Abstract is missing.
- Non Commutative Logic: A SurveyV. Michele Abrusci. 1 [doi]
- Dynamical Method in Algebra: A SurveyThierry Coquand. 2 [doi]
- Automated Theorem Proving in Generation, Verification, and Certification of Safety Critical CodeJohann Schumann. 3 [doi]
- Tableaux with Four Signs as a Unified FrameworkArnon Avron. 4-16 [doi]
- A Labelled Sequent-Calculus for Observation LogicOlivier Brunet. 17-31 [doi]
- Bounded Lukasiewicz LogicsAgata Ciabattoni, George Metcalfe. 32-47 [doi]
- Parallel Dialogue Games and Hypersequents for Intermediate LogicsChristian G. Fermüller. 48-64 [doi]
- Simplification Rules for Constrained Formula TableauxMartin Giese. 65-80 [doi]
- Tableau Calculi for Preference-Based Conditional LogicsLaura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti, Camilla Schwind. 81-101 [doi]
- A General Tableau Method for Propositional Interval Temporal LogicsValentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco. 102-116 [doi]
- Universal Variables in Disconnection TableauxReinhold Letz, Gernot Stenz. 117-133 [doi]
- A Tableau Algorithm for Reasoning about Concepts and SimilarityCarsten Lutz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev. 134-149 [doi]
- XPath and Modal Logics of Finite DAG sMaarten Marx. 150-164 [doi]
- Tableaux, Path Dissolution, and Decomposable Negation Normal Form for Knowledge CompilationNeil V. Murray, Erik Rosenthal. 165-180 [doi]
- A More Efficient Tableaux Procedure for Simultaneous Search for Refutations and Finite ModelsNicolas Peltier. 181-195 [doi]
- Automatic Abstraction of Equations in a Logic of EqualityMiroslav N. Velev. 196-213 [doi]
- A Free Variable Sequent Calculus with Uniform Variable SplittingArild Waaler, Roger Antonsen. 214-229 [doi]
- The Tableaux Work BenchPietro Abate, Rajeev Goré. 230-236 [doi]
- Decision Procedures for the Propositional Cases of Second Order Logic and Z Modal Logic RepresentationsFrank M. Brown. 237-245 [doi]
- Logistica 2.0: A Technology for Implementing Automatic Deduction SystemsFrank M. Brown. 246-251 [doi]
- Fair Constraint Merging Tableaux in Lazy Functional Programming StyleReiner Hähnle, Niklas Sörensson. 252-256 [doi]
- SOLAR: A Consequence Finding System for Advanced ReasoningHidetomo Nabeshima, Koji Iwanuma, Katsumi Inoue. 257-263 [doi]
- CondLean: A Theorem Prover for Conditional LogicsNicola Olivetti, Gian Luca Pozzato. 264-270 [doi]