Abstract is missing.
- Cross-Layer Adaptation in Multi-layer Autonomic Systems (Invited Talk)Uwe Aßmann, Dominik Grzelak, Johannes Mey, Dmytro Pukhkaiev, René Schöne, Christopher Werner, Georg Püschel. 1-20 [doi]
- Distance-Based Community Search (Invited Talk Extended Abstract)Francesco Bonchi. 21-27 [doi]
- Minicomplexity - Some Motivation, Some History, and Some Structure (Invited Talk Extended Abstract)Christos A. Kapoutsis. 28-38 [doi]
- Action Research in Software Engineering: Metrics' Research Perspective (Invited Talk)Miroslaw Staron. 39-49 [doi]
- From Big Data to Big Knowledge - Large-Scale Information Extraction Based on Statistical Methods (Invited Talk)Martin Theobald. 50-53 [doi]
- Sorting Networks on Restricted TopologiesIndranil Banerjee, Dana Richards, Igor Shinkar. 54-66 [doi]
- Minimum Reload Cost Graph FactorsJulien Baste, Didem Gözüpek, Mordechai Shalom, Dimitrios M. Thilikos. 67-80 [doi]
- Stable Divisorial Gonality is in NPHans L. Bodlaender, Marieke van der Wegen, Tom C. van der Zanden. 81-93 [doi]
- Coalition Resilient Outcomes in Max k-Cut GamesRaffaello Carosi, Simone Fioravanti, Luciano Gualà, Gianpiero Monaco. 94-107 [doi]
- Phase Transition in Matched Formulas and a Heuristic for Biclique SatisfiabilityMilos Chromý, Petr Kucera. 108-121 [doi]
- On Infinite Prefix Normal WordsFerdinando Cicalese, Zsuzsanna Lipták, Massimiliano Rossi 0001. 122-135 [doi]
- Priority Scheduling in the Bamboo Garden Trimming ProblemMattia D'Emidio, Gabriele Di Stefano, Alfredo Navarra. 136-149 [doi]
- Patrolling on Dynamic Ring NetworksShantanu Das 0001, Giuseppe Antonio Di Luna, Leszek Antoni Gasieniec. 150-163 [doi]
- Gathering of Robots in a Grid with Mobile FaultsShantanu Das 0001, Nikos Giachoudis, Flaminia L. Luccio, Euripides Markou. 164-178 [doi]
- Probabilistic Parameterized Polynomial TimeNils Donselaar. 179-191 [doi]
- On Matrix Ins-Del Systems of Small Sum-NormHenning Fernau, Lakshmanan Kuppusamy, Indhumathi Raman. 192-205 [doi]
- Separation Logic with Linearly Compositional Inductive Predicates and Set Data ConstraintsChong Gao, Taolue Chen, Zhilin Wu. 206-220 [doi]
- On the Complexity of Optimal Matching ReconfigurationManoj Gupta, Hitesh Kumar, Neeldhara Misra. 221-233 [doi]
- Forbidden Directed Minors, Directed Path-Width and Directed Tree-Width of Tree-Like DigraphsFrank Gurski, Carolin Rehs. 234-246 [doi]
- Existence Versus Exploitation: The Opacity of Backdoors and Backbones Under a Weak AssumptionLane A. Hemaspaandra, David E. Narváez. 247-259 [doi]
- On Point Set Embeddings for k-Planar Graphs with Few Bends per EdgeMichael Kaufmann 0001. 260-271 [doi]
- Enumerating Connected Induced Subgraphs: Improved Delay and Experimental ComparisonChristian Komusiewicz, Frank Sommer. 272-284 [doi]
- Multi-stranded String Assembling SystemsMartin Kutrib, Matthias Wendlandt. 285-297 [doi]
- Towards Automatic Comparison of Cloud Service Security CertificationsMartin Labaj, Karol Rástocný, Daniela Chudá. 298-309 [doi]
- On the Expressive Power of GF(2)-GrammarsVladislav Makarov, Alexander Okhotin. 310-323 [doi]
- An Efficient Algorithm for Combining Verification and Validation MethodsIsela Mendoza, Uéverton S. Souza, Marcos Kalinowski, Ruben Interian, Leonardo Gresta Paulino Murta. 324-340 [doi]
- Robustness Radius for Chamberlin-Courant on Restricted DomainsNeeldhara Misra, Chinmay Sonar. 341-353 [doi]
- On the Complexity of Color-Avoiding Site and Bond PercolationRoland Molontay, Kitti Varga. 354-367 [doi]
- Lackadaisical Quantum Walks with Multiple Marked VerticesNikolajs Nahimovs. 368-378 [doi]
- A 116/13-Approximation Algorithm for L(2, 1)-Labeling of Unit Disk GraphsHirotaka Ono, Hisato Yamanaka. 379-391 [doi]
- Minimizing the Cost of Team ExplorationDorota Osula. 392-405 [doi]
- Two-Head Finite-State Acceptors with Translucent LettersBenedek Nagy, Friedrich Otto. 406-418 [doi]
- Do Null-Type Mutation Operators Help Prevent Null-Type Faults?Ali Parsai, Serge Demeyer. 419-434 [doi]
- Towards Combining Multitask and Multilingual LearningMatús Pikuliak, Marián Simko, Mária Bieliková. 435-446 [doi]
- On the Size of Logical AutomataMartin Raszyk. 447-460 [doi]
- Bayesian Root Cause Analysis by Separable LikelihoodsMaciej Skorski. 461-472 [doi]
- Algorithms and Complexity Results for the Capacitated Vertex Cover ProblemSebastiaan B. van Rooij, Johan M. M. van Rooij. 473-489 [doi]
- Comparative Expressiveness of Product Line Calculus of Communicating Systems and 1-Selecting Modal Transition SystemsMahsa Varshosaz, Mohammad Reza Mousavi. 490-503 [doi]
- A Hierarchy of Polynomial KernelsJouke Witteveen, Ralph Bottesch, Leen Torenvliet. 504-518 [doi]
- Behavioral Strengths and Weaknesses of Various Models of Limited AutomataTomoyuki Yamakami. 519-530 [doi]