Conference knowledge modelling for conference-video-recordings querying and visualization

Maria Sokhn, Elena Mugellini, Omar Abou Khaled, Ahmed Serhrouchni. Conference knowledge modelling for conference-video-recordings querying and visualization. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 1(4):95-111, jun 2010.


The evolution of the web in the last decades has created the need for new requirements towards intelligent information retrieval capabilities and advanced user interfaces. Nowadays, effective retrieval and usage of multimedia resources have to deal with the issues of creating efficient indexes, developing retrieval tools and improving user oriented visualization interfaces. To that end we put forward an integrated framework named CALIMERA. The framework is based on a High-level modEL for cOnference (HELO) and aims at enhancing the information management, retrieval and visualization of recorded talks of scientific conferences. This paper presents the conference model and its uses within the framework: performing high level annotation of scientific talk recordings, offering granular search facilities and complex queries, and enhancing the knowledge visualization of the recordings. As a proof-of-concept we present the prototypes that have been implemented