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- Does Privacy Require True Randomness?Carl Bosley, Yevgeniy Dodis. 1-20 [doi]
- Tackling Adaptive Corruptions in Multicast Encryption ProtocolsSaurabh Panjwani. 21-40 [doi]
- Long-Term Security and Universal ComposabilityJörn Müller-Quade, Dominique Unruh. 41-60 [doi]
- Universally Composable Security with Global SetupRan Canetti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Rafael Pass, Shabsi Walfish. 61-85 [doi]
- Parallel Repetition of Computationally Sound Protocols RevisitedKrzysztof Pietrzak, Douglas Wikström. 86-102 [doi]
- Lower Bounds for Non-interactive Zero-KnowledgeHoeteck Wee. 103-117 [doi]
- Perfect NIZK with Adaptive SoundnessMasayuki Abe, Serge Fehr. 118-136 [doi]
- Security Against Covert Adversaries: Efficient Protocols for Realistic AdversariesYonatan Aumann, Yehuda Lindell. 137-156 [doi]
- On the Necessity of Rewinding in Secure Multiparty ComputationMichael Backes, Jörn Müller-Quade, Dominique Unruh. 157-173 [doi]
- On Expected Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Adversaries: A Suggestion for Restricted Definitions and Their BenefitsOded Goldreich. 174-193 [doi]
- On Best-Possible ObfuscationShafi Goldwasser, Guy N. Rothblum. 194-213 [doi]
- Obfuscation for Cryptographic PurposesDennis Hofheinz, John Malone-Lee, Martijn Stam. 214-232 [doi]
- Securely Obfuscating Re-encryptionSusan Hohenberger, Guy N. Rothblum, Abhi Shelat, Vinod Vaikuntanathan. 233-252 [doi]
- Weakly-Private Secret Sharing SchemesAmos Beimel, Matthew K. Franklin. 253-272 [doi]
- On Secret Sharing Schemes, Matroids and PolymatroidsJaume Martí-Farré, Carles Padró. 273-290 [doi]
- Secure Linear Algebra Using Linearly Recurrent SequencesEike Kiltz, Payman Mohassel, Enav Weinreb, Matthew K. Franklin. 291-310 [doi]
- Towards Optimal and Efficient Perfectly Secure Message TransmissionMatthias Fitzi, Matthew K. Franklin, Juan A. Garay, S. Harsha Vardhan. 311-322 [doi]
- Concurrently-Secure Blind Signatures Without Random Oracles or Setup AssumptionsCarmit Hazay, Jonathan Katz, Chiu-Yuen Koo, Yehuda Lindell. 323-341 [doi]
- Designated Confirmer Signatures RevisitedDouglas Wikström. 342-361 [doi]
- From Weak to Strong WatermarkingNicholas Hopper, David Molnar, David Wagner. 362-382 [doi]
- Private Approximation of Clustering and Vertex CoverAmos Beimel, Renen Hallak, Kobbi Nissim. 383-403 [doi]
- Robuster Combiners for Oblivious TransferRemo Meier, Bartosz Przydatek, Jürg Wullschleger. 404-418 [doi]
- One-Way Permutations, Interactive Hashing and Statistically Hiding CommitmentsHoeteck Wee. 419-433 [doi]
- Towards a Separation of Semantic and CCA Security for Public Key EncryptionYael Gertner, Tal Malkin, Steven Myers. 434-455 [doi]
- Unifying Classical and Quantum Key DistillationMatthias Christandl, Artur Ekert, Michal Horodecki, Pawel Horodecki, Jonathan Oppenheim, Renato Renner. 456-478 [doi]
- Intrusion-Resilient Key Exchange in the Bounded Retrieval ModelDavid Cash, Yan Zong Ding, Yevgeniy Dodis, Wenke Lee, Richard J. Lipton, Shabsi Walfish. 479-498 [doi]
- (Password) Authenticated Key Establishment: From 2-Party to GroupMichel Abdalla, Jens-Matthias Bohli, Maria Isabel Gonzalez Vasco, Rainer Steinwandt. 499-514 [doi]
- Multi-authority Attribute Based EncryptionMelissa Chase. 515-534 [doi]
- Conjunctive, Subset, and Range Queries on Encrypted DataDan Boneh, Brent Waters. 535-554 [doi]
- How to Shuffle in PublicBen Adida, Douglas Wikström. 555-574 [doi]
- Evaluating Branching Programs on Encrypted DataYuval Ishai, Anat Paskin. 575-594 [doi]