Abstract is missing.
- Redex: a language for lightweight semantics engineering (keynote)Robby Bruce Findler. 1 [doi]
- Parsing and reflective printing, bidirectionallyZirun Zhu, Yongzhe Zhang, Hsiang-Shang Ko, Pedro Martins 0001, João Saraiva, Zhenjiang Hu. 2-14 [doi]
- Taming context-sensitive languages with principled stateful parsingNicolas Laurent, Kim Mens. 15-27 [doi]
- Efficient development of consistent projectional editors using grammar cellsMarkus Völter, Tamás Szabó, Sascha Lisson, Bernd Kolb, Sebastian Erdweg, Thorsten Berger. 28-40 [doi]
- MetaEdit+ for collaborative language engineering and language use (tool demo)Juha-Pekka Tolvanen. 41-45 [doi]
- Experiences of models@run-time with EMF and CDODaniel Seybold, Jörg Domaschka, Alessandro Rossini, Christopher B. Hauser, Frank Griesinger, Athanasios Tsitsipas. 46-56 [doi]
- Runtime support for rule-based access-control evaluation through model-transformationSalvador Martínez Perez, Jokin García, Jordi Cabot. 57-69 [doi]
- Object-oriented design pattern for DSL program monitoringZoé Drey, Ciprian Teodorov. 70-83 [doi]
- Execution framework of the GEMOC studio (tool demo)Erwan Bousse, Thomas Degueule, Didier Vojtisek, Tanja Mayerhofer, Julien DeAntoni, Benoît Combemale. 84-89 [doi]
- Language design and implementation for the domain of coding conventionsBoryana Goncharenko, Vadim Zaytsev. 90-104 [doi]
- BSML-mbeddr: integrating semantically configurable state-machine models in a C programming environmentZhaoyi Luo, Joanne M. Atlee. 105-117 [doi]
- Adding uncertainty and units to quantity types in software modelsTanja Mayerhofer, Manuel Wimmer, Antonio Vallecillo. 118-131 [doi]
- FRaMED: full-fledge role modeling editor (tool demo)Thomas Kühn 0001, Kay Bierzynski, Sebastian Richly, Uwe Aßmann. 132-136 [doi]
- Towards a universal code formatter through machine learningTerence John Parr, Jurgen J. Vinju. 137-151 [doi]
- The IDE portability problem and its solution in MontoSven Keidel, Wulf Pfeiffer, Sebastian Erdweg. 152-162 [doi]
- Principled syntactic code completion using placeholdersLuis Eduardo de Souza Amorim, Sebastian Erdweg, Guido Wachsmuth, Eelco Visser. 163-175 [doi]
- DrAST: an inspection tool for attributed syntax trees (tool demo)Joel Lindholm, Johan Thorsberg, Görel Hedin. 176-180 [doi]
- Automated testing support for reactive domain-specific modelling languagesBart Meyers, Joachim Denil, István Dávid, Hans Vangheluwe. 181-194 [doi]
- Side effects take the blameFelipe Bañados Schwerter. 195-206 [doi]
- Symbolic execution of high-level transformationsAhmad Salim Al-Sibahi, Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Andrzej Wasowski. 207-220 [doi]
- Raincode assembler compiler (tool demo)Volodymyr Blagodarov, Yves Jaradin, Vadim Zaytsev. 221-225 [doi]
- Efficient model partitioning for distributed model transformationsAmine Benelallam, Massimo Tisi, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Juan de Lara, Jordi Cabot. 226-238 [doi]
- Coupled software transformations revisitedRalf Lämmel. 239-252 [doi]
- Xdiagram: a declarative textual DSL for describing diagram editors (tool demo)André L. Santos, Eduardo Gomes. 253-257 [doi]