Abstract is missing.
- Getting to Know Your CorpusAdam Kilgarriff. 3-15 [doi]
- Coreference Resolution: To What Extent Does It Help NLP Applications?Ruslan Mitkov, Richard Evans, Constantin Orasan, Iustin Dornescu, Miguel Rios. 16-27 [doi]
- Semantic Similarity Functions in Word Sense DisambiguationLukasz Kobylinski, Mateusz Kopec. 31-38 [doi]
- Opinion Mining on a German Corpus of a Media Response AnalysisThomas Scholz, Stefan Conrad, Lutz Hillekamps. 39-46 [doi]
- The Soundex Phonetic Algorithm Revisited for SMS Text RepresentationDavid Pinto, Darnes Vilariño Ayala, Yuridiana Alemán, Helena Gómez-Adorno, Nahun Loya, Héctor Jiménez-Salazar. 47-55 [doi]
- Sentence Modality Assignment in the Prague Dependency TreebankMagda Sevcíková, Jirí Mírovský. 56-63 [doi]
- Literacy Demands and Information to Cancer PatientsDimitrios Kokkinakis, Markus Forsberg, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Frida Smith, Joakim Öhlen. 64-71 [doi]
- Expanding Opinion Attribute LexiconsAleksander Wawer, Konrad Goluchowski. 72-80 [doi]
- Taggers Gonna Tag: An Argument against Evaluating Disambiguation Capacities of Morphosyntactic TaggersAdam Radziszewski, Szymon Acedanski. 81-87 [doi]
- An Ambiguity Aware Treebank Search ToolMarcin Wolinski, Andrzej Zaborowski. 88-94 [doi]
- A New Annotation Tool for Aligned Bilingual CorporaGeorgios Petasis, Mara Tsoumari. 95-104 [doi]
- Optimizing Sentence Boundary Detection for CroatianFrane Saric, Jan Snajder, Bojana Dalbelo Basic. 105-111 [doi]
- Mining the Web for Idiomatic Expressions Using Metalinguistic MarkersFilip Gralinski. 112-118 [doi]
- Using Tree Transducers for Detecting Errors in a Treebank of PolishKatarzyna Krasnowska, Witold Kieras, Marcin Wolinski, Adam Przepiórkowski. 119-126 [doi]
- Combining Manual and Automatic Annotation of a Learner CorpusTomas Jelinek, Barbora Stindlová, Alexandr Rosen, Jirka Hana. 127-134 [doi]
- A Manually Annotated Corpus of Pharmaceutical PatentsMárton Kiss, Ágoston Nagy, Veronika Vincze, Attila Almási, Zoltán Alexin, János Csirik. 135-142 [doi]
- Large-Scale Experiments with NP Chunking of PolishAdam Radziszewski, Adam Pawlaczek. 143-149 [doi]
- Mapping a Lexical Semantic Resource to a Common Framework of Computational LexiconsMilena Slavcheva. 150-157 [doi]
- The Rule-Based Approach to Czech Grammaticalized AlternationsVáclava Kettnerová, Markéta Lopatková, Zdenka Uresová. 158-165 [doi]
- Semi-supervised Acquisition of Croatian Sentiment LexiconGoran Glavas, Jan Snajder, Bojana Dalbelo Basic. 166-173 [doi]
- Towards a Constraint Grammar Based Morphological Tagger for CroatianHrvoje Peradin, Jan Snajder. 174-182 [doi]
- A Type-Theoretical Wide-Coverage Computational Grammar for SwedishMalin Ahlberg, Ramona Enache. 183-190 [doi]
- Application of Lemmatization and Summarization Methods in Topic Identification Module for Large Scale Language Modeling Data FilteringLucie Skorkovská. 191-198 [doi]
- Experiments and Results with Diacritics Restoration in RomanianCristian Grozea. 199-206 [doi]
- Supervised Distributional Semantic RelatednessAlistair Kennedy, Stan Szpakowicz. 207-214 [doi]
- PSI-Toolkit - How to Turn a Linguist into a Computational LinguistKrzysztof Jassem. 215-222 [doi]
- Heterogeneous Named Entity Similarity FunctionJan Kocon, Maciej Piasecki. 223-231 [doi]
- Joint Part-of-Speech Tagging and Named Entity Recognition Using Factor GraphsGyörgy Móra, Veronika Vincze. 232-239 [doi]
- Assigning Deep Lexical TypesJoão Silva, António Branco. 240-247 [doi]
- SBFC: An Efficient Feature Frequency-Based Approach to Tackle Cross-Lingual Word Sense DisambiguationDieter Mourisse, Els Lefever, Nele Verbiest, Yvan Saeys, Martine De Cock, Chris Cornelis. 248-255 [doi]
