Abstract is missing.
- In Memoriam - B. C. BrookesNicholas J. Belkin. 1 [doi]
- The Significance of the Cranfield Tests on Index LanguagesCyril W. Cleverdon. 3-12 [doi]
- A Complete Model for Information Retrieval SystemsJean Tague, Airi Salminen, Charles McClellan. 14-20 [doi]
- Automatic Text Structuring and Retrieval: Experiments in Automatic Encyclopedia SearchingGerard Salton, Chris Buckley. 21-30 [doi]
- The Use of Phrases and Structured Queries in Information RetrievalW. Bruce Croft, Howard R. Turtle, David D. Lewis. 32-45 [doi]
- Combining Model-Oriented and Description-Oriented Approaches for Probabilistic IndexingNorbert Fuhr, Ulrich Pfeifer. 46-56 [doi]
- Inconsistencies and Misnomers in Probabilistic IRWilliam S. Cooper. 57-61 [doi]
- Compression of a Set of Correlated BitmapsAbraham Bookstein, Shmuel T. Klein. 63-71 [doi]
- Posting Compression in Dynamic Retrieval EnvironmentsIJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg. 72-81 [doi]
- Image Decompression: A Hybrid Image Decompressing AlgorithmChengjie Luo, Clement T. Yu. 82-91 [doi]
- The CORE Electronic Chemistry LibraryMichael Lesk. 93-112 [doi]
- Retrieval Algorithm Effectiveness in a Wide Area Network Information FilterHans-Peter Frei, M. F. Wyle. 114-122 [doi]
- Distributed Representations in a Text Based Information Retrieval System: A New Way of Using the Vector Space ModelRichard F. E. Sutcliffe. 123-132 [doi]
- To See, or Not to See: Is That the Query?Robert Korfhage. 134-141 [doi]
- Integrating Query, Thesaurus, and Documents Through a Common Visual RepresentationRichard H. Fowler, Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler, Bradley A. Wilson. 142-151 [doi]
- A Case-Based Architecture for A Dialogue Manager for Information SeekingAnne Tissen. 152-161 [doi]
- Addressing the Requirements of a Dynamic Corporate Textual Information BasePeter G. Anick, Rex A. Flynn, David R. Hanssen. 163-172 [doi]
- Advanced Retrieval From Heterogeneous Fact Databases: Integration of Data Retrieval, Conversion, Aggregation and Deductive TechniquesKalervo Järvelin, Timo Niemi. 173-182 [doi]
- Querying Office Systems About Document RolesAugusto Celentano, Maria Grazia Fugini, Silvano Pozzi. 183-190 [doi]
- Query Modification and Expansion in a Network with Adaptive ArchitectureK. L. Kwok. 192-201 [doi]
- Using the Cosine Measure in a Neural Network for DocumentRoss Wilkinson, Philip Hingston. 202-210 [doi]
- Preference Structure, Inference and Set-Oriented RetrievalYiyu Yao, S. K. Michael Wong. 211-218 [doi]
- Distributed Indexing: A Scalable Mechanism for Distributed Information RetrievalPeter B. Danzig, Jong Suk Ahn, John Noll, Katia Obraczka. 220-229 [doi]
- On the Allocation of Documents in Multiprocessor Information Retrieval SystemsOphir Frieder, Hava T. Siegelmann. 230-239 [doi]
- An Object-Oriented Modelling of the History of Optimal RetrievalsYong Zhang, Vijay V. Raghavan, Jitender S. Deogun. 241-250 [doi]
- Retrieving Software Objects in an Example-Based Programming EnvironmentScott Henningen. 251-260 [doi]
- A Self-Organizing Semantic Map for Information RetrievalXia Lin, Dagobert Soergel, Gary Marchionini. 262-269 [doi]
- Incorporating a Semantic Analysis into a Document Retrieval StrategyEdgar B. Wendlandt, James R. Driscoll. 270-279 [doi]
- Analysis of Unintended Connections Between Disjoint Science LiteraturesDon R. Swanson. 280-289 [doi]
- An Efficient Directory System for Document RetrievalDalia Motzkin. 291-304 [doi]
- Image Query Processing Based on Multi-Level SignaturesFausto Rabitti, Pasquale Savino. 305-314 [doi]
- A Two-Level Hypertext Retrieval Model for Legal DataMaristella Agosti, Roberto Colotti, Girolamo Gradenigo. 316-325 [doi]
- Automatic Generation of Hypertext Links in Information Retrieval Systems: A Stochastic and an Incremental AlgorithmAlain Lelu. 326-335 [doi]
- Creating Segmented Databases from Free Text for Text RetrievalLisa F. Rau, Paul S. Jacobs. 337-346 [doi]
- Performance in FERRET: A Conceptual Information Retrieval SystemMichael L. Mauldin. 347-355 [doi]
- The SMART Information Retrieval System after 30 years - PanelGerard Salton. 356-358 [doi]