Abstract is missing.
- Shuffles and Circuits: (On Lower Bounds for Modern Parallel Computation)Tim Roughgarden, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Joshua R. Wang. 1-12 [doi]
- Parallel Algorithms for Summing Floating-Point NumbersMichael T. Goodrich, Ahmed Eldawy. 13-22 [doi]
- Randomized Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Limited AdaptivityMingmou Liu, Xiaoyin Pan, Yitong Yin. 23-33 [doi]
- Encoding Short Ranges in TCAM Without Expansion: Efficient Algorithm and ApplicationsAnat Bremler-Barr, Yotam Harchol, David Hay, Yacov Hel-Or. 35-46 [doi]
- On Computational Thinking, Inferential Thinking and Data ScienceMichael I. Jordan. 47 [doi]
- Extending the Nested Parallel Model to the Nested Dataflow Model with Provably Efficient SchedulersDavid Dinh, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Yuan Tang. 49-60 [doi]
- A Practical Solution to the Cactus Stack ProblemChaoran Yang, John M. Mellor-Crummey. 61-70 [doi]
- Latency-Hiding Work Stealing: Scheduling Interacting Parallel Computations with Work StealingStefan K. Muller, Umut A. Acar. 71-82 [doi]
- Provably Good and Practically Efficient Parallel Race Detection for Fork-Join ProgramsRobert Utterback, Kunal Agrawal, Jeremy T. Fineman, I-Ting Angelina Lee. 83-94 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Dynamic Determinacy Race Detection for Task Parallelism with FuturesRishi Surendran, Vivek Sarkar. 95-97 [doi]
- RUBIC: Online Parallelism Tuning for Co-located Transactional Memory ApplicationsAmin Mohtasham, João Pedro Barreto. 99-108 [doi]
- Extending TM Primitives using Low Level SemanticsMohamed M. Saad, Roberto Palmieri, Ahmed Hassan, Binoy Ravindran. 109-120 [doi]
- Investigating the Performance of Hardware Transactions on a Multi-Socket MachineTrevor Brown, Alex Kogan, Yossi Lev, Victor Luchangco. 121-132 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Transactional Data Structure LibrariesAlexander Spiegelman, Guy Golan-Gueta, Idit Keidar. 133-134 [doi]
- Cache-Adaptive AnalysisMichael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Roozbeh Ebrahimi, Jeremy T. Fineman, Rob Johnson, Andrea Lincoln, Jayson Lynch, Samuel McCauley. 135-144 [doi]
- Parallel Algorithms for Asymmetric Read-Write CostsNaama Ben-David, Guy E. Blelloch, Jeremy T. Fineman, Phillip B. Gibbons, Yan Gu 0001, Charles McGuffey, Julian Shun. 145-156 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Preserving Happens-before in Persistent MemoryJoseph Izraelevitz, Hammurabi Mendes, Michael L. Scott. 157-159 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Approximating the I/O Complexity of One-Shot Red-Blue PebblingTimothy Carpenter, Fabrice Rastello, P. Sadayappan, Anastasios Sidiropoulos. 161-163 [doi]
- General Profit Scheduling and the Power of Migration on Heterogeneous MachinesSungjin Im, Benjamin Moseley. 165-173 [doi]
- The Power of Migration in Online Machine MinimizationLin Chen 0009, Nicole Megow, Kevin Schewior. 175-184 [doi]
- Fair Online Scheduling for Selfish Jobs on Heterogeneous MachinesSungjin Im, Janardhan Kulkarni. 185-194 [doi]
- Scheduling Parallelizable Jobs Online to Minimize the Maximum Flow TimeKunal Agrawal, Jing Li, Kefu Lu, Benjamin Moseley. 195-205 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: A QPTAS for Non-preemptive Speed-scalingSungjin Im, Maryam Shadloo. 207-209 [doi]
- A Multicore Path to Connectomics-on-DemandNir Shavit. 211 [doi]
- Robust and Probabilistic Failure-Aware PlacementMadhukar R. Korupolu, Rajmohan Rajaraman. 213-224 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Flexible Resource Allocation for Clouds and All-Optical NetworksDmitriy Katz, Baruch Schieber, Hadas Shachnai. 225-226 [doi]
- Clairvoyant Dynamic Bin Packing for Job Scheduling with Minimum Server Usage TimeRuntian Ren, Xueyan Tang. 227-237 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Co-FlowsSamir Khuller, Manish Purohit. 239-240 [doi]
