Abstract is missing.
- Sagan in TAC2009: Using Support Vector Machines in Recognizing Textual Entailment and TE Search Pilot taskJulio J. Castillo. [doi]
- BEwT-E for TAC 2009's AESOP TaskStephen Tratz, Eduard H. Hovy. [doi]
- Tsinghua University at TAC 2009: Summarizing Multi-documents by Information DistanceChong Long, Minlie Huang, Xiaoyan Zhu. [doi]
- WHUSUM: Wuhan University at the Update Summarization Task of TAC 2009Po Hu, Donghong Ji. [doi]
- SemKer: Syntactic/Semantic Kernels for Recognizing Textual EntailmentYashar Mehdad, Alessandro Moschitti, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto. [doi]
- Summarizing with Encyclopedic KnowledgeVivi Nastase, Katja Filippova, David N. Milne. [doi]
- The TITech Summarization System at TAC-2009Yuanrong Zheng, Takenobu Tokunaga. [doi]
- Entity Linking and Slot Filling through Statistical Processing and Inference RulesDaniel M. Bikel, Vittorio Castelli, Radu Florian, Ding-Jung Han. [doi]
- An Inference-Based Approach to Recognizing EntailmentPeter Clark, Philip Harrison. [doi]
- PolyU at TAC 2009Ouyang You, Wenjie Li. [doi]
- N-gram Graphs: Representing Documents and Document Sets in Summary System EvaluationGeorge Giannakopoulos, Vangelis Karkaletsis. [doi]
- TCAR at TAC-KBP 2009Patrick Schone, Alan Goldschen, C. Langley, S. Lewis, Boyan A. Onyshkevych, R. Cutts, B. Dawson, Craig Pfeifer, M. Ursiak, J. MacBride, G. Matrangola, C. McDonough. [doi]
- Thomson Reuters at TAC 2009: ContextChain and Fractional Conditional Compressibility of ModelsFrank Schilder, Ravi Kondadadi, Harsha Veeramachaneni. [doi]
- The Fifth PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment ChallengeLuisa Bentivogli, Bernardo Magnini, Ido Dagan, Hoa Trang Dang, Danilo Giampiccolo. [doi]
- Overlap Analysis in Textual Entailment RecognitionKen Litkowski. [doi]
- Description of the LIPN Systems at TAC2009Aurélien Bossard. [doi]
- Relation Alignment for Textual Entailment RecognitionMark Sammons, V. G. Vinod Vydiswaran, Tim Vieira, Nikhil Johri, Ming-Wei Chang, Dan Goldwasser, Vivek Srikumar, Gourab Kundu, Yuancheng Tu, Kevin Small, Joshua Rule, Quang Do, Dan Roth. [doi]
- The NTNU Summarization System at TAC 2009Shih-Hsiang Lin, Berlin Chen. [doi]
- On alternative automated content evaluation measuresRahul Katragadda. [doi]
- UAIC Participation at RTE5Adrian Iftene, Mihai Alex Moruz. [doi]
- IIIT Hyderabad at TAC 2009Vasudeva Varma, Vijay Bharath Reddy, Sudheer Kovelamudi, Praveen Bysani, Santhosh Gsk, N. Kiran Kumar, Kranthi Reddy B, Karuna Kumar, Nitin Maganti. [doi]
- IIT Kharagpur at TAC 2009: Statistical and Nugget-based Model for Automatic Summary EvaluationSushant Kumar, Abhijeet Kumar. [doi]
- HLTCOE Approaches to Knowledge Base Population at TAC 2009Paul McNamee, Mark Dredze, Adam Gerber, Nikesh Garera, Tim Finin, James Mayfield, Christine D. Piatko, Delip Rao, David Yarowsky, Markus Dreyer. [doi]
- Lexical based two-way RTE System at RTE-5Partha Pakray, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Alexander F. Gelbukh. [doi]
- WB-JRC-UT's Participation in TAC 2009: Update Summarization and AESOP TasksJosef Steinberger, Mijail Kabadjov, Ralf Steinberger, Bruno Pouliquen, Massimo Poesio. [doi]
- The UC3M team at the Knowledge Base Population taskCésar de Pablo-Sánchez, Juan Perea, Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Paloma Martínez. [doi]
- ICTGrasper at TAC2009: Temporal Preferred Update SummarizationJin Zhang, Pan Du, Hongbo Xu, Xueqi Cheng. [doi]
- A simple system for detecting non-entailmentEric Breck. [doi]
