Abstract is missing.
- NLP Track at TREC-5Tomek Strzalkowski, Karen Sparck Jones. [doi]
- Rutgers Interactive Track at TREC-5Nicholas J. Belkin, A. Cabezas, Colleen Cool, K. Kim, Kwong Bor Ng, Soyeon Park, R. Pressman, Soo Young Rieh, Pamela A. Savage-Knepshield, H. Xie. [doi]
- Experiments on Routing, Filtering and Chinese Text Retrieval in TREC-5Chong-Wah Ngo, Kok F. Lai. [doi]
- InTEXT Automatic Query Enhancement in TREC-5Richard L. Jones, Mark Burnett, D. Lewis Pape. [doi]
- CLARIT Compound Queries and Constraint-Controlled Feedback in TREC-5 Ad-Hoc ExperimentsNatasa Milic-Frayling, David A. Evans, Xiang Tong, ChengXiang Zhai.
- Evaluation of Syntactic Phrase Indexing -- CLARIT NLP Track ReportXiang Tong, ChengXiang Zhai, Natasa Milic-Frayling, David A. Evans. [doi]
- An Investigation of Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Linear and Probabilistic ModelsRobert G. Sumner Jr., William M. Shaw Jr.. [doi]
- New Experiments In Cross-Language Text Retrieval At NMSU s Computing Research LabMark W. Davis. [doi]
- Report on the TREC-5 Experiment: Data Fusion and Collection FusionJacques Savoy, Anne Le Calvé, Dana Vrajitoru.
- Berkeley Chinese Information Retrieval at TREC-5: Technical ReportJianzhang He, Jack Xu, Aitao Chen, Jason Meggs, Fredric C. Gey. [doi]
- CRL English Routing System for TREC-5James R. Cowie, Zhiqiang Guan. [doi]
- Experiments with TREC using the Open Text Livelink EngineLarry Fitzpatrick, Mei Dent, Gary Promhouse. [doi]
- V-Twin: A Lightweight Engine for Interactive UseDaniel E. Rose, Curt Stevens. [doi]
- SPIDER Retrieval System at TREC-5Jean Paul Ballerini, Marco Büchel, Ruxandra Domenig, Daniel Knaus, Bojidar Mateev, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble, Paraic Sheridan, Martin Wechsler. [doi]
- Data Fusion of Machine-Learning Methods for the TREC5 Routing Task (and other work)Kwong Bor Ng, David Loewenstern, Chumki Basu, Haym Hirsh, Paul B. Kantor. [doi]
- Information Retrieval and Trainable Natural Language ProcessingJohn D. Burger, John S. Aberdeen, David D. Palmer. [doi]
- The GURU System in TREC-5Yael Ravin. [doi]
- Using Relevance Feedback within the Relational Model for TREC-5David A. Grossman, Carol Lundquist, John Reichart, David O. Holmes, Abdur Chowdhury, Ophir Frieder. [doi]
- TREC-5 Interactive Track ReportPaul Over. [doi]
- Report on the Glasgow IR group (glair4) submissionMark Sanderson, Ian Ruthven. [doi]
- Overview of the Fifth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-5)Ellen M. Voorhees, Donna Harman. [doi]
- Ad Hoc Experiments Using EUREKAX. Allan Lu, Maen Ayoub, Jianhua Dong. [doi]
- Okapi at TREC-5Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu, Mike Gatford, Xiangji Huang, Stephen E. Robertson, Steve Walker, P. W. Williams. [doi]
- The TREC-5 Database Merging TrackEllen M. Voorhees. [doi]
- Corpus Analysis for TREC 5 Query ExpansionSusan Gauch, Jianying Wang. [doi]
- ANU/ACSys TREC-5 ExperimentsDavid Hawking, Paul B. Thistlewaite, Peter Bailey. [doi]
- Interactive Substring Retrieval (MultiText Experiments for TREC-5)Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack. [doi]
- Using Bayesian Networks as Retrieval EnginesMaria Indrawan, Desra Ghazíon, Bala Srinivasan. [doi]
- The TREC-5 Filtering TrackDavid D. Lewis. [doi]
- Parallel Techniques For Efficient Searching Over Very Large Text CollectionsBasilis Mamalis, Paul G. Spirakis, Basil Tampakas. [doi]
- Using Query Zoning and Correlation Within SMART: TREC 5Chris Buckley, Amit Singhal, Mandar Mitra. [doi]
- The MDS Experiments for TREC5Marcin Kaszkiel, Phil Vines, Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel. [doi]
- OCR Correction and Query Expansion for Retrieval on OCR Data -- CLARIT TREC-5 Confusion Track ReportXiang Tong, ChengXiang Zhai, Natasa Milic-Frayling, David A. Evans. [doi]
- Experiments on Chinese Text Indexing -- CLARIT TREC-5 Chinese Track ReportXiang Tong, ChengXiang Zhai, Natasa Milic-Frayling, David A. Evans. [doi]
- Metric Multidimensional Information SpaceGregory B. Newby. [doi]
- Report on the TREC-5 Confusion TrackPaul B. Kantor, Ellen M. Voorhees. [doi]
- Term importance, Boolean conjunct training, negative terms, and foreign language retrieval: probabilistic algorithms at TREC-5Fredric C. Gey, Aitao Chen, Jianzhang He, Liangjie Xu, Jason Meggs. [doi]
- Mercure02: adhoc and routing tasksMohand Boughanem, C. Soulé-Dupuy. [doi]
- Natural Language Information Retrieval: TREC-5 ReportTomek Strzalkowski, Louise Guthrie, Jussi Karlgren, Jim Leistensnider, Fang Lin, Jose Perez Carballo, Troy Straszheim, Jing Wang, Jon Wilding. [doi]
- Using Relevance to Train a Linear Mixture of ExpertsChristopher C. Vogt, Garrison W. Cottrell, Richard K. Belew, Brian T. Bartell. [doi]
- INQUERY at TREC-5James Allan, James P. Callan, W. Bruce Croft, Lisa Ballesteros, John Broglio, Jinxi Xu, Hongming Shu. [doi]
- Xerox TREC-5 Site Report: Routing, Filtering, NLP, and Spanish TracksDavid A. Hull, Gregory Grefenstette, B. Maximilian Schulze, Éric Gaussier, Hinrich Schütze, Jan O. Pedersen. [doi]
- TREC-5 Ad Hoc Retrieval Using K Nearest-Neighbors Re-ScoringErnest P. Chan, Santiago Garcia, Salim Roukos. [doi]
- TREC-5 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCSK. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld. [doi]
- Document Retrieval Using The MPS Information Server (A Report on the TREC-5 Experiment)François Schiettecatte. [doi]
- TREC-5 Experiments at Dublin City University: Query Space Reduction, Spanish & Character Shape EncodingFergus Kelledy, Alan F. Smeaton. [doi]