- Online Packet Scheduling for CIOQ and Buffered Crossbar SwitchesKamal Al-Bawani, Matthias Englert, Matthias Westermann. 241-250 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Energy Optimization of Memory Intensive Parallel WorkloadsChhaya Trehan, Hans Vandierendonck, Georgios Karakonstantis, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos. 251-252 [doi]
- Just Join for Parallel Ordered SetsGuy E. Blelloch, Daniel Ferizovic, Yihan Sun. 253-264 [doi]
- Parallel Equivalence Class Sorting: Algorithms, Lower Bounds, and Distribution-Based AnalysisWilliam E. Devanny, Michael T. Goodrich, Kristopher Jetviroj. 265-274 [doi]
- Parallel Approaches to the String Matching Problem on the GPUSaman Ashkiani, Nina Amenta, John D. Owens. 275-285 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: MIC++: Accelerating Maximal Information Coefficient Calculation with GPUs and FPGAsChao Wang, Xi Li, Aili Wang, Xuehai Zhou. 287-288 [doi]
- Universal Shape Formation for Programmable MatterZahra Derakhshandeh, Robert Gmyr, Andréa W. Richa, Christian Scheideler, Thim Strothmann. 289-299 [doi]
- Asymptotically Optimal Gathering on a GridAndreas Cord-Landwehr, Matthias Fischer 0001, Daniel Jung, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide. 301-312 [doi]
- Better Bounds for Coalescing-Branching Random WalksMichael Mitzenmacher, Rajmohan Rajaraman, Scott T. Roche. 313-323 [doi]
- Lock-free Transactions without Rollbacks for Linked Data StructuresDeli Zhang, Damian Dechev. 325-336 [doi]
- Concurrent Search Data Structures Can Be Blocking and Practically Wait-FreeTudor David, Rachid Guerraoui. 337-348 [doi]
- Fast and Robust Memory Reclamation for Concurrent Data StructuresOana Balmau, Rachid Guerraoui, Maurice Herlihy, Igor Zablotchi. 349-359 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Benchmarking Concurrent Priority QueuesJakob Gruber, Jesper Larsson Träff, Martin Wimmer 0003. 361-362 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Fast Concurrent Cuckoo Kick-Out Eviction Schemes for High-Density TablesWilliam Kuszmaul. 363-365 [doi]
- The Family Holiday Gathering Problem or Fair and Periodic Scheduling of Independent SetsAmihood Amir, Oren Kapah, Tsvi Kopelowitz, Moni Naor, Ely Porat. 367-375 [doi]
- Election vs. Selection: How Much Advice is Needed to Find the Largest Node in a Graph?Avery Miller, Andrzej Pelc. 377-386 [doi]
- Near-Optimal Distributed Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Tree StructuresMohsen Ghaffari, Merav Parter. 387-396 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Applications of Uniform Sampling: Densest Subgraph and BeyondHossein Esfandiari, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, David P. Woodruff. 397-399 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Relaxed Byzantine Vector ConsensusZhuolun Xiang, Nitin H. Vaidya. 401-403 [doi]
- The Cost of Unknown Diameter in Dynamic NetworksHaifeng Yu, Yuda Zhao, Irvan Jahja. 405-416 [doi]
- Churn- and DoS-resistant Overlay Networks Based on Network ReconfigurationMaximilian Drees, Robert Gmyr, Christian Scheideler. 417-427 [doi]
- Fast Distributed Algorithms for Connectivity and MST in Large GraphsGopal Pandurangan, Peter Robinson 0002, Michele Scquizzato. 429-438 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: A Tight Distributed Algorithm for All Pairs Shortest Paths and ApplicationsQiang-Sheng Hua, Haoqiang Fan, Lixiang Qian, Ming Ai, Yangyang Li, Xuanhua Shi, Hai Jin. 439-441 [doi]
- Parallel Shortest Paths Using Radius SteppingGuy E. Blelloch, Yan Gu 0001, Yihan Sun, Kanat Tangwongsan. 443-454 [doi]
- Parallel Metric Tree Embedding based on an Algebraic View on Moore-Bellman-FordStephan Friedrichs, Christoph Lenzen. 455-466 [doi]
- Parallelism in Randomized Incremental AlgorithmsGuy E. Blelloch, Yan Gu 0001, Julian Shun, Yihan Sun. 467-478 [doi]