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- Context-Dependent Product Line Practice for Constructing Reliable Embedded SystemsNaoyasu Ubayashi, Shin Nakajima, Masayuki Hirayama. 1-15 [doi]
- Configuring Software Product Line Feature Models Based on Stakeholders Soft and Hard RequirementsEbrahim Bagheri, Tommaso Di Noia, Azzurra Ragone, Dragan Gasevic. 16-31 [doi]
- Usage Context as Key Driver for Feature SelectionKwanwoo Lee, Kyo Chul Kang. 32-46 [doi]
- A Flexible Approach for Generating Product-Specific Documents in Product LinesRick Rabiser, Wolfgang Heider, Christoph Elsner, Martin Lehofer, Paul Grünbacher, Christa Schwanninger. 47-61 [doi]
- Formal Definition of Syntax and Semantics for Documenting Variability in Activity DiagramsAndré Heuer, Christof J. Budnik, Sascha Konrad, Kim Lauenroth, Klaus Pohl. 62-76 [doi]
- Delta-Oriented Programming of Software Product LinesIna Schaefer, Lorenzo Bettini, Viviana Bono, Ferruccio Damiani, Nico Tanzarella. 77-91 [doi]
- Architecting Automotive Product Lines: Industrial PracticeHåkan Gustavsson, Ulrik Eklund. 92-105 [doi]
- Developing a Software Product Line for Train Control: A Case Study of CVLAndreas Svendsen, Xiaorui Zhang, Roy Lind-Tviberg, Franck Fleurey, Øystein Haugen, Birger Møller-Pedersen, Gøran K. Olsen. 106-120 [doi]
- Dealing with Cost Estimation in Software Product Lines: Experiences and Future DirectionsAndy J. Nolan, Silvia Abrahão. 121-135 [doi]
- Evolution of the Linux Kernel Variability ModelRafael Lotufo, Steven She, Thorsten Berger, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Andrzej Wasowski. 136-150 [doi]
- Variability Modeling for Distributed Development - A Comparison with Established PracticeKlaus Schmid. 151-165 [doi]
- Variability Management in Software Product Lines: An Investigation of Contemporary Industrial ChallengesLianping Chen, Muhammad Ali Babar. 166-180 [doi]
- Consistent Product Line Configuration across File Type and Product Line BoundariesChristoph Elsner, Peter Ulbrich, Daniel Lohmann, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. 181-195 [doi]
- Automated Incremental Pairwise Testing of Software Product LinesSebastian Oster, Florian Markert, Philipp Ritter. 196-210 [doi]
- Linking Feature Models to Code Artifacts Using Executable Acceptance TestsYaser Ghanam, Frank Maurer. 211-225 [doi]
- Avoiding Redundant Testing in Application EngineeringVanessa Stricker, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Pohl. 226-240 [doi]
- Improving the Testing and Testability of Software Product LinesIsis Cabral, Myra B. Cohen, Gregg Rothermel. 241-255 [doi]
- Architecture-Based Unit Testing of the Flight Software Product LineDharmalingam Ganesan, Mikael Lindvall, David McComas, Maureen Bartholomew, Steve Slegel, Barbara Medina. 256-270 [doi]
- Sans Constraints? Feature Diagrams vs. Feature ModelsYossi Gil, Shiri Kremer-Davidson, Itay Maman. 271-285 [doi]
- Mapping Extended Feature Models to Constraint Logic Programming over Finite DomainsAhmet Serkan Karatas, Halit Oguztüzün, Ali H. Dogru. 286-299 [doi]
- Stratified Analytic Hierarchy Process: Prioritization and Selection of Software FeaturesEbrahim Bagheri, Mohsen Asadi, Dragan Gasevic, Samaneh Soltani. 300-315 [doi]
- Streamlining Domain Analysis for Digital Games Product LinesAndré Wilson Brotto Furtado, André L. M. Santos, Geber L. Ramalho. 316-330 [doi]
- Designing and Prototyping Dynamic Software Product Lines: Techniques and GuidelinesCarlos Cetina, Pau Giner, Joan Fons, Vicente Pelechano. 331-345 [doi]
- A Software Product Line for the Mobile and Context-Aware Applications DomainFabiana Gomes Marinho, Fabrício Lima, João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Lincoln S. Rocha, Marcio E. F. Maia, Saulo B. de Aguiar, Valéria Lelli Leitão Dantas, Windson Viana, Rossana M. C. Andrade, Eldånae Teixeira. 346-360 [doi]
- Using MDA for Integration of Heterogeneous Components in Software Supply ChainsHerman Hartmann, Mila Keren, Aart A. J. Matsinger, Julia Rubin, Tim Trew, Tali Yatzkar-Haham. 361-376 [doi]
- Mapping Features to Reusable Components: A Problem Frames-Based ApproachTung M. Dao, Kyo Chul Kang. 377-392 [doi]
- Eliciting and Capturing Business Goals to Inform a Product Line s Business Case and ArchitecturePaul C. Clements, John D. McGregor, Len Bass. 393-405 [doi]
- Aligning Business and Technical Strategies for Software Product LinesMike Mannion, Juha Savolainen. 406-419 [doi]
- Non-clausal Encoding of Feature Diagram for Automated DiagnosisShin Nakajima. 420-424 [doi]
- A Method to Identify Feature Constraints Based on Feature Selections MiningKentaro Yoshimura, Yoshitaka Atarashi, Takeshi Fukuda. 425-429 [doi]
