Abstract is missing.
- Hyper-Encryption and Everlasting SecurityYan Zong Ding, Michael O. Rabin. 1-26 [doi]
- Models and Techniques for Communication in Dynamic NetworksChristian Scheideler. 27-49 [doi]
- What Is a Theory?Gilles Dowek. 50-64 [doi]
- A Space Lower Bound for Routing in TreesPierre Fraigniaud, Cyril Gavoille. 65-75 [doi]
- Labeling Schemes for Dynamic Tree NetworksAmos Korman, David Peleg, Yoav Rodeh. 76-87 [doi]
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- Approximate Strong Separation with Application in Fractional Graph Coloring and Preemptive SchedulingKlaus Jansen. 100-111 [doi]
- Balanced Coloring: Equally Easy for All Numbers of Colors?Benjamin Doerr. 112-120 [doi]
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- On the Complexity of Generating Maximal Frequent and Minimal Infrequent SetsEndre Boros, Vladimir Gurvich, Leonid Khachiyan, Kazuhisa Makino. 133-141 [doi]
- On Dualization in Products of ForestsKhaled M. Elbassioni. 142-153 [doi]
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- Scheduling at Twilight the Easy WayHannah Bast. 166-178 [doi]
- Complexity of Multi-dimensional Loop AlignmentAlain Darte, Guillaume Huard. 179-191 [doi]
- A Probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm Further ImprovedThomas Hofmeister, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler, Osamu Watanabe. 192-202 [doi]
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- Randomized Acceleration of Fundamental Matrix ComputationsVictor Y. Pan. 215-226 [doi]
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- Computing the Maximum Detour and Spanning Ratio of Planar Paths, Trees, and CyclesStefan Langerman, Pat Morin, Michael A. Soss. 250-261 [doi]
- On the Parameterized Intractability of CLOSEST SUBSTRINGsize and Related ProblemsMichael R. Fellows, Jens Gramm, Rolf Niedermeier. 262-273 [doi]
- On the Complexity of Protein Similarity Search under mRNA Structure ConstraintsRolf Backofen, N. S. Narayanaswamy, Firas Swidan. 274-286 [doi]
- Pure Dominance ConstraintsManuel Bodirsky, Martin Kutz. 287-298 [doi]
- Improved Quantum Communication Complexity Bounds for Disjointness and EqualityPeter Høyer, Ronald de Wolf. 299-310 [doi]
- On Quantum Computation with Some Restricted AmplitudesHarumichi Nishimura. 311-322 [doi]
- A Quantum Goldreich-Levin Theorem with Cryptographic ApplicationsMark Adcock, Richard Cleve. 323-334 [doi]
- On Quantum and Approximate PrivacyHartmut Klauck. 335-346 [doi]
- On Quantum Versions of the Yao PrincipleMart de Graaf, Ronald de Wolf. 347-358 [doi]
- Describing Parameterized Complexity ClassesJörg Flum, Martin Grohe. 359-371 [doi]
- On the Computational Power of Boolean Decision ListsMatthias Krause. 372-383 [doi]
- How Many Missing Answers Can Be Tolerated by Query Learners?Hans-Ulrich Simon. 384-395 [doi]
- Games with a Uniqueness PropertyShin Aida, Marcel Crâsmaru, Kenneth W. Regan, Osamu Watanabe. 396-407 [doi]
- Bi-Immunity Separates Strong NP-Completeness NotionsAduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman. 408-418 [doi]
- Complexity of Semi-algebraic ProofsDima Grigoriev, Edward A. Hirsch, Dmitrii V. Pasechnik. 419-430 [doi]
- A Lower Bound Technique for Restricted Branching Programs and ApplicationsPhilipp Woelfel. 431-442 [doi]
- The Complexity of Constraints on Intervals and LengthsAndrei A. Krokhin, Peter Jeavons, Peter Jonsson. 443-454 [doi]
- Nesting Until and Since in Linear Temporal LogicDenis Thérien, Thomas Wilke. 455-464 [doi]
- Comparing Verboseness for Finite Automata and Turing MachinesTill Tantau. 465-476 [doi]
- On the Average Parallelism in Trace MonoidsDaniel Krob, Jean Mairesse, Ioannis Michos. 477-488 [doi]
- A Further Step towards a Theory of Regular MSC LanguagesDietrich Kuske. 489-500 [doi]
- Existential and Positive Theories of Equations in Graph ProductsVolker Diekert, Markus Lohrey. 501-512 [doi]
- The Membership Problem for Regular Expressions with Intersection Is Complete in LOGCFLHolger Petersen. 513-522 [doi]
- Recognizable Sets of Message Sequence ChartsRémi Morin. 523-534 [doi]
- Strong Bisimilarity and Regularity of Basic Parallel Processes Is PSPACE-HardJirí Srba. 535-546 [doi]
- On the Enumerative Sequences of Regular Languages on k SymbolsMarie-Pierre Béal, Dominique Perrin. 547-558 [doi]
- Ground Tree Rewriting Graphs of Bounded Tree WidthChristof Löding. 559-570 [doi]
- Timed Control Synthesis for External SpecificationsDeepak D Souza, P. Madhusudan. 571-582 [doi]
- Axiomatizing GSOS with TerminationJos C. M. Baeten, Erik P. de Vink. 583-595 [doi]
- Axiomatising Tree-Interpretable StructuresAchim Blumensath. 596-607 [doi]
- EXPSPACE-Complete Variant of Guarded Fragment with TransitivityEmanuel Kieronski. 608-619 [doi]
- A Parametric Analysis of the State Explosion Problem in Model CheckingStéphane Demri, François Laroussinie, Ph. Schnoebelen. 620-631 [doi]
- Generalized Model-Checking over Locally Tree-Decomposable ClassesMarkus Frick. 632-644 [doi]
- Learnability and Definability in Trees and Similar StructuresMartin Grohe, György Turán. 645-658 [doi]