Abstract is missing.
- Title, Table of Contents, Preface, List of Authors [doi]
- Coupling Memory and Computation for Locality ManagementUmut A. Acar, Guy E. Blelloch, Matthew Fluet, Stefan K. Muller, Ram Raghunathan. 1-14 [doi]
- Verified Compilers for a Multi-Language WorldAmal Ahmed. 15-31 [doi]
- Growing a Software Language for Hardware DesignJoshua S. Auerbach, David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, Stephen J. Fink, Rodric M. Rabbah, Sunil Shukla. 32-40 [doi]
- Programming with "Big Code": Lessons, Techniques and ApplicationsPavol Bielik, Veselin Raychev, Martin T. Vechev. 41-50 [doi]
- Bridging the Gap Between General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Compilers with SynthesisAlvin Cheung, Shoaib Kamil, Armando Solar-Lezama. 51-62 [doi]
- Yedalog: Exploring Knowledge at ScaleBrian Chin, Daniel von Dincklage, Vuk Ercegovac, Peter Hawkins, Mark S. Miller, Franz Josef Och, Christopher Olston, Fernando Pereira. 63-78 [doi]
- The Design of Terra: Harnessing the Best Features of High-Level and Low-Level LanguagesZachary Devito, Pat Hanrahan. 79-89 [doi]
- The Need for Language Support for Fault-Tolerant Distributed SystemsCezara Dragoi, Thomas A. Henzinger, Damien Zufferey. 90-102 [doi]
- Toward a Dependability Case Language and Workflow for a Radiation Therapy SystemMichael D. Ernst, Dan Grossman, Jon Jacky, Calvin Loncaric, Stuart Pernsteiner, Zachary Tatlock, Emina Torlak, Xi Wang. 103-112 [doi]
- The Racket ManifestoMatthias Felleisen, Robby Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Eli Barzilay, Jay A. McCarthy, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. 113-128 [doi]
- A Theory AB ToolboxMarco Gaboardi, Justin Hsu. 129-139 [doi]
- Tracking the Flow of Ideas through the Programming Languages LiteratureMichael Greenberg, Kathleen Fisher, David Walker. 140-155 [doi]
- InterPoll: Crowd-Sourced Internet PollsBenjamin Livshits, Todd Mytkowicz. 156-176 [doi]
- The Silently Shifting SemicolonDaniel Marino, Todd D. Millstein, Madanlal Musuvathi, Satish Narayanasamy, Abhayendra Singh. 177-189 [doi]
- Everything You Want to Know About Pointer-Based CheckingSantosh Nagarakatte, Milo M. K. Martin, Steve Zdancewic. 190-208 [doi]
- New Directions for Network VerificationAurojit Panda, Katerina J. Argyraki, Mooly Sagiv, Michael Schapira, Scott Shenker. 209-220 [doi]
- A Few Lessons from the Mezzo ProjectFrançois Pottier, Jonathan Protzenko. 221-237 [doi]
- Go Meta! A Case for Generative Programming and DSLs in Performance Critical SystemsTiark Rompf, Kevin J. Brown, HyoukJoong Lee, Arvind K. Sujeeth, Manohar Jonnalagedda, Nada Amin, Georg Ofenbeck, Alen Stojanov, Yannis Klonatos, Mohammad Dashti, Christoph Koch, Markus Püschel, Kunle Olukotun. 238-261 [doi]
- Hardware-Software Co-Design: Not Just a ClichéAdrian Sampson, James Bornholt, Luis Ceze. 262-273 [doi]
- Refined Criteria for Gradual TypingJeremy G. Siek, Michael M. Vitousek, Matteo Cimini, John Tang Boyland. 274-293 [doi]
- None, One, Many - What's the Difference, Anyhow?Friedrich Steimann. 294-308 [doi]
- A Complement to BlamePhilip Wadler. 309-320 [doi]
- Draining the Swamp: Micro Virtual Machines as Solid Foundation for Language DevelopmentKunshan Wang, Yi Lin, Stephen M. Blackburn, Michael Norrish, Antony L. Hosking. 321-336 [doi]