- Dependency Relations Labeller for CzechRudolf Rosa, David Marecek. 256-263 [doi]
- Preliminary Study on Automatic Induction of Rules for Recognition of Semantic Relations between Proper Names in Polish TextsMichal Marcinczuk, Marcin Ptak. 264-271 [doi]
- Actionable Clause Detection from Non-imperative Sentences in Howto Instructions: A Step for Actionable Information ExtractionJihee Ryu, Yuchul Jung, Sung-Hyon Myaeng. 272-281 [doi]
- Authorship Attribution: Comparison of Single-Layer and Double-Layer Machine LearningJan Rygl, Ales Horák. 282-289 [doi]
- Key Phrase Extraction of Lightly Filtered Broadcast NewsLuís Marujo, Ricardo Ribeiro 0001, David Martins de Matos, João Paulo Neto, Anatole Gershman, Jaime G. Carbonell. 290-297 [doi]
- Using a Double Clustering Approach to Build Extractive Multi-document SummariesSara Botelho Silveira, António Branco. 298-305 [doi]
- A Comparative Study of the Impact of Statistical and Semantic Features in the Framework of Extractive Text SummarizationTatiana Vodolazova, Elena Lloret, Rafael Muñoz, Manuel Palomar. 306-313 [doi]
- Using Dependency-Based Annotations for Authorship IdentificationCharles Hollingsworth. 314-319 [doi]
- A Space-Efficient Phrase Table Implementation Using Minimal Perfect Hash FunctionsMarcin Junczys-Dowmunt. 320-327 [doi]
- Common Sense Inference Using Verb Valency FramesZuzana Neverilová, Marek Grác. 328-335 [doi]
- A Genetic Programming Experiment in Natural Language Grammar EngineeringMarcin Junczys-Dowmunt. 336-344 [doi]
- User Modeling for Language Learning in FacebookMaria Virvou, Christos Troussas, Jaime Caro, Kurt Junshean Espinosa. 345-352 [doi]
- Detection of Semantic Compositionality Using Semantic SpacesLubomír Krcmár, Karel Jezek, Massimo Poesio. 353-361 [doi]
- User Adaptation in a Hybrid MT System - Feeding User Corrections into Synchronous Grammars and System DictionariesSusanne Preuß, Hajo Keffer, Paul Schmidt, Georgios I. Goumas, Athanasia Asiki, Ioannis Konstantinou. 362-369 [doi]
- Using Cognates to Improve Lexical Alignment SystemsMirabela Navlea, Amalia Todirascu. 370-377 [doi]
- Disambiguating Word Translations with Target Language ModelsAndré Lynum, Erwin Marsi, Lars Bungum, Björn Gambäck. 378-385 [doi]
- English-Vietnamese Machine Translation of Proper Names - Error Analysis and Some Proposed SolutionsThi Thanh Thao Phan, Izabella Thomas. 386-393 [doi]
- Improved Phrase Translation Modeling Using MAP AdaptationA. Ryan Aminzadeh, Jennifer Drexler, Timothy Anderson, Wade Shen. 394-402 [doi]
- A Romanian Language Corpus for a Commercial Text-To-Speech ApplicationMihai Alexandru Ordean, Andrei Saupe, Mihaela Ordean, Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi, Corina Giurgea. 405-414 [doi]
- Making Community and ASR Join Forces in Web EnvironmentOldrich Kruza, Nino Peterek. 415-421 [doi]
- Unsupervised Synchronization of Hidden Subtitles with Audio Track Using Keyword Spotting AlgorithmPetr Stanislav, Jan Svec, Lubos Smídl. 422-430 [doi]
- Did You Say What I Think You Said? - Towards a Language-Based Measurement of a Speech Recognizer's ConfidenceBernd Ludwig, Ludwig Hitzenberger. 431-437 [doi]
- Dealing with Numbers in Grapheme-Based Speech RecognitionMilos Janda, Martin Karafiát, Jan Cernocký. 438-445 [doi]
- Discretion of Speech Units for the Text Post-processing Phase of Automatic Transcription (in the Czech Language)Svatava Skodová, Michaela Kucharová, Ladislav Seps. 446-455 [doi]
- On the Impact of Annotation Errors on Unit-Selection Speech SynthesisJindrich Matousek, Daniel Tihelka, Lubos Smídl. 456-463 [doi]
- Analysis of the Influence of Speech Corpora in the PLDA Verification in the Task of Speaker RecognitionLukás Machlica, Zbynek Zajíc. 464-471 [doi]