- TAC 2009 Update Summarization Task of WUSTMaofu Liu, Bo Yu, Fang Fang, Hao Sun. [doi]
- A Baseline Approach to the RTE5 Search PilotAndrew MacKinlay, Timothy Baldwin. [doi]
- Addressing Discourse and Document Structure in the RTE Search TaskShachar Mirkin, Roy Bar-Haim, Ido Dagan, Eyal Shnarch, Asher Stern 0001, Idan Szpektor, Jonathan Berant. [doi]
- UB.dmirg: A Syntactic Lexical System for Recognizing Textual EntailmentsBahadorreza Ofoghi, John Yearwood. [doi]
- THU QUANTA at TAC 2009 KBP and RTE TrackFangtao Li, Zhicheng Zheng, Fan Bu, Yang Tang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Minlie Huang. [doi]
- The ICSI/UTD Summarization System at TAC 2009Daniel Gillick, Benoît Favre, Dilek Hakkani-Tür, Bernd Bohnet, Yang Liu 0004, Shasha Xie. [doi]
- AUEB at TAC 2009Prodromos Malakasiotis. [doi]
- DAMSEL: The DSTO/Macquarie System for Entity-LinkingMatthew Honnibal, Robert Dale. [doi]
- Using Lexical Resources in a Distance-Based Approach to RTEYashar Mehdad, Elena Cabrio, Matteo Negri, Milen Kouylekov, Bernardo Magnini. [doi]
- NLPR_KBP in TAC 2009 KBP Track: A Two-Stage Method to Entity LinkingXianpei Han, Jun Zhao 0001. [doi]
- Stanford-UBC at TAC-KBPEneko Agirre, Angel X. Chang, Daniel Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Valentin I. Spitkovsky, Eric Yeh. [doi]
- Detecting Textual Entailment with Conditions on Directional Text Relatedness ScoresAlpár Perini. [doi]
- Believe It or Not: Solving the TAC 2009 Textual Entailment Tasks through an Artificial Believer SystemRalf Krestel, René Witte, Sabine Bergler. [doi]
- Cross document person name disambiguation using entity profilesHarish Srinivasan, John Chen, Rohini K. Srihari. [doi]
- PRIS at TAC 2009: Experiments in KBP TrackSi Li, Sanyuan Gao, Zongyu Zhang, Xinsheng Li, Jingyi Guan, Weiran Xu, Jun Guo. [doi]
- TAC 2009 Update Summarization of ICLSujian Li, Wei Wang 0013, Yongwei Zhang. [doi]
- CLASSY 2009: Summarization and MetricsJohn M. Conroy, Judith D. Schlesinger, Dianne P. O'Leary. [doi]
- Semantic Processing for Text Entailment with VENSESRodolfo Delmonte, Sara Tonelli, Rocco Tripodi. [doi]
- A Symbolic Summarizer with 2 Steps of Sentence Selection for TAC 2009Pierre-Etienne Genest, Guy Lapalme, Luka Nerima, Eric Wehrli. [doi]
- Utterance Topic Model for Generating Coherent SummariesPradipto Das, Rohini K. Srihari. [doi]
- Predicting Summary Quality using Limited Human InputAnnie Louis, Ani Nenkova. [doi]
- Summarizing through sense concentration and Contextual Exploration rules: the CHORAL system at TAC 2009Jorge García Flores, Olivier Ferret, Gaël de Chalendar. [doi]
- Alicante University at TAC 2009: Experiments in RTEÓscar Ferrández, Rafael Muñoz, Manuel Palomar. [doi]
- Summarizing with Roget's and with FrameNetTerry Copeck, Alistair Kennedy, Martin Scaiano, Diana Inkpen, Stan Szpakowicz. [doi]
- HUNUS at TAC 2009: with Better Performance in Update Summarization TaskTingting He, Jinguang Chen, Zhuoming Gui, Fang Li. [doi]
- WHU at TAC 2009: A Tri-categorization Approach to Textual Entailment RecognitionHan Ren, Donghong Ji, Jing Wan. [doi]
- OHSU Summarization and Entity Linking SystemsSeeger Fisher, Aaron Dunlop, Brian Roark, Yongshun Chen, Joshua Burmeister. [doi]
- A Joint Syntactic-Semantic Representation for Recognizing Textual RelatednessRui Wang 0005, Yi Zhang 0003, Günter Neumann. [doi]
- HEXTAC: the Creation of a Manual Extractive RunPierre-Etienne Genest, Guy Lapalme, Mehdi Yousfi Monod. [doi]
- BUAP_1: A Naïve Approach to the Entity Linking TaskDavid Pinto, Mireya Tovar, Darnes Vilariño, Beatríz Beltrán, Josefa Somodevilla. [doi]