Abstract is missing.
- Structuring Systems for Formal VerificationRichard B. Neely, James W. Freeman. 2-13 [doi]
- Trusted Software Verification: A Case StudyTerry C. Vickers Benzel, Deborah A. Tavilla. 14-31 [doi]
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- Analysis of Acyclic Attenuating Systems for the SSR Protection ModelRavinderpal Singh Sandhu. 197-207 [doi]
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- Computer Privacy in America: Conflicting Practices and Policy ChoicesBen G. Matley. 219-223 [doi]
- Security Considerations for Autonomous RobotsDouglas M. Gage. 224-229 [doi]
- The Implementation of Secure Entity-Relationship DatabasesBurton H. Patkau, David L. Tennenhouse. 230-236 [doi]
- Labeling Screen OutputMindy Rudell. 237 [doi]