- Adaptive Language Modeling with a Set of Domain Dependent ModelsYangyang Shi, Pascal Wiggers, Catholijn M. Jonker. 472-479 [doi]
- Robust Adaptation Techniques Dealing with Small Amount of DataZbynek Zajíc, Lukás Machlica, Ludek Müller. 480-487 [doi]
- Language Modeling of Nonverbal Vocalizations in Spontaneous SpeechDmytro Prylipko, Bogdan Vlasenko, Andreas Stolcke, Andreas Wendemuth. 488-495 [doi]
- Acoustic Segmentation Using Group Delay Functions and Its Relevance to Spoken Keyword SpottingSrikanth R. Madikeri, Hema A. Murthy. 496-504 [doi]
- An In-Car Speech Recognition System for Disabled DriversJozef Ivanecký, Stephan Mehlhase. 505-512 [doi]
- Captioning of Live TV Programs through Speech Recognition and Re-speakingAles Prazák, Zdenek Loose, Jan Trmal, Josef V. Psutka, Josef Psutka. 513-519 [doi]
- Investigation on Most Frequent Errors in Large-Scale Speech Recognition ApplicationsMarek Bohac, Jan Nouza, Karel Blavka. 520-527 [doi]
- Neural Network Language Model with CacheDaniel Soutner, Zdenek Loose, Ludek Müller, Ales Prazák. 528-534 [doi]
- TENOR: A Lexical Normalisation Tool for Spanish Web 2.0 TextsAlejandro Mosquera, Paloma Moreda. 535-542 [doi]
- A Bilingual HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System for Closely Related LanguagesTadej Justin, Miran Pobar, Ivo Ipsic, France Mihelic, Janez Zibert. 543-550 [doi]
- The Role of Nasal Contexts on Quality of Vowel ConcatenationsMilan Legát, Radek Skarnitzl. 551-558 [doi]
- Analysis and Assessment of State Relevance in HMM-Based Feature Extraction MethodRok Gajsek, Simon Dobrisek, France Mihelic. 559-565 [doi]
- On the Impact of Non-speech Sounds on Speaker RecognitionArtur Janicki. 566-572 [doi]
- Automatic Rating of Hoarseness by Text-based Cepstral and Prosodic EvaluationTino Haderlein, Cornelia Moers, Bernd Möbius, Elmar Nöth. 573-580 [doi]
- Improving the Classification of Healthy and Pathological Continuous SpeechKlára Vicsi, Viktor Imre, Gábor Kiss. 581-588 [doi]
- Using Foot-Syllable Grammars to Customize Speech Recognizers for Dialogue SystemsDaniel Couto Vale, Vivien Mast. 591-598 [doi]
- Coupled Pragmatic and Semantic Automata in Spoken Dialogue ManagementJolanta Bachan. 599-606 [doi]
- Exploration of Metaphor and Affect Sensing Using Semantic Interpretation in an Intelligent AgentLi Zhang. 607-615 [doi]
- Sentence Classification with Grammatical Errors and Those Out of Scope of Grammar Assumption for Dialogue-Based CALL SystemsYu Nagai, Tomohisa Senzai, Seiichi Yamamoto, Masafumi Nishida. 616-623 [doi]
- Spoken Dialogue System Design in 3 WeeksTomás Valenta, Jan Svec, Lubos Smídl. 624-631 [doi]
- Integrating Dialogue Systems with ImagesIvan Kopecek, Radek Oslejsek, Jaromír Plhák. 632-639 [doi]
- Natural Language Understanding: From Laboratory Predictions to Real InteractionsPedro Mota, Luísa Coheur, Sérgio Curto, Pedro Fialho. 640-647 [doi]
- Unsupervised Clustering of Prosodic Patterns in Spontaneous SpeechAndrás Beke, György Szaszák. 648-655 [doi]
- Czech Expressive Speech Synthesis in Limited Domain - Comparison of Unit Selection and HMM-Based ApproachesMartin Gruber, Zdenek Hanzlícek. 656-664 [doi]
- Aggression Detection in Speech Using Sensor and Semantic InformationIulia Lefter, Léon J. M. Rothkrantz, Gertjan J. Burghouts. 665-672 [doi]
- Question Classification with Active LearningDomen Marincic, Tomaz Kompara, Matjaz Gams. 673-680 [doi]
- 2B$ - Testing Past Algorithms in Nowadays WebHugo Rodrigues, Luísa Coheur. 681-688 [doi]
- Morphological Resources for Precise Information RetrievalAnne-Laure Ligozat, Brigitte Grau, Delphine Tribout. 689-696 [doi]