Abstract is missing.
- Title, Commitee, Table of Contents, Author Index [doi]
- Scientific and Statistical Data Management Research at LBLFrank Olken, Doron Rotem, Arie Shoshani, Harry K. T. Wong. 1-20 [doi]
- DBMS and COMPASS: The COMPTEL Processing and Analysis Software SystemG. Simpson, R. Diehl, T. Casilli, Volker Schönfelder, Gert Gislher Lichti, Helmut Steinle, B. Swanenburg, H. Aarts, A. Deerenberg, W. Hermsen, K. Bennett, C. Winkler, M. Snelling, J. Lockwood, D. Morris, J. Ryan. 21-24 [doi]
- Scientific Data Manipulation in a Relational Database SystemBrian J. Read. 31-35 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of Storage Schemes for Large Numerical DatabasesPeter Scheuermann, Changho Kim. 36-43 [doi]
- Physical Database Support for Scientific and Statistical Database ManagementFrank Olken. 44-60 [doi]
- Efficient Transmission and Storage of Alphanumeric Data and MetadataMostafa A. Bassiouni. 61-65 [doi]
- Decomposing Complex Contingency Tables to Reduce Storage RequirementsFrancesco M. Malvestuto. 66-71 [doi]
- Managing the Data Analysis ProcessPaula J. Cowley, Wesley Nicholson, Daniel B. Carr. 72-77 [doi]
- Auditing of Data AnalysesRichard A. Becker, John M. Chambers. 78-80 [doi]
- LABSTAT BROWSE: A Search Facility Built for an Existing DatabaseGwendolyn L. Harllee. 81-84 [doi]
- Multidimensional Data Visualization Design Tradeoffs: Speed vs. DetailHans Hinterberger. 85-97 [doi]
- A Database Interface to an Integrated Data Analysis and Plotting ToolDavid M. Stein. 98-106 [doi]
- A Query Language Capable of Handling Incomplete Information and StatisticsClifton Chan, Zbigniew Michalewicz. 107-115 [doi]
- Aggregation Operations in Historical Relational Databases (extended abstract)Abdullah Uz Tansel, M. Erol Arkun. 116-121 [doi]
- An Algebra for Statistical DataE. Fortunato, Maurizio Rafanelli, Fabrizio L. Ricci, A. Sebastio. 122-134 [doi]
- HQUEL, a Query Language for Historical Relational DatabasesAbdullah Uz Tansel, M. Erol Arkun. 135-142 [doi]
- A Model of Summaries for Very Large DatabasesGeorges Hébrail. 143-151 [doi]
- On the Semantics of Aggregated DataErik Malmborg. 152-158 [doi]
- Using Logic to Organize Statistical DatabasesCamilo Riaño. 159-164 [doi]
- Conceptual Schema for a Wide-Scope Statistical Database and its ApplicationsHideto Sato, Takayuki Nakano, Yoshinobu Fukazawa, Ryosuke Hotaka. 165-172 [doi]
- On the Form of an Intelligent Front End to a Statistical Data-BaseAnthony D. Elliman. 173-178 [doi]
- A Comparison of Old and New Technologies for Translating Between Relational Query LanguagesD. I. Howells, N. J. Fiddian, W. A. Gray. 179-183 [doi]
- A Strategy for Coupling Logic Programming and Database TechnologyJacques Kouloumdjian, Philippe Lebaube, Brice Lepape. 184-193 [doi]
- Esprit Project 311: Advanced Data and Knowledge Management SystemGerhard Müller. 194-196 [doi]
- Compilation of Data for Statistical Analysis: Theory and Application of Record LinkingSue M. Dintelman, A. Timothy Maness. 203-207 [doi]
- Cluster Analysis - A Series of Database Views?Frances Grundy. 208-210 [doi]
- Data Analysis for Relational Data Bases: The PEPIN-SICLA SystemGeneviève Jomier, O. Kezouit, H. Ralambondrainy. 211-218 [doi]
- The Design of Cantor - A New System for Data AnalysisIlkka Karasalo, Per Svensson. 224-244 [doi]
- The Design and Implementation of the SSDBA. Datta, B. Fournier, Wen-Chi Hou, Gultekin Özsoyoglu. 245-260 [doi]
- Implementing a Computer Efficient Database Management System: A Progress ReportJohn Dixie, G. Ive. 261-263 [doi]
- The Small Area Data Program: An Essential Information ResourceGustave J. Goldmann. 264-270 [doi]
- Textbase Management Systems: Tools for the Archiving and Analysis of Textual DataErhard Mergenthaler. 271-276 [doi]
- ARCHEDDA - A Prototype for a Heterogeneous Distributed Database SystemGeoffrey A. Stephenson. 277-285 [doi]
- SIAM: Statistics Information Access MethodSakti P. Ghosh. 286-293 [doi]
- An Evaluation of Two New Inference Control MethodsY. H. Chin, Weng-Ling Peng. 294-302 [doi]
- Prior Knowledge and the Security of a Dynamic Statistical DatabaseMary McLeish. 303-305 [doi]
- Database Management in Multicenter Prospective Tumor StudiesM. Hudec, H. Platz. 312-316 [doi]
- An Examination of How a Classification System Can Be Used to Automate POSCH MetadataJohn M. Long. 317-324 [doi]