Abstract is missing.
- Model management 2.0: manipulating richer mappingsPhilip A. Bernstein, Sergey Melnik. 1-12 [doi]
- Making database systems usableH. V. Jagadish, Adriane Chapman, Aaron Elkiss, Magesh Jayapandian, Yunyao Li, Arnab Nandi, Cong Yu. 13-24 [doi]
- DB&IR: both sides nowGerhard Weikum. 25-30 [doi]
- Scaling games to epic proportionWalker M. White, Alan J. Demers, Christoph Koch, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajagopalan. 31-42 [doi]
- Indexing dataspacesXin Dong, Alon Y. Halevy. 43-54 [doi]
- Design of flash-based DBMS: an in-page logging approachSang-Won Lee, Bongki Moon. 55-66 [doi]
- Approximate algorithms for K-anonymityHyoungmin Park, Kyuseok Shim. 67-78 [doi]
- Auditing disclosure by relevance rankingRakesh Agrawal, Alexandre V. Evfimievski, Jerry Kiernan, Raja Velu. 79-90 [doi]
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- Spark: top-k keyword query in relational databasesYi Luo, Xuemin Lin, Wei Wang 0011, Xiaofang Zhou. 115-126 [doi]
- Supporting ranking and clustering as generalized order-by and group-byChengkai Li, Min Wang, Lipyeow Lim, Haixun Wang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang. 127-138 [doi]
- Effective keyword-based selection of relational databasesBei Yu, Guoliang Li, Karen R. Sollins, Anthony K. H. Tung. 139-150 [doi]
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- Statistical analysis of sketch estimatorsFlorin Rusu, Alin Dobra. 187-198 [doi]
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- Data currency in replicated DHTsReza Akbarinia, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez. 211-222 [doi]
- P-ring: an efficient and robust P2P range index structureAdina Crainiceanu, Prakash Linga, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Johannes Gehrke, Jayavel Shanmugasundaram. 223-234 [doi]
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- Efficient algorithms for evaluating xpath over streamsGang Gou, Rada Chirkova. 269-280 [doi]
- Sketching probabilistic data streamsGraham Cormode, Minos N. Garofalakis. 281-292 [doi]
- Querying xml with update syntaxWenfei Fan, Gao Cong, Philip Bohannon. 293-304 [doi]
- BLINKS: ranked keyword searches on graphsHao He, Haixun Wang, Jun Yang, Philip S. Yu. 305-316 [doi]
- Xpath on steroids: exploiting relational engines for xpath performanceHaris Georgiadis, Vasilis Vassalos. 317-328 [doi]
- Identifying meaningful return information for XML keyword searchZiyang Liu, Yi Chen. 329-340 [doi]
- QAGen: generating query-aware test databasesCarsten Binnig, Donald Kossmann, Eric Lo, M. Tamer Özsu. 341-352 [doi]
- Benchmarking declarative approximate selection predicatesAmit Chandel, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Nick Koudas, Mohammad Sadoghi, Divesh Srivastava. 353-364 [doi]
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- Intensional associations between data and metadataDivesh Srivastava, Yannis Velegrakis. 401-412 [doi]
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- Log-based recovery for middleware serversRui Wang 0002, Betty Salzberg, David B. Lomet. 425-436 [doi]
- Leveraging aggregate constraints for deduplicationSurajit Chaudhuri, Anish Das Sarma, Venkatesh Ganti, Raghav Kaushik. 437-448 [doi]
- Leveraging data and structure in ontology integrationOctavian Udrea, Lise Getoor, Renée J. Miller. 449-460 [doi]
- Compiling mappings to bridge applications and databasesSergey Melnik, Atul Adya, Philip A. Bernstein. 461-472 [doi]
- Extending relational query optimization to dynamic schemas for information integration in multidatabasesCatharine M. Wyss, Felix I. Wyss. 473-484 [doi]
- Sharing aggregate computation for distributed queriesRyan Huebsch, Minos N. Garofalakis, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Ion Stoica. 485-496 [doi]
- Resource-adaptive real-time new event detectionGang Luo, Chunqiang Tang, Philip S. Yu. 497-508 [doi]
- Distributed query evaluation with performance guaranteesGao Cong, Wenfei Fan, Anastasios Kementsietsidis. 509-520 [doi]
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- Efficient exploitation of similar subexpressions for query processingJingren Zhou, Per-Åke Larson, Johann Christoph Freytag, Wolfgang Lehner. 533-544 [doi]
- Query relaxation using malleable schemasXuan Zhou, Julien Gaugaz, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Wolfgang Nejdl. 545-556 [doi]
- Query suspend and resumeBadrish Chandramouli, Christopher N. Bond, Shivnath Babu, Jun Yang. 557-568 [doi]
- An efficient and accurate method for evaluating time series similarityMichael D. Morse, Jignesh M. Patel. 569-580 [doi]
- Adaptive location constraint processingZhengdao Xu, Hans-Arno Jacobsen. 581-592 [doi]
- Trajectory clustering: a partition-and-group frameworkJae-Gil Lee, Jiawei Han, Kyu-Young Whang. 593-604 [doi]
- Keyword search on relational data streamsAlexander Markowetz, Yin Yang, Dimitris Papadias. 605-616 [doi]
- Towards keyword-driven analytical processingPing Wu, Yannis Sismanis, Berthold Reinwald. 617-628 [doi]
- A random walk approach to sampling hidden databasesArjun Dasgupta, Gautam Das, Heikki Mannila. 629-640 [doi]
- Addressing diverse user preferences in SQL-query-result navigationZhiyuan Chen, Tao Li. 641-652 [doi]
- Privacy preserving schema and data matchingMonica Scannapieco, Ilya Figotin, Elisa Bertino, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid. 653-664 [doi]
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- GhostDB: querying visible and hidden data without leaksNicolas Anciaux, Mehdi Benzine, Luc Bouganim, Philippe Pucheral, Dennis Shasha. 677-688 [doi]
- M-invariance: towards privacy preserving re-publication of dynamic datasetsXiaokui Xiao, Yufei Tao. 689-700 [doi]
- Optimizing mpf queries: decision support and probabilistic inferenceHéctor Corrada Bravo, Raghu Ramakrishnan. 701-712 [doi]
- From complete to incomplete information and backLyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu. 713-724 [doi]
- Scalable approximate query processing with the DBO engineChristopher M. Jermaine, Subramanian Arumugam, Abhijit Pol, Alin Dobra. 725-736 [doi]
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- Optimal top-down join enumerationDavid DeHaan, Frank Wm. Tompa. 785-796 [doi]
- Optimization of multi-version expensive predicatesIosif Lazaridis, Sharad Mehrotra. 797-808 [doi]
- Progressive optimization in a shared-nothing parallel databaseWook-Shin Han, Jack Ng, Volker Markl, Holger Kache, Mokhtar Kandil. 809-820 [doi]
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- Turning data into knowledge: challenges and opportunities at baidu.comWilliam I. Chang. 873 [doi]
- Databases on the webRaghu Ramakrishnan. 874 [doi]
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