanè, Xin Shane Li, Xianfeng David Gu. 4 [doi]
- Bringing stories to life... developing the narrative for games, animation, and VFXCraig Caldwell. 5 [doi]
- Cross-cultural user-experience design for work, home, play, and on the wayAaron Marcus. 6 [doi]
- Data-driven visual computingKai Xu 0004, Leonidas J. Guibas, Alexei A. Efros, Shi-Min Hu, Ariel Shamir, Jun-Yan Zhu. 7 [doi]
- GPU compute for graphicsKarl Hillesland. 8 [doi]
- How to design and build musical interfacesMichael Lyons. 9 [doi]
- How to make a SIGGRAPH paper?Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski, Niloy J. Mitra, Xin Tong, Li-Yi Wei. 10 [doi]
- Efficient Real-Time Shading with Many LightsOla Olsson. 11 [doi]
- Modern OpenGL programmingHongwei Li. 12 [doi]
- Motion capture for mobile phonesJackson Feijó Filho. 13 [doi]
- Multimodal human-machine interaction including virtual humans or social robotsNadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann, Zerrin Yumak. 14 [doi]
- Parallel coordinates are better than they... look!Alfred Inselberg, Pei Ling Lai. 15 [doi]
- Physically plausible rendering at pixar - from reyes to path tracingDavide Pesare. 16 [doi]
- Shader interoperability: baking and reusing materials across rendering architectures at pixarPaul Kanyuk. 17 [doi]
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- Skinning: real-time shape deformationAlec Jacobson, Yotam I. Gingold. 19 [doi]
- The past 100 year of the future: CHI/HCI/UX in sci-Fi movies and televisionAaron Marcus. 20 [doi]