- Software Product Line Engineering for Long-Lived, Sustainable SystemsRobyn R. Lutz, David Weiss, Sandeep Krishnan, Jingwei Yang. 430-434 [doi]
- An Approach to Efficient Product Configuration in Software Product LinesYuqing Lin, Huilin Ye, Jianmin Tang. 435-439 [doi]
- A Hybrid Approach to Feature-Oriented Programming in XVCLHongyu Zhang, Stan Jarzabek. 440-445 [doi]
- An Approach for Developing Component-Based Groupware Product Lines Using the Groupware WorkbenchBruno Gadelha, Elder Cirilo, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Alberto Castro, Hugo Fuks, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena. 446-450 [doi]
- Towards Consistent Evolution of Feature ModelsJianmei Guo, Yinglin Wang. 451-455 [doi]
- SOPLE-DE: An Approach to Design Service-Oriented Product Line ArchitecturesFlávio M. Medeiros, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio R. L. Meira. 456-460 [doi]
- Multidimensional Classification Approach for Defining Product Line Engineering Transition StrategiesBedir Tekinerdogan, Eray Tüzün, Ediz Saykol. 461-465 [doi]
- MARTE Mechanisms to Model Variability When Analyzing Embedded Software Product LinesLorea Belategi, Goiuria Sagardui, Leire Etxeberria. 466-470 [doi]
- The UML extend Relationship as Support for Software VariabilitySofia Azevedo, Ricardo Jorge Machado, Alexandre Bragança, Hugo Ribeiro. 471-475 [doi]
- Feature Diagrams as Package DependenciesRoberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli. 476-480 [doi]
- Visualizing and Analyzing Software Variability with Bar Diagrams and Occurrence MatricesSlawomir Duszynski. 481-485 [doi]
- Recent Experiences with Software Product Lines in the US Department of DefenseLawrence G. Jones, Linda M. Northrop. 486-490 [doi]
- Leviathan: SPL Support on Filesystem LevelWanja Hofer, Christoph Elsner, Frank Blendinger, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Daniel Lohmann. 491 [doi]
- Introducing a Conceptual Model of Software ProductionRalf Carbon, Dirk Muthig. 492-493 [doi]
- Product Line Engineering in Enterprise ApplicationsJingang Zhou, Yong-Ji, Dazhe Zhao, Xia Zhang. 494 [doi]
- Case Study of Software Product Line Engineering in Insurance ProductJeong Ah Kim. 495 [doi]
- Using Composition Connectors to Support Software Asset DevelopmentPerla Velasco Elizondo. 496-497 [doi]
- Feature-to-Code Mapping in Two Large Product LinesThorsten Berger, Steven She, Rafael Lotufo, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Andrzej Wasowski. 498-499 [doi]
- The Rise and Fall of Product Line ArchitecturesIsabel John, Christa Schwanninger, Eduardo Santana de Almeida. 500-501 [doi]
- The Many Paths to Quality Core AssetsJohn D. McGregor. 502 [doi]
- Pragmatic Strategies for Variability Management in Product Lines in Small- to Medium-Size CompaniesStan Jarzabek. 503-504 [doi]
- Building Reusable Testing Assets for a Software Product LineJohn D. McGregor. 505-506 [doi]
- Production Planning in a Software Product Line OrganizationJohn D. McGregor. 507-508 [doi]
- Transforming Legacy Systems into Software Product LinesDanilo Beuche. 509-510 [doi]
- Systems and Software Product Line Engineering with the SPL Lifecycle FrameworkCharles W. Krueger. 511-512 [doi]
- Managing Requirements in Product LinesDanilo Beuche, Isabel John. 513-514 [doi]
- Evolutionary Product Line ScopingIsabel John, Karina Villela. 515-516 [doi]
- Leveraging Model Driven Engineering in Software Product Line ArchitecturesBruce Trask, Angel Roman. 517-518 [doi]
- Introduction to Software Product Lines AdoptionLinda M. Northrop, Lawrence G. Jones. 519-520 [doi]
- Introduction to Software Product LinesLinda M. Northrop. 521-522 [doi]
- 4th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL 2010)Svein Hallsteinsen, Mike Hinchey, Sooyong Park, Klaus Schmid. 523 [doi]
- 1st International Workshop on Product-Line Engineering for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems (PLEERPS 2010)Haitham S. Hamza, Jabier Martinez. 524 [doi]
- 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE 2010)Deepak Dhungana, Iris Groher, Rick Rabiser, Steffen Thiel. 525 [doi]
- 1st International Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Product Line Engineering (FMSPLE 2010)Ina Schaefer, Martin Becker, Ralf Carbon, Sven Apel. 526 [doi]
- 3rd International Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering (VISPLE 2010)Steffen Thiel, Rick Rabiser, Deepak Dhungana, Ciarán Cawley. 527 [doi]
- 4th Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques (ACOM 2010)Alessandro Garcia, Phil Greenwood, Yuanfang Cai, Jeffrey G. Gray, Francisco Dantas. 528 [doi]
- 2nd Workshop on Scalable Modeling Techniques for Software Product Lines (SCALE 2010)Muhammad Ali Babar, Sholom Cohen, Kyo Chul Kang, Tomoji Kishi, Frank van der Linden, Natsuko Noda, Klaus Pohl. 529 [doi]