Abstract is missing.
- Growing a Language: The GLooPerspectiveMarkus Lumpe. 1-19 [doi]
- Superimposition: A Language-Independent Approach to Software CompositionSven Apel, Christian Lengauer. 20-35 [doi]
- Language Support for Managing Variability in Architectural ModelsNeil Loughran, Pablo Sánchez, Alessandro Garcia, Lidia Fuentes. 36-51 [doi]
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- Adding Support for Dynamics Patterns to Static Business Process Management SystemsRené Wörzberger, Nicolas Ehses, Thomas Heer. 84-91 [doi]
- Interface Composition for Web Service IntermediariesSara Forghanizadeh, Eric Wohlstadter. 92-108 [doi]
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- Controlling the Performance Overhead of Component-Based SystemsOlivier Lobry, Juraj Polakovic. 149-156 [doi]
- Profile-Guided CompositionJesper Andersson, Morgan Ericsson, Christoph W. Keßler, Welf Löwe. 157-164 [doi]
- Loose Compositions for Autonomic SystemsLuciano Baresi, Giordano Tamburrelli. 165-172 [doi]
- Supporting Multidisciplinary Software Composition for Interactive ApplicationsStéphane Chatty. 173-189 [doi]
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- A Reflective Framework for Fine-Grained Adaptation of Aspect-Oriented CompositionsPaul Grace, Bert Lagaisse, Eddy Truyen, Wouter Joosen. 215-230 [doi]
- Composing Safely - A Type System for AspectsFlorian Kammüller, Henry Sudhof. 231-247 [doi]
- Practical Conflict Resolution for the Composition of Program TransformationsAndreas I. Schmied, Franz J. Hauck. 248-262 [doi]